Use Lhyperm in a sentence

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3. Elngine driverwith this amiiounitof nmaniifest Lhyperm-etropia, wlho, at the vigorous ageof 45, lhad to retire frolmi main-line duty on accoumnt of failing acconmmodation, beingr quite uinable tofall backoni the special senseofDr.Fergus, w.hiclh rescues the Lhypermetrope, and refuses to help tle

Lhyperm, Lhad, Line, Lhypermetrope

4. 第0卷第期计算机辅助工程V01.0No.0l1年6月ComputerAidedEngineeringJun.01lCAE软件操作小百科4刘志刚,贾安珏,同济大学应用力学研究所,上海0009Lhyperm髑h有哪些快捷键?HyperMesh有较多的快捷键,掌握这些快捷键可大大提高网格划分速度.常用的快捷键为:F,删除单元、面和实体等;F3,移动节点或代替

5. Lhyperm’ éthylation du promoteur est souvent associée à la perte de l’expression protéique

Lhyperm, La

6. Lhypermétrope : modélisant le cristallin d’un œil hypermétrope.

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LHYPERM [ˈhīpər]



Frequently Asked Questions

What does "hyper" really mean?

Medical Definition of Hyper-. Hyper-: Prefix meaning high, beyond, excessive, or above normal, as in hyperglycemia (high sugar in the blood) and hypercalcemia (high calcium in the blood). The opposite of hyper- is hypo-. Click to see full answer.

What does the name Hyper mean?

Definition of hyper (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : high-strung, excitable also : highly excited was a little hyper after drinking too much coffee 2 : extremely active hyper children

What does the root word hyper mean?

Definition & Meaning: Word Root Hyper. Hyper- means ‘too, over, excessive, beyond’. ‘Hyperactive’ is a word that start with the prefix hyper.

What does the prefix hyper mean?

hyper-. a prefix appearing in loanwords from Greek, where it meant “over,” usually implying excess or exaggeration (hyperbole); on this model used, especially as opposed to hypo-, in the formation of compound words (hyperthyroid).