1. Leaf mould creators, listen up! You shouldn’t wait until all the leaves are down to start on this project, says Alan Titchmarsh
Leaf, Listen, Leaves
2. What is Leaf mould? Leaf mould is compost made from tree leaves
Leaf, Leaves
3. However, unlike traditional compost, Leaf mould is created through a fungal-driven process rather than a bacterially-driven process
4. The end result of Leaf mould is an invaluable additive to soil
5. Any leaf can make Leaf mould but some rot down much quicker - oak, alder and hornbeam for example - than others
6. As far as pH goes, pine needles tend to make an acidic Leaf mould.
7. Gardeners often refer to Leaf mould as “black gold” because gardens thrive when it’s used
8. The benefits of Leaf mould cannot be overstated
9. Yes, you can use Leaf mould for mulching your plants
10. You can even use the Leaf mould for fertilizing small seedlings
11. Is Leaf mould acidic or alkaline? Initially, Leaf mould is slightly acidic in nature
12. Leaf mould is an essential part of pot mixture, mainly for indoor plants
13. In combination with sand, Leaf mould is an excellent medium for planting stem cutting for root induction
14. A mixture made up of one part in each of loam and sand, and two parts of Leaf mould are ideal for seed sowing
Loam, Leaf
15. Leaf mould along with coco peat is used to grow orchids.
16. Leaf mould is made when autumn leaves are broken down by the slow action of fungi, rather than by bacteria that decompose other compost bin ingredients
Leaf, Leaves
17. Pile leaves up separately in a bespoke Leaf mould bin or cage and you’ll have the perfect …
Leaves, Leaf, Ll
18. Most leaves can be turned into Leaf mould, but some take longer to compost than others
Leaves, Leaf, Longer
19. 12 or 20 kilogram bagged Leaf mould
20. Fully composted, sieved and quality controlled Leaf mould compost
21. ‘The holy grail is Leaf mould made from oak or hornbeam and, matured for two years.’ Photograph: Gap Photos
22. Leaf mould definition: a type of fertilizer (= substance that makes plants grow) made from leaves that fall from trees in…
Leaf, Leaves
23. If you want to make Leaf mould or compost leaves the fast easy way, we show you how
Leaf, Leaves
24. Leaf mould is easy to make, free of pests, diseases and weeds (unless you gather it from where they’re seeding), a delight to handle, and you can’t possibly overdose your soil on it.
25. Leaf mould is one of the best s In this episode of UK Here We Grow, we show you how to turn one of the last harvests of the year into something very special
Leaf, Last
26. Leaf mould is one of the best s
27. Leaf mould definition: Leaf mould is a substance consisting of decayed leaves that is used to improve the soil
Leaf, Leaves
28. Leaf mould is a great way to turn garden waste into valuable fertiliser and it’s free of charge! Fallen leaves in built up areas close to roads can be affected by atmospheric pollution so try to avoid leaves near busy roads
Leaf, Leaves
29. Leaf mould material isn’t rich in nutrients like some types of compost, but it is still beneficial
Leaf, Like
30. ‘You should use garden loam with organic matter that contains peat moss, Leaf mould, compost, rotted or commercial manure.’ ‘Begun in 1982, the beds have been wrested from the fellside, with the removal of thousands of rocks and the incorporation of massive amounts of …
Loam, Leaf
31. Either use the Leaf mould as a mulch for your beds and borders the following autumn or leave them bagged up for a couple of years to create an excellent soil conditioner
Leaf, Leave
32. Leaf mould can be made by storing leaves in a mesh bin, made of chicken wire pinned to wooden posts
Leaf, Leaves
33. Once the leaves have fully rotted down, the Leaf mould is a rich brown/black material your own organic seed or potting compost! If you can produce large enough quantities, then Leaf mould can be used as a very good mulch.
Leaves, Leaf, Large
34. There is a variation on making Leaf mould using plastic sacks this involves adding the contents of the Bokashi bin to the plastic Leaf mould sack containing dry leaves during the winter months
Leaf, Leaves
35. M ost people know that Leaf mould is a good thing
36. Leaf mould synonyms, Leaf mould pronunciation, Leaf mould translation, English dictionary definition of Leaf mould
37. Synonyms for Leaf mould in Free Thesaurus
38. 2 synonyms for Leaf mould: leaf mold, leaf soil
39. What are synonyms for Leaf mould?
40. German Translation of “ Leaf mould” The official Collins English-German Dictionary online
LEAF MOULD [ˈlēf ˌmōld]
Leaf mold. Leaf mold (Leaf mould outside of the United States) is the product of slow decomposition of deciduous shrub and tree leaves. It is a form of compost produced primarily by fungal breakdown.
Here’s what you should know: 1 Add to Soil When your leaf mold has finished decomposing, you can use the simplest method of using it by tossing it into the garden. ... 2 Mulch It Leaf mold is also an inexpensive mulch. It can cost you nothing if you have enough leaves in your own yard. ... 3 Container Gardening
The difference between leaf mold and compost is compost is a nutritious element for your garden and is great for your soil too. Leaf mold is more of an additive to your soil.
Autumn leaves are often collected as part of gardening or farming and kept in pits or containers so that the leaf mold can be used in the garden. The presence of oxygen from the air and sufficient moisture are essential for leaf decomposition. Leaf mold is not high in nutrient content, but it is excellent humic soil conditioner because...