See also: Liveable Livable Liveablity Live Lively Livelihood Livery Livestock Liveliness Lived Liven Livability Livestream Liveried Liveability Liver Long
1. Search Liveableness and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso
2. You can complete the definition of Liveableness given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster
Liveableness, Lexilogos, Lexibase
3. Liveableness in a sentence and translation of Liveableness in English dictionary with audio pronunciation by
4. Liveable means fit or enjoyable to live in. Liveable may mean meets the minimum standards of habituation, but most often liveable means is pleasant to live in. Liveable enters the English language in the seventeenth century with the meaning likely to survive, within fifty years the definition comes to mean suitable for living in. Liveable is an adjective, the noun forms are liveability and Liveableness.
Liveable, Live, Language, Likely, Living, Liveability, Liveableness
5. Translation for 'Liveableness' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations.
6. Lighting elements have been specially designed to integrate the sound-absorbing panels, thus contributing to improve the Liveableness of the environment.
Lighting, Liveableness
7. Synonyms for Liveableness in Free Thesaurus
8. ''Ranking offenders through the use of fine distinctions is like ranking colleges or the 'Liveableness' of cities with numerical scores that reach 10 places past a decimal point,'' Justice Breyer
Like, Liveableness
9. Liveableness in a sentence and translation of Liveableness in English dictionary with audio pronunciation by 6
10. Liveable is an adjective, the noun forms are liveability and Liveableness
Liveable, Liveability, Liveableness
11. Lighting elements have been specially designed to integrate the sound-absorbing panels, thus contributing to improve the Liveableness of the environment.
Lighting, Liveableness
12. Livableness (ˈlivableness) or Liveableness (ˈLiveableness) or livability (ˌlivaˈbility) or liveability (ˌliveaˈbility) noun
Livableness, Liveableness, Livability, Liva, Liveability, Livea
13. The Liveableness and perception value • preserve the esthetical and historical and/or architectural identity (in historical centres) • specific design with a variety in pavement types, element shapes and colours • a certain surface texture or colour for a certain image • quality of the outside environment;
14. Where the Liveableness of such Crown-held accommodation is significantly reduced, provision exists under section 25.15 for a deficiency adjustment
15. The word Liveableness is playable in Words With Friends™, no blanks required
16. Words With Friends™ Letter Score: 22 Highest Scoring Words With Friends™ Plays In The Letters Liveableness:
Letter, Letters, Liveableness
17. We need not care whether they could prove the forty-seventh proposition; they do a better thing than that, they practically demonstrate the great Theorem of the Liveableness of Life.
Liveableness, Life
18. Ranking offenders through the use of fine distinctions is like ranking colleges or the "Liveableness" of cities with numerical scores that reach ten places past a decimal point
Like, Liveableness
19. The great Theorem of the Liveableness of Life: Bring them all along: So to speak: In the middle: In the middle from omphalos on Vimeo
Liveableness, Life
20. Loveableness translation in English - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Liveableness',loveable',loveless',lovableness', examples, definition, conjugation
Loveableness, Liveableness, Loveable, Loveless, Lovableness
21. The cockpit of the first version is composed of a large sofa thus allowing a great Liveableness of the external space
Large, Liveableness
22. Habitability refers to the overall “Liveableness” of a residence
23. Liveableness acetometrical CTERM spur-shaped socially
24. Arezzo is a city in eastern Tuscany with Etruscan origins, positioned at the intersection of four valleys, which has a Liveableness of a city of medium size
25. A crucial point in urban sustainable development is to evaluate the impact that future planning alternatives has on the main factors affecting the citizens Liveableness, as the development of the urban heat island or the carbon emissions level
Liveableness, Level
26. Where the Liveableness of such Crown-held accommodation is significantly reduced, provision exists under section 25.15 for a deficiency adjustment
27. Here we meet him at his most undogmatically optimistic, as he affirms a wholesome faith in “the Liveableness of Life”
Liveableness, Life
28. Like mentioned earlier, it could be the dearth of transactions in City Hall given it’s character as a business CBD, or that higher prices are in Tanjong Pagar and Outram Park are indeed reflecting its enhanced Liveableness.
Like, Liveableness
29. Here we meet him at his most undogmatically optimistic, as he affirms a wholesome faith in “the Liveableness of Life”
Liveableness, Life