See also: Lexical Lexically Lexicalized Lexicalization Define Of Lexicon Lexis Lexile Lexicography Lexicographically Lexicographer Lexicology Lexington
1. The Wordy History of Lexical The word lexicon can be used as a synonym of dictionary, and the word lexicography refers to the practice of dictionary making
Lexical, Lexicon, Lexicography
2. Both of these words, as well as Lexical, derive from the Greek word lexis, meaning "word" or "speech."
Lexical, Lexis
3. Lexical We can differentiate these categories as purely Lexical, rather than syntactic
4. From the Cambridge English Corpus Therefore, word frequency may not be a purely Lexical or semantic variable.
5. After Lexical Continuing Education receives your completed coursework, we will look it over, return it along with the answers to the rest of the course
Lexical, Look
6. Lexical translation is the task of translating individual words or phrases, either on their own (e.g., search-engine queries or meta-data tags) or as part of a knowledge-based MachineTranslation(MT)system
7. Incontrastwithstatisti-cal MT, Lexical translation does not require aligned corpora as input
8. CCG Lexical item would fully specify the syntax and semantics for a word (reviewed in Section 4)
9. Where a lexicon would usually list Lexical items such as this,
Lexicon, List, Lexical
10. Lexical definition, of or relating to the words or vocabulary of a language, especially as distinguished from its grammatical and syntactical aspects
Lexical, Language
11. 5 synonyms of Lexical from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 2 related words, definitions, and antonyms
12. Lexical: of or relating to words or language.
Lexical, Language
13. Lexical (semiotics) or content word, words referring to things, as opposed to having only grammatical meaning Lexical verb, a member of an open class of verbs that includes all verbs except auxiliary verbs Lexical aspect, a characteristic of the meaning of verbs Lexical form, the canonical form of a word, under which it appears in dictionaries
14. The definition of Lexical is something that relates to vocabulary or the words which make up a language
Lexical, Language
15. An example of Lexical used as an adjective is the phrase Lexical similarity which means words that appear to be similar to other words.
16. The Lexical approach is not a single, clearly defined method of language instruction
Lexical, Language
17. Find 25 ways to say Lexical, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
18. Lexical Intelligence is seeking a self-starting, detail-oriented Science Writer/Communications Specialist to work with the Office of Portfolio Analysis (OPA) at the National Institutes of Health
19. Adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Lexical means relating to the words of a language
Lexical, Language
20. We chose a few of the commonest Lexical items in the languages
Lexical, Languages
21. A Lexical definition (sometimes also called a reportive definition) is any definition which explains how a word is actually used
22. Therefore, Lexical definitions are capable of being true or false, of being
23. Lexical meaning The other component of sentence meaning is word meaning, the individual meanings of the words in a sentence, as Lexical items
24. Lexical: 1 adj of or relating to words “ Lexical decision task” adj of or relating to dictionaries
25. K Dictionaries is a global leader for multi-language Lexical content
Leader, Language, Lexical
26. Dynamic Lexical Acquisition in Chinese Sentence Analysis Andi Wu Microsoft Research One Microsoft Way Redmond, WA 98052, USA [email protected] Joseph Penthe…
27. Lexical scoping does not simply mean that a function can access global variables outside the local context
Lexical, Local
28. So the example code really doesn't help to show what Lexical scoping means
29. Showing Lexical scoping in code really needs a counter example or at least an explanation of other possible interpretations of the code
Lexical, Least
30. Lexical meaning definition: the meaning of a word in relation to the physical world or to abstract concepts , without Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
31. Definition of Lexical adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Lexical, Learner
32. ''Lexical in nature (that is to say, they are properties of individual Lexical items, so that different words belonging to the same category permit a different range of complements).
33. Lexical: ( leks'ĭ-kăl ), Denoting the vocabulary of speech or language.
Lexical, Leks, Language
34. "The most orthodox model of Lexical meaning is the monomorphic, sense enumeration model, according to which all the different possible meanings of a single Lexical item are listed in the lexicon as part of the Lexical entry for the item
Lexical, Listed, Lexicon
35. Each sense in the Lexical entry for a word is fully specified
36. Lexical meaning synonyms, Lexical meaning pronunciation, Lexical meaning translation, English dictionary definition of Lexical meaning
37. In linguisticslang=en terms the difference between Lexical and grammatical is that Lexical is (linguistics) concerning lexicography or a lexicon or dictionary while grammatical is (linguistics) acceptable as a correct sentence or clause as determined by the rules and conventions of the grammar, or morpho-syntax of the language
Linguisticslang, Lexical, Linguistics, Lexicography, Lexicon, Language
38. As adjectives the difference between Lexical and grammatical
39. Lexical semantics (also known as lexicosemantics), is a subfield of linguistic semantics.The units of analysis in Lexical semantics are Lexical units which include not only words but also sub-words or sub-units such as affixes and even compound words and phrases
Lexical, Lexicosemantics, Linguistic
40. Lexical units include the catalogue of words in a language, the lexicon.Lexical semantics looks at how the meaning of the Lexical
Lexical, Language, Lexicon, Looks
41. The Lexical analysis is independent of the syntax parsing and the semantic analysis
42. The Lexical analyzer splits the source text up into tokens
43. The Lexical grammar describes the syntax of these tokens
44. Above are the results of unscrambling Lexical
45. Definition of Lexical item in the dictionary
46. What does Lexical item mean? Information and translations of Lexical item in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
47. A Lexical verb is a verb that provides information
48. The opposite of Lexical verbs are auxiliary verbs, which provide grammatical structure
49. Lexical verbs are an open class type of verb and are used to express states and actions
50. Examples of Lexical verbs include “study,” “eat” and “listen.”
Lexical, Listen
51. • Develop applications in C/C++ for Teradata’s Client Software division on a high visibility project used by many of our top customers, concentrating on Lexical parsing and software compilation.
52. Examples of Lexical in a sentence
53. While teaching kindergarteners the English language, I took a Lexical approach by teaching each English word by using pictures.
Language, Lexical
54. Lexical Technology is a web based company in Kolkata, India which provides the web development services for companies world-wide
55. The Lexical approach makes a distinction between vocabulary--traditionally understood as a stock of individual words with fixed meanings--and lexis, which includes not only the single words but also the word combinations that we store in our mental lexicons
Lexical, Lexis, Lexicons
56. Lexical approach advocates argue that language consists of meaningful chunks that,
Lexical, Language
57. Lexical proficiency, as a cognitive construct, is poorly understood
58. However, Lexical proficiency is an important element of language proficiency and fluency, especially for second language (L2) learners
Lexical, Language, Learners
59. Lexical proficiency is also an important attribute of L2 academic achievement
60. Generally speaking, Lexical proficiency comprises breadth of knowledge features (i.e., how many words a learner
Lexical, Learner
61. Context example: Lexical decision task
62. In creating the pedagogical materials for Français interactif, the developers decided to move away from the traditional grammatical syllabus and adopt features of the Lexical Approach instead.
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LEXICAL [ˈleksək(ə)l]
The definition of lexical is something that relates to vocabulary or the words which make up a language. An example of lexical used as an adjective is the phrase lexical similarity which means words that appear to be similar to other words. YourDictionary definition and usage example. "Lexical.".
Definition of lexical. 1 : of or relating to words or the vocabulary of a language as distinguished from its grammar and construction Our language has many lexical borrowings from other languages.
A lexical definition (sometimes also called a reportive definition) is any definition which explains how a word is actually used. It is thus distinct from stipulative definitions which simply propose a possible way to use a word and which may or may not be accepted. Therefore, lexical definitions are capable of being true or false, of being accurate or inaccurate.
As adjectives the difference between lexical and grammatical is that lexical is (linguistics) concerning the vocabulary, words or morphemes of a language while grammatical is (linguistics) acceptable as a correct sentence or clause as determined by the rules and conventions of the grammar, or morpho-syntax of the language.