1. Lithocolla flavescens Diagnosis : amoeba surrounded by a thin layer of small irregular mineral grains, fixed on a thin flexible membrane; numerous fine smooth filopodia, without any granules which are so typical for true heliozoans; plasmbody usually with a yellowish color.
Lithocolla, Layer
2. Genus Lithocolla Schulze, 1874 Diagnosis : cell surrounded by a layer of small irregular mineral grains, fixed on a thin flexible membrane; numerous fine smooth filopodia, without any granules (kinetocysts) which are so typical for true helizoans; plasmabody usually with a …
Lithocolla, Layer
3. Lithocolla globosa (electronic supplementary material, figure S1) was isolated from a marine sediment sample from Splitnose Point near Ketch Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada (44.477 N, 63.541 W) and grown in culture with Navicula pseudotenelloides NAVIC33 as food source.
4. The Lithocolla + Pompholyxophrys clade developed exogenous or endogenous cell coverings from a Nuclearia-like ancestor
Lithocolla, Like
5. Examples of translating «Lithocolla» in context: Non est incolarum huius terrarum orbis vivere , Lithocolla , bitumine , vitro et metallis opprimentibus , sine coniunctione physica cum natura
6. The Lithocolla + Pompholyxophrys clade developed exogenous or endogenous cell coverings from a …
7. The phylogeny of the complete 18S rRNA sequences of Pompholyxophrys and Lithocolla confirmed their suggested evolutionary relatedness to nucleariid amoebae, although with moderate support for
8. .Protista / SAR supergroup / Rhizaria / phylum Foraminifera. The sand foram ( Lithocolla globosa) has the appearance of a radiating sun
9. Incertae sedis Rotosphaerida: Pompholyxophrys, Lithocolla, Vampyrellidium, Pinaciophora, Rabdiophrys, Rabdiaster
10. Genus Lithocolla Schulze, Genus Astrodisculus Greeff, Genus Actinolophus Schulze, Genus Elaeorhanis Greeff, Genus Sphaerastrum Greeff; Family 5 Heterophryidae Poche Genus Heterophrys Archer; Family 6 Clathrellidae Poche Genus Clathrella Penard; Family 7 …
11. Pseudodifflugia, Lithocolla) Family 3
12. LithocollaSchulze 1874 (incertae sedis) Spherical; outer mucilaginous envelope with minute mineral particles on top of a fine organic test
13. Lack centroplast and apparently lack axonemes, the lack of microtubules (axonemes) in axopods has not been confirmed and this order may be abandoned order Rotosphaerida [Lithocolla…
Lack, Lithocolla
14. The systematic position of the genus Lithocolla is discussed in the present paper
15. Lithocol, Lithocolla; lithocoralline; lithocyst (zoölogy and botany) lithocystotomy (surgery) lithodialysis (surgery) → lithodialytic; lithofacies (geology) lithofellic, lithofellinic (chemistry) lithofracteur; lithofractor; lithogenesis, lithogenesy; lithogenous; lithogeny (pathology and geology) lithoglyph → lithoglypher (obsolete) lithoglyphite; lithograph → litho
Lithocol, Lithocolla, Lithocoralline, Lithocyst, Logy, Lithocystotomy, Lithodialysis, Lithodialytic, Lithofacies, Lithofellic, Lithofellinic, Lithofracteur, Lithofractor, Lithogenesis, Lithogenesy, Lithogenous, Lithogeny, Lithoglyph, Lithoglypher, Lithoglyphite, Lithograph, Litho
16. To overcome this limitation, we have obtained genomic and transcriptomic data from three Nuclearia , two Pompholyxophrys and one Lithocolla species using traditional culturing and single-cell
Limitation, Lithocolla
17. The sand foram (Lithocolla globosa) has the appearance of a radiating sun
18. Lithocolla; Lithodendro; Lithodiályse; Lithodonte; Lithoféllico; Lithofellínico; Lithogenesia; Lithogenésico; Lithoglyphia; Lithoglýphico; Lithoglypho; Lithographar; Lithographia; Lithográphico; Lithógrapho; Lithoide; Litholábio; Lithólatra; Litholatria; Lithologia; Lithologista; Lithólogo; Litholysia; Lithomancia; Lithómetro; Lithóphago; Lithophania; Lithóphilo
Lithocolla, Lithodendro, Lithodi, Lyse, Lithodonte, Lithof, Llico, Lithofell, Lithogenesia, Lithogen, Lithoglyphia, Lithogl, Lithoglypho, Lithographar, Lithographia, Lithogr, Lith, Lithoide, Lithol, Latra, Litholatria, Lithologia, Lithologista, Logo, Litholysia, Lithomancia, Lithophania
19. Lithocolla Schulze 1874 (incertae sedis) Spherical; outer mucilaginous envelope with minute mineral particles on top of a fine organic test
20. With !—The Lithocolla Concreta invented by Mr
21. Mastic dont les faiseurs d images, de pierres, collent les pierres ensemble, Lithocolla Dioscor
Les, Lithocolla
22. Tectum autocineto protegendo domui adiunctum) invenit, Lithocolla
23. Cemento - Lithocolla,ae,f - Cemento armato - Lithocolla ferro durata - Cesso - (in "itagliese": water- closet) Sella familiarica ; locus secretus
Lithocolla, Locus
24. Rudus concretum (-eris, n) sive Lithocolla glarea adiecta (-ae, f) est materia ad aedificandum, e sabulo et calculis facta, ferrumine glutinata
25. Pinaciophora Greeff, Pompholyxophrys Arch., Lithocolla F
26. Lithocol, Lithocolla; lithocoralline; lithocyst (zoölogy and botany) lithocystotomy (surgery) lithodialysis (surgery) → lithodialytic; lithofacies (geology) lithofellic, lithofellinic (chemistry) lithofracteur; lithofractor; lithogenesis, lithogenesy; lithogenous; lithogeny (pathology and geology) lithoglyph → …
Lithocol, Lithocolla, Lithocoralline, Lithocyst, Logy, Lithocystotomy, Lithodialysis, Lithodialytic, Lithofacies, Lithofellic, Lithofellinic, Lithofracteur, Lithofractor, Lithogenesis, Lithogenesy, Lithogenous, Lithogeny, Lithoglyph
27. Non est incolarum hujus terrarum orbis vivere, Lithocolla, bitumine, vitro et metallis opprimentibus, sine conjunctione physica cum natura.