See also: Liaisons Liaisoning Liaison Liaisoned Liaise Liaising Liaised
1. Liaisons: the state of having shared interests or efforts (as in social or business matters)
2. Liaisons is a modern dramedy, telling the story of the affairs and relations within a family and beyond; the ongoing search for love and the various ways of getting it today.
Liaisons, Love
4. USPHS Commissioned Corps Liaisons Page
5. Definition of Liaisons in the dictionary
6. What does Liaisons mean? Information and translations of Liaisons in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions …
7. ‘The media Liaisons are there to ensure that the press has something to write about.’ ‘Second, when outside assistance is sought, family members frequently serve as Liaisons between elderly relatives and health care systems.’
8. Liaisons Lyrics: At the villa of the Baron De Signac / Where I spent a somewhat infamous year / At the villa of the Baron De Signac / I had ladies in attendance / Fire-opal pendant / Liaisons!
Liaisons, Lyrics, Ladies
9. Tour The New Liaisons… With its cutting edge interiors, high-end materials and innovative technology, The New Liaisons is a contemporary masterpiece which sets a new standard of timeless elegance and sophisticated style.
10. Liaisons is an innovative beginning-level French program firmly grounded in principles of communicative language teaching and research in second language acquisition
Liaisons, Level, Language
11. Liaisons X12 appoints various types of Liaisons, including external and internal Liaisons. Internal Liaisons coordinate between two X12 groups
12. External Liaisons represent X12's interests to another organization as defined in a formal agreement between the two organizations.
13. AbilityOne Liaisons are Federal employees designated by their agency's Procurement Executive or other senior official to promote AbilityOne agency-wide. AbilityOne Associate Liaisons are AbilityOne supporters in field offices or other divisions who volunteer to help promote AbilityOne within their areas.
14. Medical science Liaisons must be able to adapt to change and handle ambiguity
15. Good medical science Liaisons must be able to recognize this, work smart and start working in a new direction.
16. VA Liaisons stationed at Military Treatment Facilities (MTFs) support the transfer of severely wounded service members
17. Liaisons will contact the service member's local VA Medical Center and Transition Care Management (TCM) Team to ensure that appointments
Liaisons, Local
18. Founded in early 2018, Tenant Liaisons successfully improves communication and relationships between building owners, property management companies and their tenants
19. Community Liaisons schedule outreach meetings with local community members to discover their issues and concerns
Liaisons, Local
20. Armfeldt, sings Liaisons in Sondheim's A Little Night Music, 1990.
Liaisons, Little
21. Liaisons Meetings & Incentives understands that maintaining a close connection with your employees and customers is important
22. Liaisons is an innovative beginning-level French program grounded in principles of communicative language teaching and research in second language acquisition
Liaisons, Level, Language
23. Local Homeless Education Liaisons: Important Information for New Local Liaisons 4 applications (if the LEA has a subg rant or has applied for one in the past)
Local, Liaisons, Lea
24. Liaisons to Senators are chosen with input from other leaders in the state
Liaisons, Leaders
25. There are three important commitments that all CCL Liaisons are responsible for, known as the Liaison ABC’s
Liaisons, Liaison
26. No--not even figs--raisins! Ah, Liaisons
27. What does Liaisons mean? Plural form of liaison
Liaisons, Liaison
28. Liaisons is a transoceanic collective of authors from everywhere
29. Liaisons est un collectif transocéanque d'auteur.
30. Liaisons Legal Liaison CHS Legal Services: Here to Help! We are here for Court Staff, Law Offices, Public Defenders, and Process Servers
Liaisons, Legal, Liaison, Law
31. To address the needs of individuals on OHIO campuses who are acutely affected by COVID-19, OHIO COVID Operations has built a team of COVID campus Liaisons (CCLs)
32. Ethics Liaisons may also request informal advice from Commission staff or a formal advisory opinion from the Commission on behalf of or concerning individuals in their agencies who are covered by the State Government Ethics Act
33. Precinct Liaisons Prosecutors and police have come to realize that some public safety and neighborhood livability problems can be better addressed through proactive community-oriented problem solving rather than traditional "case-by-case" prosecution.
Liaisons, Livability
34. HR Liaisons serve as a communication link between Human Resources and SF State's departments and play an integral role in the coordination of human resources activities (i.e
Liaisons, Link
35. Foster care Liaisons were to be designate
36. Liaisons build and develop collections in all formats and work with departments to identify academic program needs
37. In addition, Liaisons can assist faculty with information on copyright, scholarly communication, and identifying low or no-cost (open) educational resources, often referred to as OER.
Liaisons, Low
38. Ask a Librarian Delaware Reference Services Liaisons – February 2021 Responsibilities of an Ask a Librarian Delaware Liaison include: Representing the partner library through active participation in Reference Services Group meetings and on the Ask a Librarian DE listserv (Reference listserv)
Librarian, Liaisons, Liaison, Library, Listserv
39. Foster Care Liaisons/DCYF Contacts
LIAISONS [ˈlēəˌzän, lēˈāzän]