Use Leery in a sentence

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See also: Leery Leary Leering Leerie Leerily Leeringly Leeriness Larynx Laryngitis Laryngomalacia Laryngospasm Leers Leered Larry Leeroy Leer

1. Definition of Leery : suspicious, wary —often used with of Leery of strangers She seemed a little Leery of the proposal

Leery, Little

2. Examples of Leery in a Sentence They were Leery of their neighbors.


3. Wary; suspicious (usually followed by of): I'm Leery of his financial advice.


4. Leery adjective(Slang)wary, cautious, uncertain, suspicious, doubting, careful, shy, sceptical, dubious, unsure, distrustful, on your guard, charyThey are Leery of the proposed system


5. Not trusting someone or something and usually avoiding him, her, or it if possible: I've always been a little Leery of authority figures.

Little, Leery

6. If city officials were Leery of cutting police personnel to close the existing $124 million gap, or even part of it, they may turn to the almost $72 million the city spends from its general fund on the non-personnel side of the police budget.


7. If you feel untrusting or suspicious of a situation, you can use Leery to describe how you feel


8. Here are some examples of Leery in sentences.


9. Leery is an adjective that means suspicious or uneasy


10. Little Red Riding Hood was wise to be Leery of the Big Bad Wolf, for example, just as you should be Leery of raw chicken that has turned gray. Leery was first recorded in English in 1718

Little, Leery

11. Leary definition, a less common variant of Leery1

Leary, Less

12. Leery is an adjective that describes something or someone as not trusting something or being suspicious of a place or person


13. It is usually used with the preposition of (e.g., I am Leery of warehouses)


14. The noun form is leeriness. Some American dictionaries list leary as a variant spelling of Leery.

Leeriness, List, Leary, Leery

15. Leery Add to list Share You can use the adjective Leery to describe someone who's suspicious of a person or situation

Leery, List

16. After his brother came out with bald spots and uneven patches of buzz-cut hair, he was Leery of having the same barber get near his own head


17. Being Leery is being distrustful.


18. The definition of Leery is someone or something expressing caution and suspicion


19. When someone has lied to you before and you are cautious and unsure of whether you can trust him again, this is an example of a situation where you are Leery.

Lied, Leery

20. Adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE] If you are Leery of something, you are cautious and suspicious about it and try to avoid it.

Link, Leery

21. Rightly Leery of the elaborate administrative systems of most public-art programs, Christo and Jeanne-Claude simply circumvent them, bringing a roadshow--here involving millions of dollars in independent funding and about a thousand of their own employees involved in various aspects of the project--that literally over whelms a city's own

Leery, Literally

22. Leery (adj.) "knowing, wide-awake, untrusting, suspicious, alert," 1718, originally slang, with -y (2), but otherwise of unknown origin


23. Leery adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (wary, not trusting) méfiant adj adjectif: modifie un nom


24. Leery (of something/somebody) Leery (of doing something) careful about something/somebody because you suspect that there may be a danger or problem, and trying to avoid doing it or dealing with them synonym wary The government is Leery of changing the current law.

Leery, Law

25. He's also Leery of reserve land being developed in such a way.: He is a hard worker but many of his coworkers are Leery of him.: I was a little bit wary or a little bit Leery because he had to pick the gun up and put it in the bag, so of course I was watching what he was doing.: All of this anecdotal evidence has made me Leery of the concept.: The business has ground to a standstill as hair

Leery, Land, Little

26. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English leer‧y /ˈlɪəri $ ˈlɪri/ adjective informal careful in the way that you deal with something or someone because you do not trust them SYN wary Leery of I was very Leery of him after I found out he had lied to Jennifer.

Longman, Leer, Leery, Lied

27. "The thought of paperwork I have to do is weary enough." Leery is a state of being cautious, hesitant or nervous about something.


28. ‘a city Leery of gang violence’ ‘The market turmoil and lack of good financial knowledge has made them Leery of equities.’ ‘Businesses were a little Leery, understandably, about investing and adding jobs.’

Leery, Lack, Little

29. Leery - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions


30. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Leery adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (wary, not trusting) desconfiado/a adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo.Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa grande", "mujer alta").


31. The Leery family name was found in the USA, the UK, and Scotland between 1840 and 1920


32. The most Leery families were found in the USA in 1880


33. In 1840 there was 1 Leery family living in Ohio

Leery, Living

34. This was 100% of all the recorded Leery's in the USA


35. Ohio had the highest population of Leery families in 1840.


36. 1 day ago · Workers say they’re Leery of trouble


37. Leery leary As adjectives the difference between Leery and leary is that Leery is cautious, hesitant, or nervous about something; having reservations or concerns while leary is .

Leery, Leary

38. Executives say they are Leery of the proposed system


39. They were Leery about investing in a company controlled by a single individual


40. If someone looks or smiles at you in a Leery way, they look or smile at you in an unpleasant way, usually because they are sexually interested in you

Looks, Leery, Look

41. See 3 authoritative translations of Leery in Spanish with example sentences and audio pronunciations.


42. Definition of Leery (adjective): not trusting someone


43. Definition and synonyms of Leery from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.


44. This is the British English definition of Leery.View American English definition of Leery.


45. As adjectives the difference between Leery and wary is that Leery is cautious, hesitant, or nervous about something; having reservations or concerns while wary is cautious of danger; carefully watching and guarding against deception, artifices, and dangers; timorously or suspiciously prudent; circumspect; scrupulous; careful.


46. Examples of Leery in a sentence


47. The dog was Leery of the man with the large stick

Leery, Large

48. 🔊 If you are Leery of going into the old house alone, you should have a male friend accompany you


49. 🔊 In this day and age, computer viruses are everywhere so people should be Leery of emails from strangers


50. Synonyms for Leery include careful, cautious, chary, distrustful, dubious, guarded, mistrusting, sceptical, suspicious and wary


51. Fred Taylor HIS 991 Thieu , Leery Thieu , Leery and indecisive , remained Chief Executive until 1975 , having won a one-candidate election in 1971 .The Dr


52. The series starred James Van Der Beek as Dawson Leery, Katie Holmes as his best friend and love interest, Joey Potter, Joshua Jackson as their fellow best friend Pacey Witter, and Michelle Williams as Jen

Leery, Love

53. Definition of Leery written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels.

Leery, Language, Learners, Learner, Labels

54. Joseph Martin HIS 991 Thieu , Leery Thieu , Leery and indecisive , remained prexy until 1975 , having won a one-candidate election in 1971 .The Lyndon Johnson governing body employed a `` insurance of minimal candour '' in its relations with the sensitive .armed forces selective information officeholder HIS 991 Thieu , Leery Thieu , Leery and indecisive

Leery, Lyndon

55. Find 25 ways to say Leery, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


56. Executives say they are Leery of the proposed system


57. I've always been a bit Leery of authority figures


58. I tend to be a bit Leery of cut - price ` bargains '


59. I would be Leery of committing my company to employ hun



LEERY [ˈlirē]


  • › Definition of wary vs leery
  • › Leery vs leary
  • › Meaning of leery
  • › Leary vs wary
  • › Synonym for the word leery
  • › Leary definition synonym
  • › Leery vs leary definition

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