Use Listlessnesses in a sentence

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1. Synonyms for Listlessnesses include hebetude, languors, lassitudes, lethargies, stupors, torpors, disinterest, inactivities, indifferences and lazinesses

Listlessnesses, Languors, Lassitudes, Lethargies, Lazinesses

2. The Crossword Solver found 20 answers to the Listlessnesses crossword clue


3. Listlessnesses - Crossword Clues


4. Search through millions of crossword puzzle answers to find crossword clues with the answer Listlessnesses.Type the crossword puzzle answer, not the clue, below


5. Listlessnesses (current term) listlike listmaker listmakers listmaking: listric lists listserv listserve listserver listservers listserves listservs listview listviews: Other Resources: Words people are searching for today:

Listlessnesses, Listlike, Listmaker, Listmakers, Listmaking, Listric, Lists, Listserv, Listserve, Listserver, Listservers, Listserves, Listservs, Listview, Listviews

6. Come then, and wander 'mongst the echoes of my heart - its' triumphs and tragedies, its' longings and Listlessnesses, its' joys, and the pain those same joys make inevitable

Longings, Listlessnesses

7. Trying to unscramble Listlessnesses? Our word unscrambler can help you out


8. Simply enter the phrase or word (Listlessnesses) in the friendly green box and our anagram engine will unscramble letters into words.

Listlessnesses, Letters

9. Listlessnesses Total Number of words made out of Listlessnesses = 247 Listlessnesses is a 14 letter long Word starting with L and ending with S

Listlessnesses, Letter, Long

10. There are luxuries, Listlessnesses, selfishnesses, of our very resting-times; rod we need God for our coming in lest the self or self-indulgence should gain undue power over us.—R.T

Luxuries, Listlessnesses, Lest

11. There are luxuries, Listlessnesses, selfishnesses, of our very resting-times; rod we need God for our coming in lest the self or self-indulgence should gain undue power over us

Luxuries, Listlessnesses, Lest

12. What Listlessnesses that hurt Penetrates my heart? O sweet sound of the rain On the ground and the roofs! For a bored brain O the song of the rain! It's weepig with no reason Into this heart to nausea What! No treason? That grief has no reason


13. There are luxuries, Listlessnesses, selfishnesses, of our very resting-times; rod we need God for our coming in lest the self or self-indulgence should gain undue power over us

Luxuries, Listlessnesses, Lest

14. Đồng nghĩa của Listlessnesses


15. Trái nghĩa của Listlessnesses Listlessnesses


16. The moments lost in Listlessnesses or squandered in unprofitable dissipation, gathered into aggregates, are hours, days, weeks, months and years

Lost, Listlessnesses


LISTLESSNESSES [ˈlis(t)ləsnəs]


  • noun form of listless
Synonyms: listless .

listless (adjective)

  • (of a person or their manner) lacking energy or enthusiasm.
Synonyms: lethargic . enervated . lackadaisical . spiritless . unenergetic . lifeless . vigorless . limp . effete . languid . languorous . languishing . inactive . inert . sluggish . torpid . supine . halfhearted . lukewarm . indifferent . uninterested . impassive . indolent . idle . apathetic . shiftless . slothful . passive . dull . heavy . energetic . lively .

Frequently Asked Questions

What does listless mean?

Definition of listless. : characterized by lack of interest, energy, or spirit a listless melancholy attitude.

What is a sentence for listlessness?

Examples of Listlessness in a sentence Because listlessness is a symptom of low blood sugar, the doctor decided to test the exhausted patient for diabetes. 🔊 Newborns are often lethargic and sleep a lot when firstborn, but their listlessness is usually replaced with energy after the fourth month. 🔊

What is the plural of listlessness?

The noun listlessness can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be listlessness. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be listlessnesses e.g. in reference to various types of listlessnesses or a collection of listlessnesses.