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1. Librecad is a free Open Source CAD application for Windows, Apple and Linux

Librecad, Linux

2. Librecad is an open-source cross-platform 2D CAD program, which is translated in over 30 languages

Librecad, Languages

3. Librecad is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2

Librecad, License

4. Librecad is a free, opensource alternative to the popular 2D and 3D modeling and design tool, AutoCAD


5. Librecad is a free and open source tool that lets you make technical drawings without having to use AutoCAD or any other paid application

Librecad, Lets

6. Librecad is a free Open Source CAD application for Windows


7. Support and documentation is free from our large, dedicated community of users, contributors, and developers. Librecad is a fully

Large, Librecad

8. Librecad is a great tool for makers and engineers who need to quickly communicate an idea


9. For more complex objects, Librecad’s layer functionality can also help identify possible gaps in the design between parts, or serve as a great tool for creating technical drawings.

Librecad, Layer

10. Librecad is a free, open-source, and extensive 2-dimensional (2D) computer-aided design program that is specifically designed for professionals who create industrial designs as well as for those who are looking for affordable or even free drawing tool that …

Librecad, Looking

11. Librecad is a very useful tool for creating precise professional 2D drawings quickly and easily


12. Librecad is a free and open-source program for editing and viewing technical sketches on your computer and provides many functions for 2D design schemes


13. Librecad is a free Open Source 2D CAD application using the cross-platform framework Qt


14. Librecad is an extensive, free, and open-source 2D computer-aided design program that you can easily download, install, and use


15. Librecad is a free CAD program for all platform


16. My transition is like Autocad —> SketchUp —> Blender 3d —> Librecad

Like, Librecad

17. I just use Librecad for 2 months to draw a simple floor plan.


18. Librecad is a fork of QCAD community edition version; therefore, any modifications of or additions to the program are also released under the GPLv2


19. Librecad › Tutorials / Manual topics Tutorials / Manual topics Please post useful Tutorials you may have and all topics related to the Librecad manual/wiki here.


20. Librecad is a free Open Source Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) application licensed under GPLv2

Librecad, Licensed

21. The latest information about Librecad can be found at

Latest, Librecad

22. Librecad has a free software licence

Librecad, Licence

23. This is an interim release of the of the Librecad User Manual and is subject to change.


24. The manual is based on Librecad v2.2.0-rc1 with a few additions


25. If you are using another version of Librecad, your mileage may vary.


26. Librecad is a Imaging and Digital Photo application like FastPicture, XnView, and Movavi Photo from Librecad Team

Librecad, Like

27. Librecad is an efficient software that is recommended by many Windows PC users.


28. Currently I am doing some experimentation to add DWG support to Librecad


29. Draw Lines in Librecad using this Librecad Tutorial Video.The Video is shows how to draw lines in Librecad using Crosshairs (Mouse) as well as Command Line (

Lines, Librecad, Line

30. Librecad is a Computer-aided design (CAD) application that is free and open source


31. Librecad application is available in various languages

Librecad, Languages

32. How to install Librecad 2.1.3 on Ubuntu 20.04 & Linux Mint 20 is explained in this article.

Librecad, Linux

33. Librecad began its life as a fork to QCad and was first given the name CADuntu

Librecad, Life

34. The new name Librecad has led to suggestions it should be added to the LibreOffice package

Librecad, Led, Libreoffice

35. Librecad is a free, open source 2D CAD software for Windows, Apple, Linux

Librecad, Linux

36. Why Librecad? It is a CAD software used to create 2D drawings


37. For overall product quality, Autodesk AutoCAD attained 9.6 points, while Librecad received 7.4 points


38. At the same time, for user satisfaction, Autodesk AutoCAD scored 98%, while Librecad scored 94%


39. Librecad Librecad is a cross-platform 2D CAD program written in C++11 using the Qt framework


40. The Librecad translation server is disabled for maintenance reasons


41. Librecad is a cross-platform 2D CAD program written in C++11 using the Qt framework


42. Librecad is one of the more well-known free CAD solutions in the market


43. It’s not uncommon to see professionals using Librecad as an economical CAD alternative for more streamlined drafting processes


44. Download Librecad 2.2.0 for Windows for free, without any viruses, from Uptodown


45. Try the latest version of Librecad 2020 for Windows

Latest, Librecad

46. Be aware that Librecad functionality and interface has changed over time but some things are still demonstrated well in an old interface


47. Librecad 2.1.3 is a free and open-source program for editing and viewing technical sketches on your computer and provides many functions for 2D design schemes


48. Customizing Librecad Interface layout

Librecad, Layout

49. Librecad layout and appearance are highly customizable and you can configure it to suit your taste by creating user-defined pop-up menus, customized Dock Widgets and Toolbars, and alternative visual effects of the interface window.

Librecad, Layout

50. Librecad has many features, all common construction and modification tools, such as points, segments, circles, arcs of circles or ellipses, but also more advanced, such as polynomial curves of degrees 1 to 3


51. In addition, Librecad supports group and layer management, can export in DXF format, projects in vector format (EPS) and bitmap (PNG and

Librecad, Layer

52. This year’s Librecad GSoC project involves the integrating pure OpenGL rendering module in “Librecad version 3”


53. Librecad es una herramienta de software libre con la que podrás realizar tus diseños técnicos sin necesidad de utilizar AutoCAD u otra aplicación de pago

Librecad, Libre, La

54. Librecad is a Imaging and Digital Photo application like FastPicture, XnView, and Movavi Photo from Librecad Team

Librecad, Like

55. Librecad is an efficient software that is recommended by many Windows PC users.


56. Librecad is the training program for many designers without an established presence because they can start designing professionally with no layout of resources

Librecad, Layout

57. Librecad offers a variety of choices when it comes to drawing tools




Frequently Asked Questions

What is difference between LibreCAD and LibreCAD?

This is intended for people that want to draw by entering commands. This can be faster and/or more precise than drawing using exclusively a mouse and tool bars. LibreCAD is designed with emphasis on mouse-clicking input, and some options can be at the moment only selected by clicking, not by typing on command line.

How are points and points used in LibreCAD?

Understanding the coordinate systems and how coordinates work in LibreCAD is necessary to produce precise drawings. Points are used to describe an aspect of an entity (e.g. the end of a line, the center of a circle, etc.), and can be placed accurately using coordinates.

What is the absolute origin of LibreCAD?

Everything that you draw in LibreCAD will be exact and precise and will be placed there accurately based on the X,Y coordinate system. The absolute origin or Zero point in your drawing is where the X and Y axes cross each other (represented by a Red cross), every entity you draw is located in relation to this origin.

How do you activate command line in LibreCAD?

LibreCAD is designed with emphasis on mouse-clicking input, and some options can be at the moment only selected by clicking, not by typing on command line. You can press the Space-bar or [Ctrl + M] to activate the command line. When the command line is active the "Command:" (left of where input appears) turns blue.