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See also: Lavender Avuncular Lava Lavatory Lavage Lavalier Lavar Lavabo Lavash Lavation Larvae Lavalava Lavaliere Aa Magma Pillow

1. Lavandula angustifolia Growing Requirements for English Lavender Plants: Lavender is hardy in USDA zones 6-9 Lavender prefers lots of sun but will tolerate a limited amount of shade

Lavandula, Lavender, Lots, Limited

2. Often associated with the famous purple fields of Provence, Lavandula angustifolia, also called English Lavender, is not native to England but to the Mediterranean

Lavandula, Lavender

3. Lavandula Graceful purple-toned blossoms perch atop gray-green scented foliage making Lavender a welcome addition to the perennial border

Lavandula, Lavender

4. What is Lavandula? Lavandula is the Latin genus referring to Lavender.There are about 39 different recognized species of this plant

Lavandula, Latin, Lavender

5. Countless variations have been produced due to the ability to cross pollinate with other members in the Lavender species.Lavandula was thought to originate in Asia but the greatest plant diversity is found in the western regions of the world.

Lavender, Lavandula

6. How to Grow Lavender (Lavandula) Latin Name Pronunciation: lav-an'dew-luh

Lavender, Lavandula, Latin, Lav, Luh

7. Lavender (scientific name Lavandula angustifolia) is commonly contaminated with related species, including Lavandula hybrida, which is a cross between Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula

Lavender, Lavandula

8. Lavender plants (Lavandula) are enjoyed for their richly colored flowers and fabulous soothing fragrance

Lavender, Lavandula

9. We offer English Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), French Lavender (Lavandula intermedia) and Spanish Lavender (Lavandula stoechas)

Lavender, Lavandula

10. Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote'


11. The genus Lavandula contains a couple of dozen species of aromatic, evergreen shrubs and subshrubs that are cultivated for their spikes of fragrant, tubular flowers on the end of long stalks

Lavandula, Long

12. Lavandula angustifolia, formerly L


13. Lavandula angustifolia 'Hidcote Blue' SKU


14. Fringed Lavender (Lavandula dentata): a bushy, spreading shrub that produces dense purple-blue flower spikes that are very pretty, but only mildly fragrant French Lavender (Lavandula stoechas) : a beautiful Mediterranean native that is compact and bushy with fragrant, dark purple flowers

Lavender, Lavandula

15. (Lavandula angustifolia) Learn More ‘Thumbelina Leigh’ is a compact English lavender that is highly aromatic and perfect for smaller spaces such as containers, rock gardens or the edge of narrow pathways

Lavandula, Learn, Leigh, Lavender

16. Lavandula x intermedia Lavandula x intermedia ‘Dilly Dilly’


17. Lavandula x intermedia is a hybrid lavender that is a cross of Lavandula angustifolia with Lavandula latifolia.These hybrids, frequently called LAVANDIN, originated as a natural cross and were initially developed in France as early as the 1820s for their heightened oil content.

Lavandula, Lavender, Latifolia, Lavandin

18. Sweet Romance ® Lavandula angustifolia 'kerlavangem' USPP 23,001, Can 4,906


19. Lavandula angustifolia, commonly called English lavender, has been a mainstay of herb gardens for many years

Lavandula, Lavender

20. (Lavandula x intermedia) 'Provence' Lavender is a tall, aromatic variety with abundant slender blooms

Lavandula, Lavender

21. Lavandula angustifolia 'Ellegance Pink' Unlike most varieties, Ellagance Pink lavender shows off soft pink blooms instead of the more traditional violet-blue

Lavandula, Lavender

22. Long-lived and hardy border plants include cultivars of the English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia and L

Long, Lived, Lavender, Lavandula

23. Lavandula angustifolia Wee One is a wonderful dwarf English Lavender with compact heads of clear blue flowers and dark blue calyxes; this slow growing little beauty is great for small spaces

Lavandula, Lavender, Little

24. Lavenders thrive in the arid West, but are best grown as annuals or container plants in the South, as they do not thrive in areas of high humidity (with the exception of Lavandula

Lavenders, Lavandula

25. Лавандула (Lavandula) е род растения от семейство Устноцветни.Името най-често се използва за видовете, отглеждани като билки или за украшение


26. Най-често се използва видът Lavandula angustifolia (старо наименование L


27. Lavandula × intermedia Sensational! 'Tesseract' Growing and Maintenance Tips


28. Lavandula Sensational! is a great addition to the perennial border, the rock garden or in a pot on terrace or balcony.


29. Lavandin (Lavandula x Intermedia) is a popular hybrid lavender combining the cold-hardiness of the English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and the heat tolerance of the Portuguese lavender (Lavandula latifolia), therefore providing an answer to the gardeners' worldwide quest for a Provencal atmosphere in their gardens

Lavandin, Lavandula, Lavender, Latifolia

30. Lavandula is derived from the Latin verb lavo or lavandus - to wash, because the Romans used it extensively in their ablutions and it was often used for fragrance in their famous baths

Lavandula, Latin, Lavo, Lavandus

31. Lavandula stoechas is commonly referred to as French lavender

Lavandula, Lavender

32. Lavandula angustifolia NC State University and N.C


33. Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ is a compact lavender, suitable for growing in borders or as dwarf hedging

Lavandula, Lavender

34. Lavender (Lavandula Officinalis) is an herb used to treat headache and insomnia

Lavender, Lavandula

35. Lavandula × intermedia Phenomenal™ 'Niko' PP24193 lavender

Lavandula, Lavender

36. Lavender, (genus Lavandula), genus of about 30 species of the mint family (Lamiaceae), native to countries bordering the Mediterranean

Lavender, Lavandula, Lamiaceae

37. The Lavandula Angustifolia lavender species is the most recommended and valued of all lavenders because of the high quality oil produced by the plants

Lavandula, Lavender, Lavenders

38. ---Description---ENGLISH LAVENDER (Lavandula vera), the common narrow-leaved variety, grows 1 to 3 feet high (in gardens, occasionally somewhat taller), with a short, but irregular, crooked, much-branched stem, covered with a yellowish-grey bark, which comes off in flakes, and very numerous, erect, straight, broom-like, slender, bluntly-quadrangular branches, finely pubescent, with stellate hairs.

Lavender, Lavandula, Leaved, Like

39. Lavandula definition is - a genus of Eurasian herbs or shrubs (family Labiatae) having small spicate flowers with a tubular 5-toothed calyx.

Lavandula, Labiatae

40. Lavandula x intermedia is a hybrid cross between English Lavender and Portuguese Lavender

Lavandula, Lavender

41. They also tend to bloom later than other Lavandula species, blooming from July to September

Later, Lavandula

42. Protective effects of the aerial parts of Salvia officinalis, Melissa Officinalis and Lavandula angustifolia and their constituents against enzyme-dependent and enzyme-independent lipid peroxidation

Lavandula, Lipid

43. Lavandula angustifolia Family: Labiatae Common name: Lavender The most commonly-grown lavender will produce long-stemmed, bright blue flowers which are ideal for cutting, drying or to perfume linen, both the flowers and foliage being strongly-perfumed.

Lavandula, Labiatae, Lavender, Long, Linen

44. Lavandula species are mainly grown for their essential oils, which are used in perfumery, cosmetics, food processing and aromatherapy products, and for their use as ornamental plants and ingredients in numerous cottage industry products


45. 4 Lavandula Bandera Purple English Lavender Live Plant Plugs Grow Your Own Garden HappyGreenFarm

Lavandula, Lavender, Live

46. Favorite Add to Lavender Lavandula angustifolia - Herbalist Grown SageValleyHerbs

Lavender, Lavandula

47. Red Silk Essentials USDA Organic Lavender Essential Oil Roll on, Lavandula Angustifolia, Pure Natural Aromatherapy for Sleep, Anxiety - 10 ml 4.5 out of 5 stars 604 $9.95 $ 9

Lavender, Lavandula

48. Lavandula - a member of the large mint (Lamiaceae) family contains 28 species of evergreen aromatic shrubs

Lavandula, Large, Lamiaceae

49. Lavandula (uobičajeno ime lavanda) rod je sa 47 poznatih vrsta cvetajućih biljki u naninoj porodici, Lamiaceae.Ovaj rod potiče iz Starog sveta i raste se od Zelenortskih Ostrva i Kanarskih Ostrva, Evrope preko severne i istočne Afrike, Mediterana, jugozapadne Azije, Kine (Plectranthus mona lavender) do jugoistočne Indije

Lavandula, Lavanda, Lamiaceae, Lavender



Frequently Asked Questions

What does Lavandula officinalis mean?

Lavandula angustifolia, formerly L. officinalis, is a flowering plant in the family Lamiaceae, native to the Mediterranean (Spain, France, Italy, Croatia etc.). Its common names include lavender, true lavender or English lavender (though not native to England); also garden lavender, common lavender, and narrow-leaved lavender.

What does Lavandula mean?

Definition of Lavandula. : a genus of Eurasian herbs or shrubs (family Labiatae) having small spicate flowers with a tubular 5-toothed calyx — see lavender. You must — there are over 200,000 words in our free online dictionary, but you are looking for one that’s only in the Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary.

What is the definition of lavender?

Definition of lavender (Entry 1 of 2) 1 a : a Mediterranean mint (Lavandula angustifolia synonym L. officinalis) widely cultivated for its narrow aromatic leaves and spikes of lilac-purple flowers which are dried and used in sachets and from which is extracted an aromatic oil used chiefly in perfumery

What are the different varieties of lavender?

However, there are three varieties of lavender that are considered more popular than the others. They are spike lavender ( Lavandula spica ), English lavender ( Lavandula angustifolia ), and Spanish or French lavender ( Lavandula dentate ). Spike lavender is known for having tufted leaves.

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