See also: Lanky Lank Lanker Lankier
1. Lanky definition is - ungracefully tall and thin
2. Lanky synonyms, Lanky pronunciation, Lanky translation, English dictionary definition of Lanky
3. Lanky definition, ungracefully thin and rawboned; bony; gaunt: a very tall and Lanky man
4. How does the adjective Lanky contrast with its synonyms? Some common synonyms of Lanky are gaunt, lank, lean, rawboned, scrawny, skinny, and spare
Lanky, Lank, Lean
5. While all these words mean "thin because of an absence of excess flesh," Lanky suggests awkwardness and loose-jointedness as well as thinness
Lanky, Loose
6. A Lanky youth, all arms and legs
Lanky, Legs
7. A Lanky person is often tall and thin
8. Hey look at that Lanky boy over there run I think his name is John, those spaghetti legs of his make him fast and …
Look, Lanky, Legs
9. Weston I had always known as a Lanky man, but about his loosely fitting garments there had been an air of careless distinction
Lanky, Loosely
10. THE SOLDIER OF THE VALLEY NELSON LLOYD The officer in charge assigns me to a machine occupied by a Lanky prisoner in stripes
Lloyd, Lanky
11. Official Roblox Piggy Song LankyBox Music Video! This is the ULTIMATE ROBLOX PIGGY SONG! LankyBOX MERCH (Foxy +Boxy plushie!)!
Lankybox, Lankyboxshop
12. was created as a singular place to purchase both Lanky Fight Gear and Standard Kimono Company jiu jitsu goods
13. Lanky Fight Gear provides the best fitting gear for taller, thinner, and long-limbed athletes
Lanky, Long, Limbed
14. A Lanky person is not only tall and thin but also a little bit awkward
Lanky, Little
15. You wouldn’t use Lanky to describe a tall, slender person who moves gracefully
16. Instead use Lanky to describe someone who moves clumsily on his long limbs.
Lanky, Long, Limbs
17. Tall and thin and often tending to move awkwardly as a result: He shifted his Lanky body uncomfortably in the cramped airplane seat
18. (Definition of Lanky from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © …
19. Timmy was tall and Lanky, so he played center for his school basketball team
20. I was a Lanky teenager who towered over the other kids.
21. BEEPBOOP Lanky-Box Blanket Lovely Ultra Soft Micro Fleece Blanket 3D Printed Blanket Lightweight Throw for The Bed Quilt Super Soft Warm Blanket for Kids Adults Soft Cozy Luxury Couch Blanket
Lanky, Lovely, Lightweight, Luxury
22. If you describe someone as Lanky, you mean that they are tall and thin and move rather awkwardly
23. He was six feet four, all Lanky and leggy
Lanky, Leggy
24. Synonyms: gangling, thin, tall, spare More Synonyms of Lanky COBUILD Advanced English Dictionary.
25. Lanky - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
26. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Lanky adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (awkwardly tall and thin) desgarbado/a adj adjetivo: Describe el sustantivo.Puede ser posesivo, numeral, demostrativo ("casa grande", "mujer alta").
27. 1.1m Followers, 1 Following, 234 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Justin & Adam (@Lankybox)
28. What does Lanky mean? Tall and lean, or long and slender
Lanky, Lean, Long
29. The Lanky actor, with his distinctive voice and hair, has played so many oddballs over his lengthy career that it's a little surprising when he turns out to be kind of normal
Lanky, Lengthy, Little
30. Lanky guys rolling down Fairfax Avenue on skateboards lean down to slap his hand, and someone cruising by …
Lanky, Lean
31. ‘A tall, Lanky, freakish man with floppy blonde hair was trying to get passed me, so I moved out of his way and gave him a smile.’ ‘Uncle Mac was a practical joker, a tall Lanky …
32. Lanky adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (awkwardly tall and thin) dégingandé adj adjectif : modifie un nom
33. BEEPBOOP Lanky-Box Blanket Lovely Ultra Soft Micro Fleece Blanket 3D Printed Blanket Lightweight Throw for The Bed Quilt Super Soft Warm Blanket for Kids Adults Soft Cozy Luxury Couch Blanket
Lanky, Lovely, Lightweight, Luxury
34. Definition and synonyms of Lanky from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
35. This is the British English definition of Lanky.View American English definition of Lanky.
36. The latest tweets from @Lankybox
Latest, Lankybox
37. Lanky (adj.) 1630s, "straight and flat," used of hair, from lank (adj.) + -y (2)
Lanky, Lank
38. Definition of Lanky adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Lanky, Learner
39. Shop CPAP machines and masks reviewed by the Lefty Lanky
Lefty, Lanky
40. Lanky Lassie's Background Mary Katherine Mason-Sauter is a Florida native, born in Dade City, Florida
Lanky, Lassie
41. Definition of Lanky in the dictionary
42. What does Lanky mean? Information and translations of Lanky in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
43. Lanky Box, Lankybox, Bakon Lankybox shirt, roblox Bakon, roblox shirts, Lanky box shirts, youtube shirts, unofficial Lankybox bakon skin tee WiZoEms
Lanky, Lankybox
44. Lanky - The best Tall Guy website featuring thousands of photos
45. We've got 16 rhyming words for Lanky » What rhymes with Lanky? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Lanky.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
Lanky, Like, Lyrics
46. Lanky Kong is a wacky looking orange Sumatran Orangutan and ally of Donkey Kong and the Kong family
Lanky, Looking
47. His name and appearance bares a striking resemblance to the Manky Kongs which Lanky is highly suspected to be related to.
48. Lanky's first appearance was in the Nintendo 64 game Donkey Kong 64.In this game Lanky is one of the many Kongs imprisoned by the Kremling Krew at the start of the …
49. Use the adjective Lanky to describe someone who’s tall, thin, and a little bit gawky
Lanky, Little
50. A Lanky person is not only tall and thin but also a little bit awkward
Lanky, Little
51. You wouldn’t use Lanky to describe a tall, slender person who moves gracefully
52. Instead use Lanky to describe someone who moves clumsily on his long limbs
Lanky, Long, Limbs
53. The robber was described as a Lanky white man in his 20s or 30s, about 6 feet tall
54. The Daily News Transcript Homepage RSS Yeah, Hugh Jackman as Wolverine was a good pick besides him being tall and kind of Lanky , but even that wasn't Singer's first pick for the role.
55. Lanky Nathan is a fanfiction author that has written 12 stories for Love Hina, Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail, and Mondaijitachi ga Isekai kara Kuru sou desu yo?.
Lanky, Love
56. Synonyms for Lanky in Free Thesaurus
57. 39 synonyms for Lanky: gangling, thin, tall, spare, angular, gaunt, bony, weedy, scrawny, rangy, scraggy
58. What is the opposite of Lanky? Antonyms for Lanky (opposite of Lanky).
59. The Lanky FG Pro 550 V1 is the first Gi offered by Lanky Fight Gear
60. This company specializes in Gis for Lanky fighters and thus offers much sought after “L” sizes
61. If you are a longer, leaner BJJ player this high quality gi is a great option! Read what they're saying about the Lanky …
Longer, Leaner, Lanky
LANKY [ˈlaNGkē]