See also: Le Lecherous Lechery Lech Lechem Lechera Lechers Lecho Lechon Lechwe Lecherer Lecherously Lechuga Lechuza Lecherousness Lechuguilla Leche Lecher Lechy
1. Lechaim definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation
2. Lechaim Tours - Your Tour Guide in Israel The Land of Israel may be small – – but it’s huge on interest
Lechaim, Land
3. Definition of Lechaim in the dictionary
4. Information and translations of Lechaim in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
5. (Judaism) a variant spelling of Lechaim Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content.
Lechaim, Link
6. Lechaim offers many fresh-food meal options that give our clients the opportunity to add a kosher offering without the need to be a fully certified facility
7. Lechaim Mee China is known for being an outstanding Chinese restaurant
8. Interested in how much it may cost per person to eat at Lechaim Mee China? The price per item at Lechaim …
9. Lechaim restaurant is the kosher restaurant in St
10. Lechaim Productions is a leading provider of kosher entertainment and education for the heimishe community and beyond since 1982
Lechaim, Leading
11. Lechaim/L`Chaim is a single Hebrew word simply means "To life!” not to a happy life, a prosperous life, but just To Life
Lechaim, Life
12. Hamantashen and Lechaim after the Megillah reading
13. Listen to music by Lechaim on Apple Music
Listen, Lechaim
14. Find top songs and albums by Lechaim including Schofar, Berüehrig and more.
15. Lechaim! Lately, I’ve been having trouble using their word “God” to refer to the things and beings I used to refer to when I used that word
Lechaim, Lately
16. Lechaim is NOT a valid word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) Lechaim 14 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Lechaim is NOT a valid word in WWF
17. Definitions for the word, Lechaim
18. 43.8k Followers, 6,083 Following, 3,218 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Israel Lechaïm (@israelLechaim)
19. Definição de Lechaim: a drinking toast Significado, pronúncia, traduções e exemplos
20. A glezele Lechaim Contributor Names Rumshinsky, Joseph -- 1881-1956 (composer) Rumshinsky, Joseph -- 1881-1956 (lyricist) Created / Published Hebrew Publishing Co., …
Lechaim, Lyricist
21. Search Lechaim and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso
22. You can complete the definition of Lechaim given by the English Definition dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster
Lechaim, Lexilogos, Lexibase
23. The mission of Lechaim Charities, Inc
24. Fiddler on the roof – Lechaim (with subtitles) I love this song :) Click on this link to watch it.
Lechaim, Love, Link
25. A glezele Lechaim Contributor Names Rumshinsky, Joseph -- 1881-1956 (composer) Rumshinsky, Joseph -- 1881-1956 (lyricist) Created / Published Hebrew Publishing Co., …
Lechaim, Lyricist
26. Professor Lechaim Naggan was born in Tel-Aviv in 1936
27. Israel Lechaim Israel Lechaim Israel Lechaim Israel Lechaim
28. Lechaim Düsseldorf bietet Ihnen koschere Lebensmittel in großer Auswahl zu guten Preisen!
Lechaim, Lebensmittel
L'chaim definition, a toast used in drinking to a person's health or well-being. See more.
a jewish salutation meaning "to life!" Generally used during toasts. " Mazel tav, it's a celebration bitches, l'chaim! a Jewish expression which means "to life", used only when making a toast. -L'Chaim!
Lechaim was founded in 1991. It is printed monthly in Russian, with sections on news, memoirs, Torah studies, Jewish culture and art, literature and interviews. Most of the content is also available online. ^ a b Mikhail Gold (2 August 2011).
In time, the term has come to refer to the act of sharing a glass of spirits, and even to the drink itself. Thus, shot glasses are “ l'chaim glasses,” and making a toast is “making a l'chaim.”