See also: Licentious Licentiousness Licentiously Licence License Licensure Lice Licensee Licensing Licensed Licensor Licentiate Head Sea Public
1. License and Licentious come ultimately from the same word in Latin, licentia, whose meanings ranged from "freedom to act" to "unruly behavior, wantonness." The Latin noun was itself derived from the verb licere "to be permitted."
License, Licentious, Latin, Licentia, Licere
2. Licentious definition, sexually unrestrained; lascivious; libertine; lewd
Licentious, Lascivious, Libertine, Lewd
3. Licentious adjective promiscuous, immoral, lewd, debauched, abandoned, sensual, uncontrollable, uncontrolled, wanton, profligate, impure, lascivious, lustful, dissolute, libertine, libidinous, lubricious (literary), uncurbed alarming stories of Licentious behaviour principled, moral, proper, virtuous, lawful, law-abiding, scrupulous, chaste
Licentious, Lewd, Lascivious, Lustful, Libertine, Libidinous, Lubricious, Literary, Lawful, Law
4. Synonyms & Antonyms of Licentious. having a strong sexual desire
5. A moralist who decried what she regarded as the Licentious and corrupt culture of the entertainment industry
6. Synonyms for Licentious. concupiscent, goatish, horny, hot, hypersexual,
7. Someone who is Licentious behaves or speaks inappropriately, usually in regards to sex
8. What some might call a Licentious senior citizen, others would simply refer to as "a dirty old man" (or woman)
9. We usually talk about Licentious behavior, but there also can be Licentious photographs.
10. The definition of Licentious is being lacking in willpower or moral discipline, or being promiscuous (prone to random sex) or unwilling to conform to accepted rules
Licentious, Lacking
11. Religion but too often forms Licentious, immoral tyrants, obeyed by slaves who are obliged to conform to their views
12. SUPERSTITION IN ALL AGES (1732) JEAN MESLIER He had great advantages, but was banished by Augustus for his description of Licentious love
Licentious, Love
13. Licentious - Fashion, Bondage, Contemporary. Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious Licentious
14. A throwing off of sexual restraint; lewd character or behavior: The Hays Code tried to stamp out all lust and Licentiousness in American film.
Lewd, Lust, Licentiousness
15. Definition of Licentious lacking moral discipline or ignoring legal restraint, especially in sexual conduct Examples of Licentious in a sentence It is assumed that pagan festivals once involved many Licentious activities, including a number of sexual games
Licentious, Lacking, Legal
16. 1930, Norman Lindsay, Redheap, Sydney: Ure Smith, published 1965, page 228: His eyes trailed over her feline pose on the sofa, finding her limbs adorable while he tried exasperatedly to extract the truth of Licentious revelations from them.· Disregarding accepted rules
Lindsay, Limbs, Licentious
17. Licentiousness Acting without regard to law, ethics, or the rights of others
Licentiousness, Law
18. The term Licentiousness is often used interchangeably with lewdness or lasciviousness, which relate to moral impurity in a sexual context
Licentiousness, Lewdness, Lasciviousness
19. Licentious (1 Occurrence) moral discipline or restraint, especially in sexual conduct; passing due bounds; excessive; abusive of freedom; wantonly offensive; as, a Licentious press
20. Tammuz (1 Occurrence) repair to this temple in midsummer to celebrate the death of Adonis or Tammuz, and there arose in connection with this celebration those Licentious rites
21. If you describe a person as Licentious, you mean that they are very immoral in their sexual behaviour.
22. Licentious (adj.) "morally unrestrained," 1530s, from Medieval Latin licentiosus "full of licence, unrestrained," from Latin licentia "freedom, liberty," in both a good and bad sense (see licence (n.))
Licentious, Latin, Licentiosus, Licence, Licentia, Liberty
23. Related: Licentiously; Licentiousness.
Licentiously, Licentiousness
24. Find 48 ways to say Licentious, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
25. These plays, designed to combat Licentious carnival entertainments, were spoken but had some music
26. This process is naturally the opposite of that employed by the forgetful Don Juan, the master figure of our sexually Licentious age
27. Brutal, Licentious, violent and debauched as it …
28. Licentious, by Jen Cousineau 3.5-4 Stars (leaning more towards 4) This book had SO MUCH POTENTIAL to be a 5 star book for me as it had all the elements that I love in a book
Licentious, Leaning, Love
29. What is the opposite of Licentious? Antonyms for Licentious (opposite of Licentious)
30. How to pronounce Licentious adjective in American English
31. (English pronunciations of Licentious from the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary & Thesaurus and from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary, both sources © Cambridge University Press) What is the definition of Licentious?
Licentious, Learner
32. Licentious (Erotic Tales Book 1) and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle
33. How to say Licentious in English? Pronunciation of Licentious with 1 audio pronunciation, 14 synonyms, 12 translations, 2 sentences and more for Licentious.
34. Synonyms for Licentious in Free Thesaurus
35. 34 synonyms for Licentious: promiscuous, immoral, lewd, debauched, abandoned, sensual
Licentious, Lewd
36. Licentious - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
37. Definition of Licentious in the dictionary
38. What does Licentious mean? Information and translations of Licentious in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
39. Licentious adjective A poetic (i.e., non-medical) term referring to the lack of sexual restraint or boundaries; sexually uninhibited.
Licentious, Lack
40. Licentious is a Fatal Flaw in The Sims Medieval
41. Licentious Sims are romantically inclined, but not exactly in a wholesome way
42. As for the notion of canvassing his Licentious friends, it was out of the question
43. Though I myself led a Licentious life, the Licentiousness of the women nevertheless shocked me
Led, Licentious, Life, Licentiousness
44. Licentious definition: If you describe a person as Licentious , you mean that they are very immoral in their Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
45. Licentious (Erotic Tales Book 1) - Kindle edition by Euphoria, Indigo
46. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Licentious (Erotic Tales Book 1).
Like, Licentious
47. Licentious (Galakrond) FortyTwo - 60 Human Arcane Mage, 183 ilvl
48. Licentious - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
49. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Licentious adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (sexually promiscuous) licencioso/a adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo.Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa [b]grande[/b]", "mujer [b]alta[/b]").
Licentious, Licencioso
50. In Licentious Fictions: Ninjō and the Nineteenth-Century Japanese Novel (Columbia UP, 2019), Daniel Poch investigates the significance of ninjō in defining the literary modernity of nineteenth-century Japan
Licentious, Literary
51. Licentious synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'Licentiousness',litigious',licence',lie', definition
Licentious, Licentiousness, Litigious, Licence, Lie
52. The property of being Licentious
53. Bedell, 2, page 144: and well considered, me thinks this is one of the most censurable parts of this Licentiousnesse, in regard it laboureth to taint the whole body of conversation, as it corrupteth the
Licentiousnesse, Laboureth
54. Licentious adjective A poetic (i.e., non-medical) term referring to the lack of sexual restraint or boundaries; sexually uninhibited.
Licentious, Lack
55. Definition of Licentious adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Licentious, Learner
56. "Licentious Sims are romantically inclined, but not exactly in a wholesome way
57. If your Sim hasn't kissed or Woohoo'd in awhile, their mood will go down significantly.Licentious is one of the Fatal Flaws featured in The Sims Medieval
58. See authoritative translations of Licentious in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.
Definition of licentious 1 : lacking legal or moral restraints especially : disregarding sexual restraints licentious behavior licentious revelers 2 : marked by disregard for strict rules of correctness Other Words from licentious Synonyms & Antonyms The Shared Roots of License and Licentious More Example Sentences Learn More about licentious
1 : lacking legal or moral restraints especially : disregarding sexual restraints licentious behavior licentious revelers 2 : marked by disregard for strict rules of correctness Other Words from licentious Synonyms & Antonyms The Shared Roots of License and Licentious More Example Sentences Learn More about licentious Other Words from licentious
License and licentious come ultimately from the same word in Latin, licentia, whose meanings ranged from "freedom to act" to "unruly behavior, wantonness.".
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