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See also: Lined Linked Linkedin Linnet Linn Linnaeus Linnaean Linnean Linny Linear Linens Lining

1. Linned definition is - past tense of lin

Linned, Lin

2. A person named Linned is usually shy at first but when you get to know them they can be very talkative


3. Linned n (singular definite Linnedet, not used in plural form) linen; Adjective

Linned, Linnedet, Linen

4. Linned (neuter Linned, plural and definite singular attributive Linnede) (rare) made of linen (flax fiber)

Linned, Linnede, Linen

5. Above are the results of unscrambling Linned


6. We found a total of 40 words by unscrambling the letters in Linned.

Letters, Linned

7. Translation for 'Linned' in the free Danish-English dictionary and many other English translations.


8. Check 'Linned' translations into English


9. Look through examples of Linned translation in sentences, listen to pronunciation and learn grammar.

Look, Linned, Listen, Learn

10. Linned er tekstil af hørfibre.Linned er særdeles holdbart og produktionen er arbejdskrævende


11. Ordet "Linned" er oprindelig en substantivering af et gammeldags adjektiv, "Linned", som er intetkøn af ældre dansk linnæn ("af hør") og beslægtet med "lin", der er et andet ord for "hør".

Linned, Ldre, Linn, Lin

12. Den tidligere udbredte anvendelse af Linned har ført til at ordet benyttes i sammensætninger som


13. 04-11-2020 - Udforsk opslagstavlen "Linned" tilhørende marianne als på Pinterest


14. Se flere idéer til Linned, homemaking, Linnedskab.

Linned, Linnedskab

15. Carl Linned in Sweden Household Examination Books, 1840-1947 Carl Erik in Sweden Household Examination Books, 1840-1947


16. Carl Eric Linned in Sweden Household Examination Books, 1860-1930


17. See what Linne DiIorio (Linned) has discovered on Pinterest, the world's biggest collection of ideas.

Linne, Linned

18. Mens XL Lands End Linned Joggers

Lands, Linned

19. Linned: linen: Translations: 1 – 2 / 2

Linned, Linen

20. Søgning på “Linned” i Den Danske Ordbog


21. Linned Design Danmark, Søborg, Denmark


22. Vores ønske og idé er at designe og producere kvalitetsprodukter til attraktive


23. The alligator leather / rubber Linned band is fitted with a deployment with push button release clasp

Leather, Linned

24. Pair Of Window Panels Linned 102” Long

Linned, Long


LINNED [līnd]

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name lined mean?

Line What does the name Line mean? The different meanings of the name Line are: Germanic meaning: Noble; French meaning: Noble; The meaning of the name "Line" is different in several languages, countries and cultures and has more than one possibly same or different meanings available.

What does lined mean?

1. bordered by a line of things. 2. (used especially of skin) marked by lines or seams. 3. having a lining or a liner; often used in combination. Familiarity information: LINED used as an adjective is uncommon.

What is the definition of line in geometry?

In geometry a line: is straight (no bends), has no thickness, and extends in both directions without end (infinitely).

What is the definition of lineup?

Definition of lineup. (Entry 1 of 2) 1a : a list of players taking part in a game (as of baseball) the starting lineup. b : the players on such a list. 2a : an alignment (as in entertainment or politics) of persons or things having a common purpose, distinction, or bond the show's star-studded lineup.

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