Use Libido in a sentence

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See also: Libido Low Decreased High Dominandi Libidinous Libidinal Libidinoso Labile Libitum Liability Libations Libidinousness Libia Libidinally

1. Libido (/ l ɪ ˈ b iː d oʊ /; colloquial: sex drive) is a person's overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity.Libido is influenced by biological, psychological, and social factors.Biologically, the sex hormones and associated neurotransmitters that act upon the nucleus accumbens (primarily testosterone and dopamine, respectively) regulate Libido in humans.


2. Libido definition is - instinctual psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory is derived from primitive biological urges (as for sexual pleasure or self-preservation) and that is expressed in conscious activity


3. How to use Libido in a sentence


4. It happens to a lot of guys, but few of them want to talk about it -- especially when “it” is a low Libido.After all, virility plays a big role in our concept of manhood.

Lot, Low, Libido

5. Libido (or sex drive) is your urge to have sex


6. Although many women still have satisfying sex during menopause and beyond, some experience a lagging Libido during this hormonal change

Lagging, Libido

7. To increase Libido, try exercising for 45 minutes 3 times a week, which can improve blood flow throughout your body and make you more interested in sex


8. You can also try eating foods that are rich in zinc, like oysters, lamb, spinach, and beef, since zinc can help boost Libido.

Like, Lamb, Libido

9. What Is Libido? Why Does It Disappear Among Some of Us? Libido is defined as a person’s overall sexual drive or desire for sexual activity


10. Low Libido in women and low Libido in men have some similar roots, along with some gender-specific ones as well

Low, Libido

11. For men, it’s actually quite normal to have a gradual decrease in Libido as a man gets older.


12. Merck Manual: “Erectile Dysfunction (ED),” “Decreased Libido in Men.” National Coalition for Sexual Health: “Sexual Health in Your 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s & Beyond.” National Institute on


13. In this article, learn about which foods to eat to boost Libido, improve stamina, and enhance your sex life.

Learn, Libido, Life

14. Low Libido is a decrease in sex drive that can interfere with sexual activity

Low, Libido

15. Libido is sexual appetite or drive


16. A person's Libido is motivated by brain function, hormones, and learned behavior, regardless of their sex, and tends to fluctuate according to mental state, hormonal shifts, and stress

Libido, Learned

17. Libido, or sex drive, starts in the brain and works its way out through the genitals


18. Because of that, a lot that goes into increasing male Libido is about taking care of the whole body – mind and all

Lot, Libido

19. Here are ten things you can to do effectively increase male Libido and enjoy a healthier sex life and keep it that way.

Libido, Life

20. Libido is a term used in psychoanalytic theory to describe the energy created by the survival and sexual instincts


21. According to Sigmund Freud, the Libido is part of the id and is the driving force of all behavior


22. While the term "Libido" has taken on an overtly sexual meaning in today's world, to Freud, it represented all psychic energy and not just sexual energy.


23. Libido [lĭ-be´do, lĭ-bi´do] (L.) 1


24. Freud postulated that Libido development


25. Producers of supplements often claim that it can boost Libido


26. Low Libido or lost sex drive, feelings of loneliness from lack of connection, and perhaps feeling sorry for not wanting or being able to have sex — these are the actual feelings that get in the way! “All women will experience a change in Libido and lubrication.”

Low, Libido, Lost, Loneliness, Lack, Lubrication

27. Libido refers to sexual interest and sexual enjoyment


28. Some women going through menopause report reduced Libido, but the causes vary from person to person


29. Libido, concept originated by Sigmund Freud to signify the instinctual physiological or psychic energy associated with sexual urges and, in his later writings, with all constructive human activity

Libido, Later

30. In the latter sense of eros, or life instinct, Libido was opposed by thanatos, the death instinct

Latter, Life, Libido

31. Libido definition, all of the instinctual energies and desires that are derived from the id


32. But Libido lowering supplements sold online provide dozens of holistic options for men who want to lower their sex drive

Libido, Lowering, Lower

33. Not all anaphrodisiacs work, and even those that do have some success in lowering Libido shouldn’t be taken without first consulting a doctor.

Lowering, Libido

34. Libido, in layman’s terms, is the human sex drive or appetite for sex

Libido, Layman

35. Your Libido, otherwise known as your sex drive, can significantly affect your overall quality of life and sexual well-being

Libido, Life

36. There are certain foods that you can include in your diet to naturally boost your Libido


37. 119.6k Followers, 3,819 Following, 506 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Venus Libido (@venusLibido)


38. [Libido] denotes a desire or impulse which is unchecked by any kind of authority, moral or otherwise


39. Libido is appetite in its natural state


40. From the genetic point of view it is bodily needs like hunger, thirst, sleep, and sex, and emotional states or affects, which constitute the essence of Libido.

Like, Libido

41. Low Libido in women There are all sorts of reasons your sex drive might have shifted into neutral

Low, Libido

42. Loss of Libido (sex drive) is a common problem that affects many men and women at some point in their life

Loss, Libido, Life

43. Libido synonyms, Libido pronunciation, Libido translation, English dictionary definition of Libido


44. Libido is a girl in Lisa's mind, along with Jealousy, Honesty and Conscience

Libido, Lisa

45. Libido understood as sexual desire is the effect of a combination of testosterone and dopamine


46. Libido may also be stimulated or depressed emotionally.


47. Libido, which means sex drive or the desire for sex, varies dramatically from one person to the next


48. Libido can be affected by medical conditions, hormone levels, medications, lifestyle and relationship problems.

Libido, Levels, Lifestyle

49. Find 8 ways to say Libido, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


50. Of course, depression itself can cause low Libido

Low, Libido

51. Synonym: horniness (vulgar) Antonym: boredom Good grief man, control your Libido! 1991, “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, in Nevermind, performed by Nirvana: A mulatto, an albino / A mosquito, my Libido· (psychology) Drives or mental energies related to or based on sexual instincts but not necessarily sexual in and

Libido, Like

52. Many men experience changes in their sexual drive (also known as Libido) over the course of their lives

Libido, Lives

53. Temporary decreases in Libido can be due to changes in relationships, work or family obligations, or other life changes

Libido, Life

54. Lowered Libido is often caused by alcoholism

Lowered, Libido

55. Nearly every complex animal has Libido in some form or another


56. Libido enhancers affect women differently than the male counterparts and it is important to know the benefits that women can reap from supplemental help in the bedroom


57. Your Libido can rise due to things like relationship pleasures, good health, fitness, holidays and relaxation

Libido, Like

58. Your Libido can fall due to things in your life like relationship problems, the birth of a child, stress, overwork or personal issues

Libido, Life, Like

59. Libido definition: A person's Libido is the part of their personality that is considered to cause their Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


60. Libido, as self-reported on a questionnaire, decreases with increasing age


61. 52 (Erectile dysfunction increases with increasing age, but this is the result of influences other than a decrease in testosterone, such as neurologic and vascular disease and certain medications.) Hypogonadism also causes a decrease in Libido.


62. Steel-Libido bioperome enhanced steel-Libido is a powerful product to support both performance and sexual desire


63. Named after Aphrodite — the Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty — an aphrodisiac is a food, drink, drug, scent, or device that supposedly has the power to increase sexual desire, or Libido

Love, Libido

64. Libido-Max male enhancement pills are a great way to treat these problems and have a pleasurable physical life, or so the company claims

Libido, Life

65. Among the many uses is the treatment of Libido and fertility issues in men.



LIBIDO [ləˈbēdō]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is meant by the term libido?

Libido is a term used by in psychoanalytic theory to describe the energy created by the survival and sexual instincts. According to Sigmund Freud, the libido is part of the id and is the driving force of all behavior. While the term libido has taken on an overtly sexual meaning in today's world,...

What does the name libido mean?

( psychology) Drives or mental energies related to or based on sexual instincts but not necessarily sexual in and of themselves. For Freudians, libido means the desire to "unite and bind" with objects in the world. The ego as an organ which seeks to synthesize thoughts in the psyche is said to be driven by libido or eros.

Why do I have a low libido?

Low libido could also be caused by stress or occurrences of everyday life. Physical Causes. Low libido can be the result of poor nutrition or a generally sedentary lifestyle. General fatigue can also adversely affect libido.

What does libido mean in medical dictionary?

plural, libidos, sex drive Psychiatry Sexual drive, urge or desire; the psychic and emotional energy associated with instinctive biologic drives, generally equated to sexual drive; normal libido requires adequate testosterone and dopamine-which inhibits libido-attenuating prolactin. See Anorgasmia.

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