1. 1979, The Fiddlehead[1], page 78: "They do eat up one's time — " she checks herself again, checks her lapdog's struggles against Lapdoggery, and interviewers, and dubious, childless relationships […] 2002, Robin McKinley, Spindle's End[2], →ISBN, page 208
Lapdog, Lapdoggery
2. Step-by-step walkthrough of Lapdoggery (At this point, I shuffle the cable paragraphs a bit to match the checklist from the American copyright industry’s organization IIPA, and bring its points in for reference
3. The Trump administration suspended financial assistance to the World Health Organization (WHO) after the extent of the group's complicity and supine Lapdoggery vis-a-vis Beijing started to come
4. Freed from his previous self-assignment to defend Trump’s lurching madness, the network’s Greg Gutfeld took aim at his competitors for their Lapdoggery
Lurching, Lapdoggery
5. Their Lapdoggery to the Bush regime backfired on
6. I ultimately left my two university posts, because of the discomfort brought to my breath of life, by this Lapdoggery
Left, Life, Lapdoggery
7. I'm not surprised that low blocks will be reviewed in the offseason, or that they chose PK to commit a daily act of Lapdoggery
Low, Lapdoggery
8. Ironically, this lack of coordinated response actually works against the automotive media; leading the public to the not-so-wrong conclusion that Lapdoggery towards the big advertisers is the norm
Lack, Leading, Lapdoggery
9. Freed from his previous self-assignment to defend Trump’s lurching madness, the network’s Greg Gutfeld took aim at his competitors for their Lapdoggery.
Lurching, Lapdoggery
10. New Zealand journalists have been moved to use Lapdoggery to describe the nation’s foreign policy and as recently as April this year, one of Auckland’s oldest pubs was referred to as an old dog
11. Freed from his previous self-assignment to defend Trump's lurching madness, the network's Greg Gutfeld took aim at his competitors for their Lapdoggery.
Lurching, Lapdoggery
12. F&F and Hannity lose their "exclusive" Lapdoggery, but get to rail against Democratic "taxing and spending." The about-face on policy will be fun to watch, and the moronic watchers may not notice.
Lose, Lapdoggery
13. Job gains are hard! AP’s Obama Lapdoggery results in mockery Posted at 10:48 am on August 8, 2013 by Lori Z
Lapdoggery, Lori
14. The American media are not in danger of Lapdoggery, at least not in the aggregate
Lapdoggery, Least
15. For Didion, the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward typifies this kind of journalistic Lapdoggery, with his books "in which measurable cerebral activity is virtually absent," his "cryogenic
16. She so outdid herself with Trump Lapdoggery that she became our last winner
Lapdoggery, Last
17. That program is a substitute emetic, more Lapdoggery than Sean Hannity gives Donald Trump
18. Or that, under the bended-knee pro-Saudi Lapdoggery of President Trump, the United States not only isn’t investigating or even responding to an all-out foreign attack on American press freedom
19. But thus they implicitly accepted Lapdoggery (and at worst demented yapsterhood) via selective breeding
20. Freed from his previous self-assignment to defend Trump’s lurching madness, the network’s Greg Gutfeld took aim at his competitors for their Lapdoggery
Lurching, Lapdoggery
21. Even after 50 years of stagnant wages, union-busting, job outsourcing, and the appalling Lapdoggery of politicians in both legacy parties who serve the interests of the modern oligarchs - we are
Lapdoggery, Legacy
22. Now, perhaps counter-intuitively, it is arguable that none of these views including Howard’s indicate servile and wretched Lapdoggery in the face of a great and powerful friend
23. Or that, under the bended-knee pro-Saudi Lapdoggery of President Trump, the United States not only isn't investigating or even responding to an all-out foreign attack on American press freedom
24. Move Over Buddy Award (for Geraldo Rivera’s Pro-Clinton Lapdoggery) First Place "Twinkle, twinkle Kenneth Starr, now we see how crude you are / Up above your jury high, like the judge up in the sky /Twinkle, twinkle little Starr, now we see how wrong you are /When you drag the agents in, when you bully moms and kin / then you kiss the treacherous Tripp, twinkle, twinkle DC drip/Twinkle
Lapdoggery, Like, Little
25. This is utter tripe and another example of the fawning Lapdoggery to mob rule so well exemplified by the roberts court
26. Founder of the first Pirate Party, Rick Falkvinge, told TorrentFreak that the proposals demonstrate the Swedish government’s continued “Lapdoggery” towards the United States.
27. Politico had an item yesterday headlined "Is Lindsey Graham Actually in Trouble in South Carolina?" Their answer was: He could be, since a lot of voters are angry with his Trump Lapdoggery, and since he's drawn the toughest opponent imaginable (young, Black, well-connected, good fundraiser, etc.).
Lindsey, Lot, Lapdoggery
28. Cruz, given his policy positions and his Lapdoggery, would hardly be able to run as the Republican anti-Trump any more
29. It’s a veritable cornucopia of co-hosts, as Andy, Hawkes, Edie and Steve519 (from XBLRadio) initially intend to talk up this week’s gaming news but instead delve deep into what we think is a growing plague on the landscape of podcasting: Corporate Lapdoggery
Landscape, Lapdoggery
30. F&F and Hannity lose their "exclusive" Lapdoggery, but get to rail against Democratic "taxing and spending." The about-face on policy will be fun to watch, and the moronic watchers may not notice.
Lose, Lapdoggery
31. His turn to Trump Lapdoggery is truly extraordinary for many reasons but mostly because America, at 243 years old, is about 228 years older than the average thing Dershowitz wants to fuck.
32. Freed from his previous self-assignment to defend Trump’s lurching madness, the network’s Greg Gutfeld took aim at his competitors for their Lapdoggery
Lurching, Lapdoggery
33. You might reasonably expect all three would try to explain the inconsistencies to the public, but no, government lapdogs rarely defend Lapdoggery
Lapdogs, Lapdoggery
34. The "test" being what it is and Americans being who they are, I'd say cocrap is the proper tool to use to bring the unruly bunch a few pegs down, more in line with EU Lapdoggery
Line, Lapdoggery
35. Jonah Goldberg / The Corner: What About the Lapdoggery? And, Let's Not Forget the Lickspittles
Lapdoggery, Let, Lickspittles
36. I also stopped blogging for awhile in disgust to all of the blind Lapdoggery of Trump that arose on the Right and the Insipid whinings of the majority of the Never Trumpers on the same side
37. Move Over Buddy Award (for Geraldo Rivera's Pro-Clinton Lapdoggery) "Twinkle, twinkle Kenneth Starr, now we see how crude you are / Up above your jury high, like the judge up in the sky/Twinkle, twinkle little Starr, now we see how wrong you are/When you drag the agents in, when you bully moms and kin/then you kiss the treacherous Tripp
Lapdoggery, Like, Little
38. Meanwhile, in France, the ‘socialist’ Francois Hollande, like his Tory cross-channel counterpart, has become a figure of fun for his Lapdoggery towards the Bombardier-In-Chief
Like, Lapdoggery