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See also: Lithospheric Lithosphere The Tectonic Lithe Lithograph Lithium Lithography Lithotripsy Lithification Lithic Lithology Lith Lithotomy Lithesome Lithromantic

1. / ˌlɪθ.əˈsfer.ɪk / relating to the lithosphere (= the solid outer layer of the earth): The outer shell of the Earth is divided into rigid Lithospheric plates

Lithosphere, Layer, Lithospheric

2. They will be examining the physical properties of Lithospheric


3. Lithospheric Processes cause magmatism, mantle dynamics, and faulting, which in turn shape the Earth’s ever-changing surface


4. We study the effects of Lithospheric Processes with a diverse set of tools


5. Lithospheric plates are regions of Earth 's crust and upper mantle that are fractured into plates that move across a deeper plasticine mantle


6. Earth's crust is fractured into 13 major and approximately 20 total Lithospheric plates.


7. The latest tweets from @Lithospheric

Latest, Lithospheric

8. The Center for Lithospheric Studies The Center for Lithospheric Studies is a research institute devoted to the study of the lithosphere through geophysical and geochemical means

Lithospheric, Lithosphere

9. Despite periods of Lithospheric thinning during the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic eons, the lithosphere beneath many cratons seems to always ‘heal’, …

Lithospheric, Lithosphere

10. Lithospheric definition: of or relating to the lithosphere Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Lithospheric, Lithosphere

11. (b) Growth/preservation rate of the present-day continental lithosphere (crust + Lithospheric mantle) calculated on a 1ox1o grid from the global model of Lithospheric thickness TC1 (Figure 9) with age steps of 0.2 Ga (black line) and 0.3 Ga (gray line)

Lithosphere, Lithospheric, Line

12. The peak in Lithospheric growth at ca


13. ‘They are interpreted to have been derived from subduction modified Lithospheric and asthenospheric mantle sources.’ ‘These features of the Moine succession are instead most consistent with accumulation in a regionally extensive shallow marine basin formed during subsidence following initial Lithospheric


14. Lithospheric foundering induces an asthenospheric drag force, which drives continued underthrusting of the Indian continental lithosphere and shortening and thickening of the Northern Tibetan lithosphere.

Lithospheric, Lithosphere

15. Tinental Lithospheric mantle (SCLM), as sampled in kimberlites and other volcanic rocks, have not oper-ated in Phanerozoic time


16. Abstract We present the LITHO1.0 model, which is a 1° tessellated model of the crust and uppermost mantle of the Earth, extending into the upper mantle to include the Lithospheric lid and underlying asthenosphere.

Lithospheric, Lid

17. One manifestation of the Lithospheric rigidity is the flexural response of the earth's surface when it is subjected to vertical loads.

Lithospheric, Loads

18. The Crustal and Lithospheric Dynamics Group at USC are involved in a collaborative program of research into the mechanics of plate-boundary deformation


19. Until an equilibrium Lithospheric thickness of ~220 km is reached


20. Basal drag model: correlation of plate velocities with Lithospheric thickness and cratonic area


21. Unlike Lithospheric minerals, which can be definitively interpreted as having an eclogitic or peridotitic paragenesis using traditional major elemental classification schemes 21, subLithospheric


22. 4 Lithospheric plates that are becoming smaller due to being subducted along 1 or more margins


23. The Lithospheric plate that has a continent which has no mainland active volcanoes.


24. Despite periods of Lithospheric thinning during the Proterozoic and Phanerozoic eons, the lithosphere beneath many cratons seems to always 'heal', returning to a thickness of 150 to 200 kilometres 10-12; similar Lithospheric thicknesses are thought to have existed since Archaean times 3,13-15.

Lithospheric, Lithosphere

25. ARTICLES Lithospheric layering in the North American craton Huaiyu Yuan1 & Barbara Romanowicz1 How cratons—extremely stable continental areas of the Earth’s crust—formed and remained largely unchanged for more

Lithospheric, Layering, Largely

26. Where F denotes the force, D is the Lithospheric depth, and R is the Earth’s mean radius


27. Continental Lithospheric temperatures are commonly assumed to be steady state, i.e., heat flow out of the surface is in balance with the heat flow that is advected into the base of the lithosphere and the heat produced by radioactive decay inside the …

Lithospheric, Lithosphere

28. Using scattering of teleseismic shear waves beneath rifted zones and adjacent areas in Southern California, we resolve the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary and Lithospheric thickness

Lithosphere, Lithospheric

29. Beside above, what is Lithospheric plates? Lithospheric plates are regions of Earth's crust and upper mantle that are fractured into plates that move across a deeper plasticine mantle


30. Each Lithospheric plate is composed of a layer of oceanic crust or …

Lithospheric, Layer

31. The low-temperature samples of the present study are relevant proxies for natural Lithospheric diamonds, and their isotopic signatures show that all Lithospheric diamonds, whether monocrystalline or fibrous, grow from oxidized carbon species dissolved in hydrous melt or fluids through redox mechanisms involving carbonate fluid or melt reduction

Low, Lithospheric

32. A comparison of Lithospheric thickness models Bernhard Steinbergera,b,⁎,ThorstenW.Beckerc a GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Telegrafenberg, 14473 Potsdam, Germany b Centre for Earth Evolution and Dynamics, University of Oslo, PO Box 1028, 0315 Oslo, Norway c Jackson School of Geoscience, The University of Texas at Austin, 10100 Burnet Road (R2200), Austin, TX 78758-4445, …


33. Synonyms for Lithospheric in Free Thesaurus


34. What are synonyms for Lithospheric?


35. Lithospheric plate synonyms, Lithospheric plate pronunciation, Lithospheric plate translation, English dictionary definition of Lithospheric plate


36. Lithospheric mantle assimilation controls the composition of kimberlites at surface The linear correlations observed between the mean Mg# of olivine rims and cores ( Fig

Lithospheric, Linear

37. Instead, Lithospheric mantle beneath the crust is the likely source of the gold, which may have been anomalously enriched by metasomatic processes

Lithospheric, Likely

38. However, the role of gold enrichment and metasomatism in the Lithospheric mantle remains unclear.


39. Compositional variation with time is also apparent in the Mesozoic Lithospheric mantle


40. Our data suggest that the old Lithospheric mantle was modified during Mesozoic times by a silicic melt, where beneath the Luxi–Jiaodong region it was severely modified, but in the Luzhong and Taihangshan regions the effects were much less marked.

Lithospheric, Luxi, Luzhong, Less

41. A Lithospheric resistivity model deduced from 2-D and 3-D inversions of long-period magnetotelluric (MT) data shows low resistive Lithospheric mantle, which can be best explained by a combination of a small amount of interconnected melts and aqueous fluid in the upper mantle

Lithospheric, Long, Low

42. Nature of the Mesozoic Lithospheric mantle and tectonic decoupling beneath the Dabie Orogen, Central China: Evidence from 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, elemental and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic compositions of early Cretaceous mafic igneous rocks


43. Lithospheric structure of the south-central United States


44. Recent seismic data in the Ouachita Mountains area and the Gulf of Mexico make it possible to construct a Lithospheric-scale cross section (transect) from the midcontinent region to the gulf


45. The Department of Geosciences at Utah State University (USU), Logan, invites applications for an academic-year (9-month), tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Lithospheric dynamics and evolution, anticipated to begin August 2022

Logan, Lithospheric

46. Lithospheric structure is an important source of information for understanding reactivation and destruction mechanism of the NCC


47. In this study, SRF and CCP were used to image Lithospheric structure in the NCC


48. Our results with good station coverage and resolution reveal detailed Lithospheric structural variation beneath the northeastern NCC.


49. The lithosphere is the outermost, relatively rigid shell of the Earth, made up of the crust and the underlying Lithospheric mantle

Lithosphere, Lithospheric

50. Beneath the continents, the subcontinental Lithospheric mantle (SCLM) varies widely in thickness, from a few tens of kilometers beneath active rift zones to >250 km beneath some ancient cratonic blocks.


51. Seismic Evidence for a Detached Indian Lithospheric Mantle Beneath Tibet



LITHOSPHERIC [ˌliTHəˈsferik, -ˈsfi(ə)r-]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does lithosphere mean?

Definition of lithosphere. : the solid part of a celestial body (such as the earth) specifically : the outer part of the solid earth composed of rock essentially like that exposed at the surface, consisting of the crust and outermost layer of the mantle, and usually considered to be about 60 miles (100 kilometers) in thickness.

What are some facts about the lithosphere?

The lithosphere is the solid outer section of Earth which includes Earth's crust (the "skin" of rock on the outer layer of planet Earth), as well as the underlying cool, dense, and fairly rigid upper part of the upper mantle. The lithosphere extends from the surface of Earth to a depth of about 44-62 mi (70-100 km).

How do you describe the lithosphere?

Summary The lithosphere is the brittle crust and uppermost mantle. The asthenosphere is a solid but it can flow, like toothpaste. The lithosphere rests on the asthenosphere.

What are the characteristics of the lithosphere?

Another distinguishing characteristic of the lithosphere is its flow properties. Under the influence of the low-intensity, long-term stresses that drive tectonic motion, the lithosphere is like a rigid shell. It changes mainly by breaking ("brittle failure").

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