Use Leukemia in a sentence

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See also: Leukemia Acute Chronic Myeloid Leukocytosis Leukopenia Leukocyte Leukoplakia Leukorrhea Leukaemia Leukotriene Leukoderma Leukocytopenia Leukopoiesis

1. Leukemia is a cancer of the early blood-forming cells. Most often, Leukemia is a cancer of the white blood cells, but some Leukemias start in other blood cell types.

Leukemia, Leukemias

2. What Is Leukemia? Leukemia is a blood cancer caused by a rise in the number of white blood cells in your body


3. Leukemia is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow. Bone marrow produces blood cells


4. Leukemia can develop due to a problem with blood cell production


5. Leukemia is a cancer of blood or blood-forming cells (and therefore sometimes referred to as blood cancer). While the exact cause (s) of Leukemia is not known, risk factors have been identified, including radiation exposure, certain chemotherapy for cancer, smoking, family history of Leukemia, and exposure to certain chemicals such as benzene.


6. Leukemia is a broad term for cancers of the blood cells


7. The type of Leukemia depends on the type of blood cell that becomes cancer and whether it grows quickly or slowly


8. Leukemia occurs most often in adults older than 55, but it is also the most common cancer in children younger than 15


9. Leukemia is a group of cancers of the blood affecting the white blood cells


10. In Leukemia, white blood cell production becomes abnormal in the bone marrow


11. Leukemia Leukemia is a type of cancer found in your blood and bone marrow and is caused by the rapid production of abnormal white blood cells


12. Leukemia can be either acute or chronic.


13. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society® (LLS) is a global leader in the fight against cancer

Leukemia, Lymphoma, Lls, Leader

14. The LLS mission: Cure Leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin's disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families.

Lls, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Life

15. Leukemia develops when the DNA in blood cells called leukocytes mutate or change, disabling their ability to control growth and division

Leukemia, Leukocytes

16. Leukemia symptoms often vary depending on the type of Leukemia diagnosed


17. The symptoms of Leukemia may be very subtle at first and include fatigue, unexplained fever, abnormal bruising, headaches, excessive bleeding (such as frequent nosebleeds), unintentional weight loss, and frequent infections, to name a few.These, however, can be due to a wide range of causes.

Leukemia, Loss

18. Leukemia is cancer that affects blood cells


19. There are several types and subtypes of Leukemia, and each of them strikes different types of blood cells


20. The chance of recovering from this cancer—called your prognosis—depends greatly on the specific type of Leukemia


21. Understanding Your Leukemia Prognosis


22. Learn about the risk factors for acute lymphocytic Leukemia and if there are things you might be able to do to help lower your risk

Learn, Lymphocytic, Leukemia, Lower

23. Know the signs and symptoms of acute lymphocytic Leukemia

Lymphocytic, Leukemia

24. Leukemia is a type of cancer that affects the blood cells and bone marrow, a tissue inside bones where blood cells are made.


25. Leukemia can be divided into the following types: Acute lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) It is a rapidly progressing type of Leukemia where healthy cells are replaced by immature cells that divide rapidly and replace fully functional white blood cells

Leukemia, Lymphoblastic

26. Immature cells in acute lymphoblastic Leukemia are lymphocytes, and they typically invade tissues

Lymphoblastic, Leukemia, Lymphocytes

27. Leukemia is a form of blood cancer that impedes the normal production of white blood cells in the bone marrow


28.   In Leukemia, abnormal cells crowd out healthy cells, affecting their ability to fight infection


29. Leukaemia (sometimes spelt as Leukemia) is a cancer of the blood cells

Leukaemia, Leukemia

30. Leukemia is broadly categorized as acute or chronic


31. Acute Leukemias are more aggressive and involve immature blood cells, whereas chronic Leukemias tend to develop more slowly and involve mature blood cells


32. Leukemia is further classified by the type of cells that are affected, with the four main types being: Acute lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL)

Leukemia, Lymphocytic

33. Leukemia is cancer of the bone marrow and lymphatic system, and affects both children and adults

Leukemia, Lymphatic

34. In Leukemia, abnormal cells, produced by the bone marrow, begin to overtake and replace the normal blood and marrow cells.


35. Specialists from all areas of Leukemia care work together to design a treatment plan especially for you


36. Bringing together experts in chemotherapy, immunotherapy, bone marrow transplantation, and quality-of-life issues helps us choose the combination of therapies that will most effectively treat the Leukemia and provide you with the best outcome possible.

Life, Leukemia

37. Adult acute lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell)

Lymphoblastic, Leukemia, Lymphocytes

38. Adult acute lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL; also called acute lymphocytic Leukemia) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow

Lymphoblastic, Leukemia, Lymphocytic

39. Leukemia is cancer of the white blood cells


40. In Leukemia, the bone marrow produces abnormal white blood cells


41. There are different types of Leukemia, including


42. Leukemia is a cancer that develops in bone marrow, the spongy tissue inside most bones


43. In patients with Leukemia, the bone marrow produces abnormal white blood cells


44. Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that develops in bone marrow, where blood cells are made


45. The symptoms of Leukemia can vary widely, including …


46. Leukemia Research is an international journal which brings comprehensive and current information to all health care professionals involved in basic and applied clinical research in hematological malignancies


47. Leukemia is a general term for cancers that affect a person’s blood or bone marrow


48. Different Leukemia types exist, but many cause similar signs …


49. Leukemia is the result of the rapid overproduction of abnormal white blood cells


50. Leukemia is the most common type of blood cancer in people older than 55


51. Leukemia, a cancer of the blood-forming tissues characterized by a large increase in the numbers of white blood cells in the circulation or bone marrow

Leukemia, Large

52. There are different types of Leukemia, which are defined as either acute or chronic and as either myelogenous or lymphocytic

Leukemia, Lymphocytic

53. Learn more about the types, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of Leukemia.

Learn, Leukemia

54. Leukemia is the seventh leading cause of cancer death in the United States

Leukemia, Leading

55. Death Rate per 100,000 Persons by Race/Ethnicity & Sex: Leukemia


56. The type of Leukemia is determined by where the cell is in the stage of development when it becomes malignant, or cancerous


57. If the Leukemia is among these cells, it is called acute lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL).

Leukemia, Lymphoblastic

58. Leukemia, also known as blood cancer is a bit different from other types of cancer, and it may become a bit difficult to understand at first


59. Instead of having a tumor in one organ growing larger and larger, and then spreading to other tissues, in Leukemia cancer starts in …

Larger, Leukemia

60. Acute promyelocytic Leukemia (APL) is an aggressive type of acute myeloid Leukemia in which there are too many immature blood-forming cells (promyelocytes) in the blood and bone marrow


61. In Leukemia, there is an overproduction of blast cells


62. When Leukemia is diagnosed, these blast cells may be called Leukemia cells


63. There are many different types of Leukemia.


64. Leukemia treatment falls into two categories -- treatment to fight the cancer and treatment to relieve the symptoms of the disease and the side effects of the treatment (supportive care)


65. The most widely used antileukemic treatment is chemotherapy, that is, the use of powerful drugs to kill Leukemia cells


66. Leukemia [loo-ke´me-ah] a progressive, malignant neoplasm of the blood-forming organs, marked by diffuse replacement of the bone marrow development of leukocytes and their precursors in the blood and bone marrow

Leukemia, Loo, Leukocytes



  • › Define leukemia in medical terminology
  • › Chronic lymphocytic leukemia define
  • › Chronic lymphocytic leukemia life expectancy

Frequently Asked Questions

What can a person do to get leukemia?

How Do You Get Leukemia?

  • Radiation. Long-term exposure to high levels of radiation can contribute to causing acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, and chronic myeloid leukemia.
  • Smoking. ...
  • CT scans. ...
  • Benzene. ...
  • Chemotherapy. ...
  • Inherited diseases. ...
  • Medical history. ...
  • Viral infections. ...
  • Family history. ...

What does the name leukemia mean?

Leukemia is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. In simple terms, cancer is defined as the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. Cancer can develop anywhere in the body. In leukemia, this rapid, out-of-control growth of abnormal cells takes place in the bone marrow of bones. These abnormal cells then spill into the bloodstream.

How would you describe leukemia?

Leukemia is a blood cancer caused by a rise in the number of white blood cells in your body. Those white blood cells crowd out the red blood cells and platelets that your body needs to be healthy. The extra white blood cells don't work right.

What should I know about leukemia?

Leukemia is cancer of the blood or bone marrow. A person who has leukemia suffers from an abnormal production of blood cells, generally white blood cells.

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