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1. The BLM General Land office Records website provides online access to federal land conveyance records for the Public Land States, which are states that were created out of the public domain


2. The Land office has listed and sold more real estate properties in the area than any other office consistently year after year

Land, Listed

3. The Vermilion Land office professionals service numerous residential, in-town, areas, including: Virginia MN, Tower MN, Eveleth MN, Cook MN, Babbitt MN, Biwabik MN, and others


4. Today the General Land office manages state lands, operates the Alamo, helps Texans recovering from natural disasters, helps fund Texas public education through the Permanent School Fund, provides benefits to Texas Veterans, and manages the vast Texas coast.

Land, Lands

5. The New Mexico State Land office 310 Old Santa Fe Trail, Santa Fe NM 87501 // P.O


6. Welcome to the Bureau of Land Management(BLM), General Land office (GLO) Records Automation web site


7. Listing of state land for sale from the Texas General Land office

Listing, Land

8. The Texas General Land office George P


9. The Office of State Lands, also known as the State Land office, is responsible for the identification,​ the ​administration, and the management of state public lands and water bottoms

Lands, Land

10. Go to the Land office Services Index The Secretary of State's office is the place to start when researching Kentucky land acquisitions and seeking information about Kentucky's cities and counties


11. Colton & Co., Georgetown and the City of Washington the Capital of the United States of America, New York: 1856, Map #95359, Map Collection, Archives and Records Program, Texas General Land office, Austin, TX


12. The entities are the beneficiaries of revenue raised when the Land office does business on state trust land


13. The Land office reserves the right to reject any or all bids and may refuse to accept any bids on an agricultural lease where the party placing the bid is in default of any other lease with the Land office

Land, Lease

14. ‘This is the Land office - how much for five acres?’ ‘By 1903, however, none of the four supposedly operational districts were irrigating any farmland, and unscrupulous developers were bilking investors and the federal Land office out of hundreds of thousands of dollars.’


15. Land office: ------ Any Land office ------ Alabama Cahaba Centre Coosa District Demopolis Elba Gen Land office Greenville Huntsville Lebanon Mardisville Milledgevile, GA Mobile Montgomery Nashville, TN Sparta St

Land, Lebanon

16. The Commissioners of the Land office is part of that act, making it an agency that predates statehood


17. From October 15, 1779, the first date Treasury Warrants could be sold, to December 24, 1783, the final date in “Treasury Warrants Register II”, over 23082 Treasury Warrants were purchased from the Virginia Land office or authorized by the Virginia General Assembly by special Act or Resolution.


18. Today the General Land office manages state lands, operates the Alamo, helps Texans recovering from natural disasters, helps fund Texas public education through the Permanent School Fund, provides benefits to Texas Veterans, and manages the vast Texas coast

Land, Lands

19. General Land office (GLO) plat maps are derived from original surveyor notes of the State of Michigan


20. The Land office Business: The Settlement and Administration of American Public Lands, 1789-1837 [Rohrbough, Malcolm J.] on

Land, Lands

21. The Land office Business: The Settlement and Administration of American Public Lands, 1789-1837

Land, Lands

22. The General Land office (GLO) was an independent agency of the United States government responsible for public domain lands in the United States

Land, Lands

23. Land office (also known as Morristown Library) is a historic office building located at Morristown in St

Land, Library, Located

24. It was the Land office for the Chapman family until 1904, when it was deeded to the village for use as a public library.

Land, Library

25. LaPorte-Winamac Land office Entries, 1833-1855

Laporte, Land

26. This is a brief introduction to the LaPorte-Winamac Land office Database, compiled by the Archives' staff with the aid of an Indiana

Laporte, Land

27. Bush announced the Texas General Land office (GLO) approved $1,245,322 in Hurricane Harvey disaster recovery grants to repair roads and clean or regrade ditches in the Town of Woodsboro


28. The General Land office was created by the United States Government to survey the lands of the central and western United States, so that the land could be sold to settlers heading west

Land, Lands

29. Land grants, sales, patents, and survey maps were kept by Land offices. S scale Land office S scale Land office


30. Get directions, reviews and information for Oglala Tribal Land office Director in Lead, SD

Land, Lead

31. Oglala Tribal Land office Director 305 E Main St Lead SD 57754

Land, Lead

32. The Ohio Company Land office is one of the original buildings of the city of Marietta, Ohio, United States.The Office is listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places and as a contributing property to the Marietta Historic District.

Land, Listed

33. The Land office was built after Ohio Company of Associates landed at Marietta in 1788

Land, Landed

34. Fort Wayne Land office Entries, 1823-1852 This is a brief introduction to the Fort Wayne Land office Database, compiled by the Archives' staff with the aid of an Indiana Heritage Research Grant


35. The "Land office business" in Indiana began in 1801, when public lands in the southeastern corner of the Indiana Territory were put up for sale at

Land, Lands

36. Land office definition: an office that administers the sale of public land Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


37. The Trust Land office resides within the Department of Natural Resources and is contracted exclusively by the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority to manage its approximately one million acres of land and other non-cash assets to generate revenue


38. Cialsat the local Land office forwarded the case file to the headquartersof the GLO in Washington, DC, along with a final certificate that declared it eligi­ blefor a patent

Local, Land

39. After losing the Land office job, Mr

Losing, Land

40. The General Land office Act (2 Stat


41. 716), April 25, 1812, created the General Land office (GLO) in the Department of the Treasury to "superintend, execute, and perform, all such acts and things, touching or respecting the public lands of the United States," including those functions formerly vested in the Secretaries of War and State.

Land, Lands

42. Land office synonyms, Land office pronunciation, Land office translation, English dictionary definition of Land office



LAND OFFICE [land office]


Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name Land Office mean?

A thriving, expanding, or very profitable concern or volume of trade. For example, After the storm they did a land-office business in snow shovels and rock salt. This term, dating from the 1830s, alludes to the throng of applicants to government land offices through which Western lands were sold.

When was General Land Office created?

The General Land Office (GLO) was an independent agency of the United States government responsible for public domain lands in the United States. It was created in 1812 to take over functions previously conducted by the United States Department of the Treasury.

What is land business?

land-office business. A thriving, expanding, or very profitable concern or volume of trade. For example, After the storm they did a land-office business in snow shovels and rock salt. This term, dating from the 1830s, alludes to the throng of applicants to government land offices through which Western lands were sold.

What is Bureau of Land Management?

This Bureau of Land Management map depicts the public-domain lands surveyed and platted under the auspices of the GLO to facilitate the sale of those lands. The GLO oversaw the surveying, platting, and sale of the public lands in the Western United States and administered the Homestead Act and the Preemption Act in disposal of public lands.