Use Landslide in a sentence

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See also: Landslide A Submarine The Land Landscape Landmark Landlord Landlocked Landing Landscaping Landfill Landform

1. A Landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope. Landslides are a type of "mass wasting," which denotes any down-slope movement of soil and rock under the direct influence of gravity

Landslide, Landslides

2. The term "Landslide" encompasses five modes of slope movement: falls, topples, slides, spreads, and flows.


3. Landslide, also called landslip, the movement downslope of a mass of rock, debris, earth, or soil (soil being a mixture of earth and debris)

Landslide, Landslip

4. Landslides occur when gravitational and other types of shear stresses within a slope exceed the shear strength (resistance to …


5. Landslide definition is - the usually rapid downward movement of a mass of rock, earth, or artificial fill on a slope; also : the mass that moves down


6. How to use Landslide in a sentence.


7. You're watching the official music video for Fleetwood Mac - "Landslide" from the 1975 album "Fleetwood Mac"


8. 179 rows · "Landslide" is a song written by Stevie Nicks and performed by …


9.Landslide is a powerful portrayal of modern parenting, marriage and family unity that cleverly reveals just how difficult these things can be in this age of social media addiction, teen peer pressure and economic uncertainty Conley’s writing is crisp and vivid, especially the dialogue between mother and sons, wife and husband.


10. About “Landslide” Nicks wrote Landslide while in Aspen, Colorado, inspired, while looking at the mountains, by the thought that everything in her life she’d been building could come crashing down

Landslide, Looking, Life

11. Stevie Nicks - Landslide, The Soundstage Sessions (2009)Lyrics:I took my love and I took it downClimbed a mountain and I turned aroundAnd I saw my reflection

Landslide, Lyrics, Love

12. A Landslide is the movement of rock, earth, or debris down a slope d section of land. Landslides are caused by rain, earthquake s, volcano es, or other factors that make the slope unstable

Landslide, Land, Landslides

13. Geologist s, scientists who study the physical formations of the Earth, sometimes describe Landslides as one type of mass wasting.


14. Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham perform "Landslide" live on stage.Subscribe to the Amex YouTube Channel:

Lindsey, Landslide, Live, Ly

15. Landslides are caused by disturbances in the natural stability of a slope. They can accompany heavy rains or follow droughts, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions


16. " Landslide " is a song written by Stevie Nicks and performed by British-American music group Fleetwood Mac


17. A Landslide is defined as dirt, rock and debris that becomes dislodged at a higher altitude and falls to a lower altitude. A number of factors can cause Landslides, including earthquakes, too much rainfall, and human activity.

Landslide, Lower, Landslides

18. 'Landslide': The Story Behind the 1975 Fleetwood Mac Classic and The Chicks' Country Cover Ross Marino Archive / MediaPunch/MediaPunch/IPx and Associated Press "Landslide" is considered one of the


19. Landslide-inventory maps, the most basic Landslide maps, portray the location of prior failure

Landslide, Location

20. Because one clue to the location of future landsliding is the distribution of past movement, maps that show existing Landslides are helpful in predicting the hazard.

Location, Landsliding, Landslides

21. Landslide refers to the collapse of the relationship when she withdraws her love after a person/group betrays her

Landslide, Love

22. Landslide Mitigation – How to Reduce the Effects of Landslides: Vulnerability to Landslide hazards is a function of location, type of human activity, use, and frequency of Landslide events

Landslide, Landslides, Location

23. The effects of Landslides on people and structures can be lessened by total avoidance of Landslide hazard areas or by restricting, prohibiting, or

Landslides, Lessened, Landslide

24. The story behind “Landslide” as told by Stevie Nicks: It was written in 1973 at a point where Lindsey [Buckingham] and I had driven to Aspen for him to rehearse for two weeks with Don Everly

Landslide, Lindsey

25. Landslide is the story of Jill and Kit Archer and their sons, Charlie and Sam, ages 17 and 16


26.Landslide is a powerful portrayal of modern parenting, marriage and family unity that cleverly reveals just how difficult these things can be in this age of social media addiction, teen peer pressure and economic uncertainty


27. * "Landslide" was the third of three of their records to peak at #2, their other two #2 records were "Ready To Run" for one week in September of 2002 and "Long Time Gone" for two weeks in August of 2002 * And from the 'For What It's Worth' department, the remainder of the Hot Country Singles' Top 10 on November 3rd, 2002: At #3.

Landslide, Long

28. The Landslide will bring it down Submit Corrections


29. For many, the name Stevie Nicks is synonymous with "Landslide," her hit song that has been covered throughout the years by bands like The Smashing Pumpkins, The Chicks (of former Dixie Chicks fame), and the cast of Glee.It was also Stevie's father's favorite, as we know from her heartfelt dedication at the beginning of the track, and it's not hard to see why.

Landslide, Like

30. Landslide victory n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc


31. The Oso Landslide, also known as the SR 530 Landslide, occurred in northwest Washington state on March 22, 2014, leading to devastating loss of life and destruction of property

Landslide, Leading, Loss, Life

32. Landslide debris blocked the North Fork Stillaguamish River, destroyed about 40 homes and other structures, and buried nearly a mile of State Route 530.


33. Collage of pics for the song LandslideEdit: I made this terrible video as my first attempt to make a "music video" in middle school


34. Landslide n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc


35. Figurative (Landslide victory) vittoria schiacciante nf sostantivo femminile: Identifica un essere, un oggetto o un concetto che assume genere femminile: scrittrice, aquila, lampada, moneta, felicit

Landslide, Lampada

36. Landslide synonyms, Landslide pronunciation, Landslide translation, English dictionary definition of Landslide


37. A Landslide traps a group of actors in a small …


38. Landslide In West End Knocks Trees Into Power Lines, Leads To Lane ClosuresA Landslide in Pittsburgh's West End neighborhood has knocked down power lines and impacted traffic.

Landslide, Lines, Leads, Lane

39. Massive Landslide Covers Portion Of Highway 1 In Big SurA swath of the hillside gave way in an area called Mud Creek on Saturday night, covering about one-third of a mile of road and changing the


40. Landslide Lyrics: I know it hurts sometimes but / You'll get over it / You'll find another life to live / I know you'll get over it / I know you're sad and tired / You've got nothing left to give

Landslide, Lyrics, Ll, Life, Live, Left

41. The thematic issues “Sendai Landslide Partnerships 2015-2025” will be published as Vol.17-10 and Vol.17-11 and closed in November 2020


42. Papers are called for a new thematic issue “Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020”.


43. ROME — A Landslide carried away a cemetery on the edge of a cliff in the northern Italian region of Liguria, scattering about 200 coffins and bodies across a hillside and into the Mediterranean Sea.

Landslide, Liguria

44. 1 day ago · Work continues to stabilize the slopes on Slate Creek Hill south of Payson, where a large Landslide took out the highway many years ago and continues to threaten State Route 87

Large, Landslide

45. Landslide by Fleetwood Mac is featured in Sexy, the fifteenth episode of Season Two


46. We have an official Landslide tab made by UG professional guitarists


47.Landslide” is Susan Conley’s new novel, a moving account of a wife and mother trying to keep up with the challenges of a family in which she is the only woman


48. David Ige toured a Landslide that cut off several communities on the north shore of Kauai


49. Well, the Landslide brought me down Oh, mirror in the sky, what is love Can the child within my heart rise above Can I sail through the changing ocean tides Can I handle the seasons of my life Uh uh uh uh, uh uh

Landslide, Love, Life

50. Landslide Paperback – June 1, 1966 by Veronique Day (Author) 5.0 out of 5 stars 9 ratings



LANDSLIDE [ˈlan(d)ˌslīd]

  • › Mass movement landslide definition
  • › Effects of landslides on environment
  • › Landslide causes and effects
  • › Definition of a landslide

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name landslide mean?

A landslide is defined as the movement of a mass of rock, debris, or earth down a slope. Landslides are a type of "mass wasting," which denotes any down-slope movement of soil and rock under the direct influence of gravity. The term "landslide" encompasses five modes of slope movement: falls, topples, slides, spreads, and flows.

What are the differences between a landslide and a rockslide?

As nouns the difference between landslide and rockslide is that landslide is a natural disaster that involves the breakup and downhill flow of rock, mud, water and anything caught in the path while rockslide is (geology) a type of landslide characterized by falling rocks.

What happens to the Earth during a landslide?

Landslides - the downhill movement of earth and debris - are rare, but can happen in any state at any time of the year. These disasters happen when a weather event like heavy rain or an earthquake loosens up soil and rock on a hillside. The loosened earth may move quickly or slowly, and can destroy everything in its path .

What are some facts about landslides?

Facts about Landslides. A landslide is defined as dirt, rock and debris that becomes dislodged at a higher altitude and falls to a lower altitude. A number of factors can cause landslides, including earthquakes, too much rainfall, and human activity.

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