Use Lay on the table in a sentence

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See also: Lay Lay-off Lay-by Lay-in Lay-down Lay-forth Lay-people Lay-person

1. To lay on the table. in parliamentary usage, to lay, as a report, motion, etc., on the table of the presiding officer, - that is, to postpone the consideration of, by a vote; - also called to table


2. Lay on the table is a term of parliamentary law and procedure which refers to a motion to suspend consideration of a pending motion

Lay, Law

3. Lay on the table This phrase occurs in the official records of meetings or deliberations of various government bodies


4. Lay on the table Definition Lay on the table Definition: Also “to table”; a term of parliamentary law and procedure which refers to a motion in regards to another motion being actively debated, but intended to defer a final disposition of the pending motion.

Lay, Law

5. Find 285 synonyms for "lay on the table" and other similar words that you can use instead from our thesaurus.


6. Under Robert’s Rules, the subsidiary motion to Lay on the table refers to temporarily setting aside a pending motion (or a series of pending motions) to take care of something else deemed urgent


7. The motion to Lay on the table is less about the business being discussed than about the assembly needing to handle something else immediately.

Lay, Less

8. The parliamentary motion to Lay on the table—as prescribed by Robert's Rules of Order, Article V, Section 28—enables a deliberative assembly to temporarily lay aside, or "table," a pending question for the sole purpose of taking up more urgent business that requires the assembly's immediate attention.


9. - The book lay on the table. - The book was lying on the table. - The book was on the table.It's not that they have a very different meaning, but that they might be used in different situations

Lay, Lying

10. The book lay on the table for six weeks before anyone realized where it was


11. You cannot Lay on the table any subsidiary motion (like Postpone Definitely), because to Lay on the table only applies to main motions, and all adhering motions like 'Postpone Definitely'.

Lay, Like

12. Lay on the table the rest of your lies It’s time for you to go Cause all the cryin’ is over, all the love is gone And all that remains are the words in a song And anywhere but here is where I

Lay, Lies, Love

13. The purpose of the motion to Lay on the table is to enable an assembly, by majority vote and without debate, to lay a pending question aside temporarily when something else of immediate urgency has arisen or when something else needs to be addressed before consideration of …


14. Lay on the Table: Temporarily suspends further consideration/action on pending question; may be made after motion to close debate has carried or is pending Take from the Table: Resumes consideration of item previously "laid on the table" - state the motion to take from the table

Lay, Laid

15. The motion “To Lay on the Table” is commonly shortened to “Table.” This is a motion that is often misused


16. The motion to lay on the table being undebatable, and requiring only a majority vote, and having the highest rank of all subsidiary motions, is in direct conflict with these principles, if used to suppress a question


17. Lay on the table synonyms, Lay on the table pronunciation, Lay on the table translation, English dictionary definition of Lay on the table


18. Lay on the table: Lays a pending question aside temporarily when something more urgent has arisen

Lay, Lays

19. Find 74 ways to say LAY ON THE TABLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


20. Because the motion to Lay on the Table is not debatable, requires only a majority vote, and has high precedence, members are too often tempted to use it to kill the main motion


21. This is an improper use of the motion to Lay on the Table and an example of railroading ( see Robert’s 210, 215–16).


22. Looking for Lay on the table? Find out information about Lay on the table

Looking, Lay

23. Elaborately decorated tables of wood or metal were known in ancient Egypt and Explanation of Lay on the table


24. What subsidiary motion ranks higher than the lay on the table ability? previous question, refer to a committee, amend, postpone definitely , postpone indefinitely, limit debate

Lay, Limit

25. Name 3 subsidiary motions that rank lower than the lay on the table ability

Lower, Lay

26. You may already be familiar with Robert’s Rules and the motion to Lay on the Table, the highest-ranking subsidiary motion


27. Table a Bill: Motions to table, or to “lay on the table,” are used to block or kill amendments or other parliamentary questions.When approved, a tabling motion is considered the final disposition of that issue.


28. The object of the motion to lay on the table is to allow the board to temporarily lay a matter aside to attend to business that is more pressing, while allowing the board to retake it up as easily as if it were a new question


29. Synonyms for Lay on the table in Free Thesaurus


30. What are synonyms for Lay on the table?


31. Lay on the Table / Take off the Table: This is a motion to temporarily defer consideration of a matter and then to ask that the matter be taken up again


32. The book lay on the table describes the fact that the book remained on the table for some time, before now


33. Lay on the Table: (needs 2 nd, majority, no debate) when members wish to set aside a motion without specifying a time to resume debate on the issue, the majority of the assembly has the power to immediately halt debate on the question


34. Commonly the motion to lay on the table is used when another matter of pressing importance has arisen.


35. Lay on the Table 12 Refer a Main Motion to a Committee 13 Suspend The Rules that Prohibit 14 Purpose and Form for each Motion 15 Ranking of Selected Motions


36. And so he began to work with consuming energy and was promoted, almost overnight, from a minor clerk to a traveling salesman with much greater potential to earn money, and his success was soon transformed, by way of commission, into cash that he could then lay on the table before the astonished and delighted family.


37. A note lay on the table explaining he must leave in pursuit of a ancient evil

Lay, Leave

38. "Lay on the Table" (cont


39. 45 - Motion to "Lay on the Table" Adopted by electronic Vv




Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to lay on the table?

For webmasters: To lay on the table. in parliamentary usage, to lay, as a report, motion, etc., on the table of the presiding officer, - that is, to postpone the consideration of, by a vote; - also called to table .

What does it mean to lay a motion on the table?

Lay on the Table Law and Legal Definition. Lay on the table is a term of parliamentary law and procedure which refers to a motion to suspend consideration of a pending motion. It refers to a motion in regards to another motion being actively debated, but intended to defer a final disposition of the pending motion.

What does on the table mean?

Meaning of on the table in English. on the table. › If a plan or suggestion has been put/laid on the table, it has been made available for people to hear, read, or discuss.

What does laid mean in medical dictionary?

Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia . To offer or introduce something for general discussion or consideration. The company has laid the policy change on the table for customers to consider before continuing with the service. I'm just going to lay my feelings on the table at dinner—hopefully she feels the same way I do!

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