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See also: Libeling Labelling Labeling Liberal Libel Liberty Liberated Liberation Liberalism Libertarian Libertine Liberating Libelous Liberally Libertarianism Liberator Liberality Liberalismo

1. Libelling definitions Present participle of libel.

Libelling, Libel

2. Definition of Libelling in the dictionary


3. What does Libelling mean? Information and translations of Libelling in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions


4. Synonyms for Libelling include defamation, libel, slander, calumny, vilification, aspersing, calumniation, maligning, smearing and traducing

Libelling, Libel

5. Libelling in British English or US libeling (ˈlaɪbəlɪŋ)

Libelling, Libeling, La

6. Antonyms for Libelling include praise, acclamation, acclaim, approval, laudation, tribute, commendation, compliment, flattery and glorification

Libelling, Laudation

7. JUDGES will rule today in the final round of a 15-year legal wrangle between fast-food giant McDonald's and two campaigners found guilty of Libelling the company

Legal, Libelling

8. Clause 30 abolishes the concept of Libelling previous convictions "in aggravation of" the present offence.


9. Synonyms for Libelling in Free Thesaurus


10. Libelling - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Libelling and much more


11. The word Libelling uses 9 letters: b, e, g, i, i, l, l, l, n

Libelling, Letters

12. Libelling is playable in: Words With Friends 18


13. Meanings of Libelling - of Libel

Libelling, Libel

14. Translation for 'Libelling' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.


15. A former police officer has been acquitted of Libelling the head of Spain’s intelligence services by telling a TV programme he had threatened the life of King Juan Carlos’s ex-lover.

Libelling, Life, Lover

16. Translation for 'Libelling' in the free English-German dictionary and many other German translations.


17. The documentation of the soldiers from the Jewish congregations in our region is a convincing evidence of the groundlessness of the Libelling of the Jews as cowards and war profiteers


18. Definitions of Libelling, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of Libelling, analogical dictionary of Libelling (English)


19. Libelling definition: an act of making or publishing defamatory statements or representations about a person or Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 9


20. Gilad Atzmon says sorry for Libelling Campaign Against Antisemitism’s chairman Controversial anti-Zionist musician doesn't appear in court himself, as …


21. Translation for: 'Libelling' in English->Arabic dictionary


22. Addis Ababa, January 21, 2021 (FBC) –The European Union has donated vaccine filling and Libelling machine worth over €800,000 to the National Veterinary Institute of Ethiopia.State Minister of Agriculture, Dr


23. During his brother’s imprisonment Benjamin managed the paper, and “made bold to give our Rulers some Rubs in it, which my Brother took very kindly, while others began to consider me as a young Genius that had a Turn for Libelling & Satyr.” The eighth and ninth …


24. BBC to pay 'substantial' sum for story Libelling Ukrainian president


25. A Thai television journalist was sentenced to two years in prison on Tuesday on charges of Libelling a chicken farm on Twitter, her lawyer said.

Libelling, Lawyer

26. Alternatively, I'll be happy to expose the vile, spiteful, lying, deceitful, slandering, Libelling, harassing, self-described "mouthy Welsh bint"

Ll, Lying, Libelling


LIBELLING [ˈlībəl]

  • › What is a libelous statement
  • › Legal definition of libel
  • › What does libelous mean

Frequently Asked Questions

What does libeling mean?

verb (used with object), li·beled, li·bel·ing or (especially British) li·belled, li·bel·ling. to publish a libel against. to misrepresent damagingly. to institute suit against by a libel, as in an admiralty court.

What does libelous mean?

Definition of libelous : constituting or including a libel : defamatory a libelous statement : containing an untrue written statement that causes people to have a bad opinion of someone : constituting or including libel a libelous magazine article

What does libel mean legally?

Libel meaning in law. Libel is a legal term that refers to the making of false and malicious statements about a person in some type of print or writing. This can include false and malicious statements made in writing, printed on signs, or published on a public forum.

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