Use Lavishnesses in a sentence

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See also: Lavishness Lavish Lavishly Lavished Lavishing Laving Levitate Leviathan Livid Lavigne Lascivious Lavi

1. Synonyms for Lavishnesses include extravagances, prodigalities, wastefulnesses, profusions, extravagancies, profligacies, excesses, overindulgences, dissipations and


2. Lavishnesses definitions Plural form of lavishness.

Lavishnesses, Lavishness

3. Lavishness (usually uncountable, plural Lavishnesses) The state or characteristic of being lavish. No one could question the lavishness of his parties; good taste was a different matter.

Lavishness, Lavishnesses, Lavish

4. Antonyms for Lavishnesses include economies, frugalities, penny-pinchings, providences, conservations, moderations, thrifts, carefulnesses, thriftinesses and


5. Words created with Lavishnesses, words starting with Lavishnesses, words start Lavishnesses


6. Word Scramble - English word Lavishnesses: words that start with Lavishnesses, words that end with Lavishnesses, anagrams of Lavishnesses, how to spell Lavishnesses!, Words with Friends, Scrabble


7. Lavishnesses - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Lavishnesses and much more


8. The word Lavishnesses uses 12 letters: a, e, e, h, i, l, n, s, s, s, s, v

Lavishnesses, Letters

9. Lavishnesses is playable in: Words With Friends 20


10. 2 letters out of Lavishnesses AE AH AI AL AN AS EH EL EN ES HA HE HI IN IS LA LI NA NE SH SI Anagrammer is a game resource site that has been extremely popular with players of popular games like Scrabble, Lexulous, WordFeud, Letterpress, Ruzzle, Hangman and so forth.

Letters, Lavishnesses, La, Li, Like, Lexulous, Letterpress

11. The u/Square_Lavishnesses community on Reddit


12. Lavishnesses Total Number of words made out of Lavishnesses = 456 Lavishnesses is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 18 points.Lavishnesses is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 20 points


13. Lavishnesses is a 12 letter long Word starting with L and ending with S

Lavishnesses, Letter, Long

14. 11 letter Words made out of Lavishnesses

Letter, Lavishnesses

15. Lavishnesses) lipsă de măsură , dărnicie ( exagerată ) No one could question the lavishness of his parties; good taste was a different matter.

Lavishnesses, Lips, Lavishness

16. List words starting with Lavishnesses by frequency

List, Lavishnesses

17. The most frequently occuring words starting with Lavishnesses


18. ‘It is, rather, a smothering of the soul or a gallows boast, perfervid and florid - an unwitting confession of peewee excesses, of niggling Lavishnesses, and of misapprehensions of the phony for the real and the swinish for the good.’


19. ‘It is, rather, a smothering of the soul or a gallows boast, perfervid and florid - an unwitting confession of peewee excesses, of niggling Lavishnesses, and of misapprehensions of the phony for the real and the swinish for the good.’


20. Lavishness (一般には不可算; 複数 Lavishnesses) 気前良さ、豪華さ。 No one could question the lavishness of his parties; good taste was a different matter

Lavishness, Lavishnesses

21. Usually uncountable, plural Lavishnesses The state or characteristic of being lavish

Lavishnesses, Lavish

22. (4) It is, rather, a smothering of the soul or a gallows boast, perfervid and florid - an unwitting confession of peewee excesses, of niggling Lavishnesses, and of misapprehensions of the phony for the real and the swinish for the good.


23. (4) It is, rather, a smothering of the soul or a gallows boast, perfervid and florid - an unwitting confession of peewee excesses, of niggling Lavishnesses, and of misapprehensions of the phony for the real and the swinish for the good.


24. Lavishnesses 13-Letter Words (1 found) atavistically; apps SCRABBLE ® Dictionary

Lavishnesses, Letter

25. Lavishnesses lavisht lavoisium lavolt lavolta lavoltaed lavoltas lavolted: Literary usage of Lavishes

Lavishnesses, Lavisht, Lavoisium, Lavolt, Lavolta, Lavoltaed, Lavoltas, Lavolted, Literary, Lavishes

26. Lavishnesses 10 letter Words starting with lavish

Lavishnesses, Letter, Lavish

27. Unfortunately, it isn’t always feasible to extend your work shifts and work towards those added Lavishnesses




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Frequently Asked Questions

What does lavishness mean?

lavishness - excessive spending. high life, highlife, prodigality, extravagance. waste, wastefulness, dissipation - useless or profitless activity; using or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly; "if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste"; "mindless dissipation of natural resources".

What does the word lavish mean?

The definition of lavish is very generous or abundant. An example of lavish is a party that has an excess of food and drink. YourDictionary definition and usage example.

What is another word for lavishly?

extravagantly, lavishly(adverb) in a wasteful manner. "the United States, up to the 1920s, used fuel lavishly, mainly because it was so cheap". Synonyms: abundantly, profusely, copiously, richly, extravagantly. lavishly, richly, extravagantly(adverb) in a rich and lavish manner.

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