See also: Levantarse Levanter Levant Levantine Leva Levain Levator Leverage Levadura Levaquin Elevate Leviathan
1. See 14 authoritative translations of Levantar in English with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.
2. Conjugate Levantar in every Spanish verb tense including preterite, imperfect, future, conditional, and subjunctive.
3. Translation for 'Levantar' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations
4. Levantar comes from Latin verb levāre, which had a similar meaning
Levantar, Latin, Lev
5. There is no English equivalent of Levantar that comes from the same source, although "levitate" is a …
Levantar, Levitate
6. The Levantar Floor Patient Lift by Drive Medical is powerful, efficient, and available with your option of a manual or power operated base
Levantar, Lift
7. Preterite (Past Tense) Conjugation of Levantar – Pretérito (pretérito perfecto simple) de Levantar
8. Imperfect Tense Conjugation of Levantar – Imperfecto (de indicativo) de Levantar
9. Levantar Floor Lift, Power Base 500 lbs Accessories
Levantar, Lift, Lbs
10. Levantar Floor Lift, Manual Base 500 lbs Accessories
Levantar, Lift, Lbs
11. 2.1 Levantar a algn (del suelo) to lift sb, lift sb up, (de la cama) to get sb up pesaba tanto que no pude Levantarla del suelo she was so heavy that I couldn't lift her off the ground cuando se sienta en ese sofá no hay quien lo levante once he sits on that sofa no one can get him off it su actuación levantó al público de sus asientos her performance brought the audience to their feet
Levantar, Lift, La, Levantarla, Lo, Levante, Levant
12. Levantare < lavare, alzar.) 1
Levantare, Lt, Lavare
13. References [] “Levantar” in Dicionario de Dicionarios do galego medieval, SLI - ILGA 2006-2012
14. “Levantar” in Xavier Varela Barreiro & Xavier Gómez Guinovart: Corpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval.SLI / Grupo TALG / ILG, 2006-2016
Levantar, Ling
15. “Levantar” in Dicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega, SLI - ILGA 2006-2013
Levantar, Lingua
16. “Levantar” in Tesouro informatizado da lingua
Levantar, Lingua
17. Levantar el campamento, los manteles
Levantar, Los
18. Hacer que salte la caza y salga del sitio en que estaba: Levantar una pieza
La, Levantar
19. Edificar, construir, erigir: Levantar unos apartamentos, una estatua
20. Dirigir hacia arriba: Levantar la mirada, el dedo
Levantar, La
21. Producir o causar: Levantar …
22. How to say Levantar In English - Translation of Levantar to English by Nglish, on-line comprehensive Spanish – English and English – Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica, Including: Translation of words and sentences, English synonyms, example sentences, related phrases, audio pronunciation, personal word lists and more
Levantar, Line, Learning, Lists
23. Levantar translate: lift, pick, raise, raise, raise, cock, dig up, heave, heighten, hoist, put up, put up, rear
Levantar, Lift
24. Translate Levantar into English
25. Find words for Levantar in English in this Spanish-English dictionary
26. Traducir Levantar de español a Inglés.
27. English words for Levantar include lift, raise, pick up, build, get up, lift up, erect, raise up, pull up and set up
Levantar, Lift
28. Levantar - translate into English with the Portuguese-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary
29. English Translation of “Levantar” The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online
30. Levantar identified a programme of work which included managers, supervisors and team leaders in the design and execution
Levantar, Leaders
31. The Levantar programme helped the team to devise ways of delivering 35% more output without needing any more staff or space.
32. Definition of Levantar in the dictionary
33. What does Levantar mean? Information and translations of Levantar in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
34. Spanish verb Levantar conjugated in all tenses, with quizzes, audio and English translations for all forms.
35. Levantar - sinónimos de 'Levantar' en un diccionario de 200.000 sinónimos online
36. They are available is two lifts, The Levantar Battery Powered Lift comes standard with a 500 lbs weight capacity
Lifts, Levantar, Lift, Lbs
37. Both the Levantar and the Gravis are available with either a manual adjustable base or an upgraded power base.
38. Si su hijo se levanta, llévelo de vuelta a la cama con una advertencia de que cerrará la puerta (no con cerrojo) durante 1 ó 2 minutos si se vuelve a Levantar
Levanta, Ll, La, Levantar
39. Estamos prestes a Levantar as barreiras.: Okay, we're about to raise the barriers.: Sinto-me forçada a Levantar as mais fortes objeções.: Yes, sir
40. I feel obligated to raise my very strong objections.: Você ainda precisará Levantar pesos e manter-se hidratado.: You will still need to lift weights and stay hydrated.: Vamos te Levantar em um segundo.: If we all just lift at the same time.
Levantar, Lift
41. Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb Levantar in Preterite tense
Learn, Levantar
42. English words for Levantar include raise, lift, up, bring up, pull up, build, erect, boost, elevate and set up
Levantar, Lift
43. Using the chart below you can learn how to conjugate the Spanish verb Levantar in Imperfect tense
Learn, Levantar
44. Levantar la vista; Levantar las cejas; Levantar el brazo; Levantar la cabeza; Levantar la mano; Levantar los ojos hacia algo 4 Construir un edificio, un monumento u otra obra de construcción
Levantar, La, Las, Los
45. Han levantado esa casa en menos de dos meses; Levantaron una pared alrededor del patio
Levantado, Levantaron
46. The verb Levantar is a very helpful verb to use when you want to talk about raising or lifting something
Levantar, Lifting
47. Querremos Levantar la voz por nuestra situación
Levantar, La
48. ¡Ojalá (que) mis hermanos levanten pesas todos los días! I hope that my brothers lift weights every day! [ more Spanish sentences with Levantar] Use our Spanish Verb Conjugation Tool (and translator) to conjugate and translate over 10,000
Levanten, Los, Lift, Levantar
49. Sentence pairs containing Levantar translated in English and Spanish
50. Sin embargo, hoy debemos simplemente Levantar acta de que se está iniciando una fase nueva y diferente, la de la Conferencia Intergubernamental
Levantar, La
51. Levantar verb conjugation to all tenses, modes and persons
52. Search the definition and the translation in context for “Levantar”, with examples of use extracted from real-life communication
Levantar, Life
53. Este video alegre de música positiva con agua suave que fluye viene genial para animarse y ser un poco mas feliz o simplemente para ayudar a Levantar el ánim
54. Levantar - Verb conjugation in Spanish
55. Learn how to conjugate Levantar in various tenses
Learn, Levantar
56. The Spanish verb 'Levantarse' is a reflexive verb meaning 'to get up' or 'to stand up.' In this lesson, we will look at the present tense conjugations of 'Levantarse' including the appropriate use
Levantarse, Lesson, Look
57. Levantar conjugación en todos los tiempos, modos y personas
Levantar, Los
58. Busque la definición y la traducción en contexto de “Levantar”, con ejemplos de uso extraídos de conversaciones reales
La, Levantar
59. Übersetzung Spanisch-Deutsch für Levantar im PONS Online-Wörterbuch nachschlagen! Gratis Vokabeltrainer, Verbtabellen, Aussprachefunktion.
60. Levantar uma questão: to broach: Next; Translations: 1 – 20 / 25
61. Hoy no me puedo Levantar (Today I Can't Get up) is a Spanish jukebox musical, with music and lyrics by José María Cano and Nacho Cano, former members of the band Mecano.Based on 32 of the band's greatest hits and named after their first single, the musical centers on a pair of impoverished musicians trying to be part of La Movida Madrileña, after the fall of Francisco Franco's dictatorship.
Levantar, Lyrics, La
62. Quiero Levantar mis manos, Quiero Levantar mi voz Ofrecerte a Tí mi vida En santidad y amor
63. A mi hija de 1 año le encantan estos libros, tenemos este y "donde está en bebe" ella misma los coge y los trae para que se los leamos y le encanta Levantar ella misma las solapas, si que es cierto que las solapas al ser de papel a nada que el bebe tira con un poco de fuerza se rompen, yo ya he pegado unas cuantas, pero por el precio que
Le, Libros, Los, Leamos, Levantar, Las
64. 1 day ago · Deliveroo busca Levantar 2.000 millones y un valor en Bolsa de más de 10.000 millones con su OPV
The word levantas is the present form of levantar in the second person singular. See the full levantar conjugation. A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. I bought a book.). Levanta la mano si quieres ir al parque.Raise your hand if you want to go to the park.
levantar (first-person singular present levanto, first-person singular preterite levantei, past participle levantado) to lift, to raise. to stand (place upright) (reflexive) to stand up. (reflexive) to get up (rise from one's bed) to put up (build a structure) (reflexive) to rise up (rebel)
From Old Portuguese levantar, itself from a Vulgar Latin *levantāre, from Latin levans, levante-, present participle of levō . levantar ( first-person singular present levanto, first-person singular preterite levantei, past participle levantado ) el / ela / Vde. eles / elas / Vdes. el / ela / Vde. eles / elas / Vdes. Vde. Vdes. el / ela / Vde.
The word levantas is the present form of levantar in the second person singular. A transitive verb is a verb that requires a direct object (e.g. I bought a book.). Levanta la mano si quieres ir al parque.