Use Life giving in a sentence

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1. In Life giving, a new series from Pastor Jimmy Evans, you’ll learn about the blessings that come with a life of generosity

Life, Ll, Learn

2. This series will teach you that generosity doesn’t just bless those around you, it’s truly Life giving to you as well.


3. Life giving Life is a non-profit dedicated to helping individuals and families with the transition into a life of sobriety.


4. A Life giving church has members who live their lives by doing the will of God

Life, Live, Lives

5. A Life giving church dwells and lives in the Spirit

Life, Lives

6. A Life giving church is full of people who are committed to Jesus Christ


7. The Life giving Church Thesis: A Life giving church has members who live their lives by doing the will of …

Life, Live, Lives

8. Real Life giving's mission is to fight sex trafficking and exploitation through education and training, and to support survivors and at-risk women with a trauma informed approach through outreach, mentoring, and support programs.


9. The Life giving Amulet is a craftable item found in the Magic tab


10. If the player dies while having a Life giving



LIFE GIVING [ˈlīf ˌɡiviNG]

life-giving (adjective)

Frequently Asked Questions

Which is the best definition of life giving?

Definition of life-giving. : giving or having power to give life and spirit : invigorating.

What does Lifegiving mean?

A life-giving moment. adjective. The definition of life-giving is having the power of providing sustenance, spirit or life. The enegy that a mother expends when she is giving birth to a baby is example of something life-giving.

What is a Life Giving Moment?

A life-giving moment. The definition of life-giving is having the power of providing sustenance, spirit or life. The enegy that a mother expends when she is giving birth to a baby is example of something life-giving.

Which is an example of a life - giving source?

Examples from the Web for life-giving. Ruled by the life-giving Sun, their potential for creativity is total. That life-giving source is the enzyme telomerase, which can actually lengthen telomeres. Fetch me then three kinds of water, the Life-giving, the Curing, and the Strengthening.