See also: Leporidae Lipide Lipidemia Lipaemia Lipaemic Lipase Lipa Lipan
1. Liparid Fishes (Liparidae, Scorpaeniformes) of the Southern Ocean and adjacent Waters
Liparid, Liparidae
2. Liparidae synonyms, Liparidae pronunciation, Liparidae translation, English dictionary definition of Liparidae
3. Liparidae - snailfishes family Liparidae, family Liparididae, Liparididae fish family - any of various families of fish Scorpaenoidea, suborder
Liparidae, Liparididae
4. Liparidae Name Synonyms Liparididae Homonyms Liparidae Common names Ringbugfamilien in Danish limaces de mer in French peces babosos in Spanish snailfishes in English tussock moths in English ringbuksfiskar in Swedish Sea snails in English ringbukfamilien in Nynorsk, Norwegian ringbukfamilien in Norwegian Bokmål
Liparidae, Liparididae, Limaces
5. Download Liparidae data (JSON format) Phylogenies
6. Time-calibrated phylogeny of Liparidae
7. Nexus file for Liparidae (includes character partitions and phylogeny)
8. Definition of Liparidae in the dictionary
9. Alternative Titles: Liparidae, sea snail Snailfish, also called sea snail, any of about 115 species of marine fish often placed with the lumpsuckers in the family Cyclopteridae, but sometimes separated as a distinct family, Liparidae (order Scorpaeniformes)
Liparidae, Lumpsuckers
10. Liparidae là một họ cá biển thuộc bộ Cá mù làn.
11. Phân bố rộng rãi trên mọi đại dương, họ Liparidae bao gồm hơn 30 chi và chừng 410 loài đã được mô tả, cùng nhiều loài chưa được mô tả
Liparidae, Lo
12. Family Liparidae, family Liparididae, Liparidae fish family - any of various families of fish Scorpaenoidea , suborder Scorpaenoidea - mail-cheeked fishes: scorpionfishes; gurnards
Liparidae, Liparididae
13. Liparidae é uma família de peixes marinhos actinopterígeos escorpeniformes, maioritariamente das águas profundas e frias, que agrupa um conjunto diversificado de espécies conhecidas pelo nome comum de peixe-caracol (do inglês: snailfish ou seasnails)
Liparidae, Lia
14. Definition of family Liparidae in the dictionary
15. What does family Liparidae mean? Information and translations of family Liparidae in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
16. Second, the snailfish family (Liparidae) is not only the absolute winner of the deepest fish award (having been found in multiple other trenches), but species are living in trenches that at times
Liparidae, Living
17. A newly-discovered hadal snailfish (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae) from the Mariana Trench A new species has been discovered in the Mariana Trench! "Pseudoliparis swirei sp
18. family Liparidae synonyms, family Liparidae pronunciation, family Liparidae translation, English dictionary definition of family Liparidae
19. family Liparidae - snailfishes family Liparididae, Liparidae, Liparididae fish family - any of various families of fish Scorpaenoidea, suborder
Liparidae, Liparididae
20. Dictionary entry overview: What does family Liparidae mean? • FAMILY Liparidae (noun) The noun FAMILY Liparidae has 1 sense:
21. Snailfishes Familiarity information: FAMILY Liparidae used as a noun is very rare.
22. Liparidae A taxonomic family within the order Perciformes – the snailfishes or seasnails.
23. In many Liparidae the ventral fins have evolved into a sucking disk; in deep-water species the disk is underdeveloped or absent. There are 16 genera (approximately 120 species), found primarily in the seas and oceans of the arctic and temperate zones of the northern hemisphere.
24. Swirei belongs to the snailfish family, Liparidae
25. The fish belong to the snailfish (Liparidae) family, with bulbous heads, translucent, ribbon-like bodies and no scales
Liparidae, Like
26. Liparidae: pictures (1) To cite this page: Myers, P., R
27. Liparidae là một họ cá biển thuộc bộ Cá mù làn.
28. Phân bố rộng rãi trên mọi đại dương, họ Liparidae bao gồm hơn 30 chi và chừng 410 loài đã được mô tả, cùng nhiều loài chưa được mô tả
Liparidae, Lo
29. Liparidae – snailfishes, limaces de mer, peces babosos : Direct Children: Genus: Acantholiparis Gilbert and Burke, 1912 Genus: Allocareproctus Pitruk and Fedorov, 1993 …
Liparidae, Limaces
30. Liparidae Family: Map Views: World NATL SATL NPAC SPAC Indian Ocean Arctic Antarctic ICES-NATL Baltic Sea Mediterranean Sea North-America
31. Mycoplasma Liparidae” was successfully assembled with 97.8% completeness by hybrid sequencing
32. Mycoplasma Liparidae,” which was unusual for
33. Kusnetzovi (Liparidae) are described for the first time based on ichthyoplankton catches carried out in the northwestern Sea of Japan in the decade 1992–2002
34. In many Liparidae the ventral fins have evolved into a sucking disk; in deep-water species the disk is underdeveloped or absent. There are 16 genera (approximately 120 species), found primarily in the seas and oceans of the arctic and temperate zones of the northern hemisphere.
35. This study describes the discovery of two new species of snailfish (Liparidae) from the Mariana Trench; the 'Mariana
36. Liparidae taxonomy: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Arctos Specimen Database: DNA barcoding : Liparidae: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Barcodes of Life: Liparidae: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Encyclopedia of life: Show Biotic Interactions: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Global Biotic Interactions: 2 records from this provider: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Integrated Taxonomic
Liparidae, Life
37. Distal Radials in the Pectoral Fin of Snailfishes (Liparidae): A New Character for Phylogenetic and Alpha-level Systematics Katherine P
Liparidae, Level
38. Spatial and vertical distributions, size-weight compositions, age, and diets of 10 rare or poorly known snailfish (Liparidae) from the Pacific off the southeastern Kamchatka and the northern Kuril Islands are described
39. Liparidae (snailfishes) is one of the most diverse and abundant fish families in polar and deep-sea habitats
40. We perform phylogenetic analyses of Liparidae using sequences from two mtDNA genes, 16S
41. Members of the family Liparidae (snail shes), comprising over 430 species in ca 30
42. The snailfish family Liparidae encompasses over 430 species in about 32 genera worldwide (Chernova et al., 2004; Orr et al., 2019).
43. Synonyms for Liparidae in Free Thesaurus
44. 3 synonyms for Liparidae: family Liparidae, family Liparididae, Liparididae
Liparidae, Liparididae
45. What are synonyms for Liparidae?