Use Lithogenesis in a sentence

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1. Lithiasis is a chronic condition but the role of heavy metals including lead and others in the Lithogenesis and health of host organs of calculi is unclear and much debated [5,17]

Lithiasis, Lead, Lithogenesis

2. Lithogenesis definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation


3. Lithogenesis meaning (geology) The formation of sedimentary rock.


4. Lithogenesis \- ˈjen- ə- səs \ noun, plural lithogeneses \- ˌsēz \ Learn More about lithogenic

Lithogenesis, Lithogeneses, Learn, Lithogenic

5. Lithogenesis (uncountable) (geology) The formation of sedimentary rock (pathology) The formation of calculi (stony concretions)


6. Lithogenesis: induction of renal calcifications by nanobacteria. Shiekh FA (1), Khullar M, Singh SK.


7. Lithogenesis - Online Electronic Medical Dictionary Terminology, Articles, Glossary


8. Humid marine Lithogenesis is represented by sediments of the White, Baltic, Black, and Mediterranean seas. Genetic link of marine clay formation with soil-climatic zones is clearly manifested in recent sediments of the World Ocean.

Lithogenesis, Link

9. Smith: Lithogenesis 62 ‘Lithogenesis’: Towards a (Geo)Poetics of Place Jos Smith University of Exeter _____ Abstract: Stone and geology have proved themselves appealing to twentieth- and twenty- first-century authors concerned with place-writing and the development of place- consciousness more widely.


10. Lithogenesis is the materialist foundation (phenology) of naturalism. It implies that while consciousness is not a computer the body is


11. Lithogenesis and Hypovitaminosis In earlier times, prior to 100 years ago, lithiasis, particularly of renal origin, was much more prevalent than it is today

Lithogenesis, Lithiasis

12. Lithogenesis the complex of natural processes in the formation and subsequent changes of sedimentary rocks. The principal factors in Lithogenesis are tectonic movements and climate.


13. Bile Metabolism and Lithogenesis: An Update


14. The results suggest that a patient urinary calcium : citrate ratio > 0.25 indicates severe Lithogenesis (with a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 57%). After linear regression analysis, we found that the urinary citrate level is an independent factor associated with the changes in bone densitometry T-score values of patients.

Lithogenesis, Linear, Level

15. Glacial, Arid, and Volcanic-Sedimentary Types of Lithogenesis and their Peculiarities


16. Lithogenesis answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine


17. The results suggest that a patient urinary calcium : citrate ratio > 0.25 indicates severe Lithogenesis (with a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 57%)


18. Lithogenesis the complex of natural processes in the formation and subsequent changes of sedimentary rocks


19. The principal factors in Lithogenesis are tectonic movements and climate.


20. According to Kober the whole process of moun­tain building passes through three closely linked stages of Lithogenesis, orogenesis and gliptogenesis

Linked, Lithogenesis

21. This preparatory stage of mountain building is called Lithogenesis.


22. Lithogenesis of a distinctive carbonate rock fabric Gordon E


23. What does lithogenesy mean? Archaic form of Lithogenesis

Lithogenesy, Lithogenesis

24. All is Lithogenesis—or lochia, C

Lithogenesis, Lochia

25. Mechanisms of Biliary Stasis in Cholesterol Lithogenesis Moody, Frank G


26. Learn how to say Lithogenesis with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.Definition and meaning can be found here:

Learn, Lithogenesis, Li

27. Mechanisms of Biliary Stasis in Cholesterol Lithogenesis Moody, Frank G


28. T1 - Bile metabolism and Lithogenesis


29. Many similarities exist between experimental Lithogenesis induced in rats and humans


30. Lithogenesis translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'lithe',lightness',likeness',lighten', examples, definition, conjugation

Lithogenesis, Lithe, Lightness, Likeness, Lighten

31. Request PDF On Sep 1, 2004, Michel Daudon and others published [Lithogenesis]


32. Lithogenesis (uncountable) The formation of sedimentary rock The formation of calculi (stony concretions) Retrieved from "


33. Abnormal cholesterol metabolism is a major cause of cholesterol supersatu- ration and has been an important cause of cholesterol Lithogenesis in the gallbladder


34. It is shown that HMG-CoA reductase activity remains at a higher level in Lithogenesis patients in whom the cholesterol synthesis

Level, Lithogenesis



Frequently Asked Questions

What does lithogenesy mean?

lithogenesy: lithogenesy (English) Noun lithogenesy (uncountable) Archaic form of lithogenesis lithogeny: lithogeny (English) Noun lithogeny (uncountable) The formation of rock; lithogenesis.

Where does lithogenesis take place?

In arid lithogenesis rock formation takes place on the continents and in seas under conditions of an arid climate. Volcanogenic-sedimentary lithogenesis is characterized by rock formation in regions with terrestrial and underwater volcanic activity and in the areas adjacent to them.

What are the products of lithogenesis?

Since lithogenesis is the process of sedimentary rock formation, the formation of a very large number of the most diverse mineral products, including coal, oil, combustible natural gases, iron and manganese ores, bauxites, phosphorites, and placer deposits, is associated with it.

What are the phases of lithogenesis?

The concept of lithogenesis was introduced in 1893–94 by J. Walther, who identified five principal phases in the process of the formation of sedimentary rocks: weathering of rocks, denudation (including transportation of the raw material of the sediments), deposition, diagenesis, and metamorphism.