1. 4 Land values 2020 Summary (August 2020) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service Agricultural Land values Highlights The United States farm real estate value, a measurement of the value of all land and buildings on farms, averaged $3,160 per acre for 2020, no change from 2019.
2. Discover farmLand values View parcel ownership Get soil maps View field’s crop history Browse comp sales
3. 4 Land values 2021 Summary (August 2021) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service Agricultural Land values Highlights The United States farm real estate value, a measurement of the value of all land and buildings on farms, averaged $3,380 per acre for 2021, up $220 per acre (7.0 percent) from 2020.
4. Because New Jersey’s Land values are so high, it’s reasonable to say that the three-year rollback penalty would be equivalent to a five-year or greater tax in other states with lower Land values
Land, Lower
5. Land values increase when demand for land exceeds the supply of available land or if a particular piece of land has intrinsic value greater than neighboring areas (e.g., oil can be found on the land).
6. Average cropland and pastureland values both fell by 0.8 percent, to $4,100 and $1,400 per acre, respectively.
7. Agricultural Land values dropped 37 percent over a period of 3 years and remained between $30 and $33 per acre throughout the 1930's
8. Following the Great Depression, Land values were revitalized and began a climb that continued until the early 1980's
9. The 1970's showed the largest percentage increase in agricultural Land values.
Largest, Land
10. This yearly full-text report provides data on the average agricultural Land values
11. Figure 1: 2021 Farm Real Estate Value by State Source: Land values 2021 Summary (Augus 2021) USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service The line graph with national values since 1970 is the format that is often presented
Land, Line
12. Savills FarmLand values Survey formally originated in 1995 and records average values by land type across the England, Scotland and Wales
13. Over the past 100 years average England farmLand values have returned 6 per cent per annum
14. Land value summaries showed that a reduction in average Land values occurred in many regions of the U.S from 2014-16 before stabilizing in 2017 and early 2018
15. Land values were under pressure in some areas in 2018 and in 2019, due to reduced crop yields, the ongoing trade war with China, and low commodity prices.
Land, Low
16. The magnitude of the shift in agricultural Land values
17. County agricultural Land values in Oklahoma have changed over the past 40+ years
18. The 1973-75, 2008-2010, and 2017-2019 weighted-average land value maps are color coded from light to dark, with the darkest colors showing the highest average Land values.
Land, Light
19. Iowa Land values Update - 2021 Quarter 2
20. The 2020 Purdue FarmLand values and Cash Rent Survey indicated that high quality Land values increased by 4.5% to $8,579
21. Average quality Land values increased by 3.2% to $7,236, and poor quality Land values increased by 6.3% to $5,746.
22. Land values are available on the Land values and property sales map as a joint initiative of the Valuer General and Spatial Services
23. You can explore Land values throughout NSW
24. You can use it to access information for a property, including: Land values for the past five years (where available) notice of any concessions or allowances that apply
25. Land values are used by: councils for calculating and distributing rates
26. 3: Overall drops in Land values mean all Land values are suffering
27. Actual Land values and rental rates may vary depending upon the quality of the parcel and local market forces for an area
Land, Local
28. Purdue Farmland Value Survey §Survey conducted annually in June since 1974 §Respondents: rural appraisers, ag lenders, farm managers, and farmers §Information collected: •Land values December 2020, June 2021, December 2021 (projection) •Top, average, and poor qualityland •Annual cash rental rate •Long-term corn yield (productivity)
Lenders, Land, Long
29. Owners of farmland across Illinois saw a dramatic 20 percent increase in Land values in the first half of 2021, only the fourth time there has been this size of positive change in Land values
30. Land values were under pressure in some areas in 2018 and 2019 due to reduced crop yields, the ongoing trade war with China and low commodity prices
Land, Low
31. Now, it appears that Land values …
32. 100 Years of Farm Land values in Kansas1 Wilfred H
33. Cropland values averaged $4,420 per acre, an increase of $320 per acre, or 7.8%
34. The 2021 Illinois FarmLand values and Lease Trends Report is now available for ordering
35. FarmLand values, Land Ownership, and Returns to Farmland, 2000-2016
36. Figures 1 and 2show the state-level estimates of Land values from USDA-NASS for non-irrigated cropland and pasture from 2015 to 2019.
Level, Land
37. A web-based survey was conducted in September 2020 to determine what people think has been happening to farmLand values in Missouri
38. The survey was sent to persons we expected to have insight on Land values
39. County Land values for other years are not available but can be calculated through the process explained in G403
40. Urban development or local regulations, for example, may have caused Land values in the area to change more or less than the
Local, Land, Less
41. The 2020 ISU Land Value Survey shows a 1.7% increase in average Iowa farmLand values from November 2019 to November 2020
42. This modest rise is the third increase in Iowa farmLand values over the past six years, and a second consecutive rise.
43. USDA Lists Land values and Cash Rents in Nation – Southwest
Lists, Land
The land value is determined by the economic principle of highest and best use of land which produces the highest net return in any term, over a period. The property value is dependent on the structural attributes, land rates, land use and the location of the land.
Landed Value. The value of cargo when it is removed from a ship following a voyage. The landed value may be less than the value of the cargo when it was shipped originally, especially in the case of perishable goods.
Farmland real estate values vary according to agricultural use. Cropland maintains a premium over pastureland due to mostly higher per-acre returns to crop production. Between 2019 and 2020, U.S. average cropland and pastureland values both fell by 0.8 percent, to $4,100 and $1,400 per acre, respectively.
The landed cost is the total cost of a business purchase when all of the factors that affect the overall amount the purchaser must pay are included. These excess costs are in addition to the actual price of the business, and can include shipping costs, duties or tariffs, insurance fees, inspection fees, and many others.