See also: Laminectomy Lumbar Post Laminate Laminar Lamia Laminated Lamination Laminae Laminitis Lamina Laminating Laminator
1. Laminectomy is a type of surgery in which a surgeon removes part or all of the vertebral bone (lamina)
Laminectomy, Lamina
2. A Laminectomy is considered only after other medical treatments have not worked.
3. A Laminectomy is a type of back surgery used to relieve compression on the spinal cord
4. Laminectomy is one of the most common back surgeries
5. During a Laminectomy, a surgeon removes the rear portion of one or more spinal bones (vertebrae)
6. Laminectomy is a type of surgery that relieves compression on the spinal cord
7. A Laminectomy is surgery to take out the bony arches (lamina) of one or more of the vertebrae in your spine
Laminectomy, Lamina
8. Lumbar Laminectomy, also called open decompression, is a surgical procedure performed to treat the symptoms of central spinal stenosis or narrowing of the spinal canal
Lumbar, Laminectomy
9. Laminectomy, also known as lumbar or spinal decompression, can relieve spinal nerve pressure and ease back, neck and leg discomfort caused by diseases and conditions of the spine
Laminectomy, Lumbar, Leg
10. If you are having this surgery, here are some things you can do to help make your Laminectomy recovery a success
11. A lumbar Laminectomy is typically performed to alleviate pain from lumbar spinal stenosis
Lumbar, Laminectomy
12. A Laminectomy surgery is a common type of spine surgery
13. This is often used in the lower spine (lumbar Laminectomy) but may also be needed in the neck (cervical Laminectomy) or the middle of the back (thoracic Laminectomy).
Lower, Lumbar, Laminectomy
14. Laminectomy is the surgical removal of a bony area of the spine called the lamina
Laminectomy, Lamina
15. A Laminectomy is surgery to remove the lamina of bones in the spine
Laminectomy, Lamina
16. A Laminectomy is surgery to take out the bony arches (lamina) of one or more of the vertebrae in your spine
Laminectomy, Lamina
17. Lumbar Laminectomy— Removal of most of the bony arch, or lamina, of a vertebra (Laminectomy is most often done when back pain fails to improve with more conservative medical treatment.) Lumbar discectomy— Removal, or partial removal, of a spinal disk What Kind of Doctor Performs a Lumbar Laminectomy?
Lumbar, Laminectomy, Lamina
18. Laminectomy is a procedure which is usually reserved as a last resort when other forms of treatment for the condition are deemed ineffective
Laminectomy, Last
19. A Laminectomy is done by removing the lamina, which is a part of the bone which forms the vertebral arch in the spine, thus relieving pressure from the spine and causing symptom relief.
Laminectomy, Lamina
20. A Laminectomy is a more invasive method with the aim to decrease the total amount of pain and numbness associated with lumbar spinal stenosis
Laminectomy, Lumbar
21. Laminectomy (whether unilateral or bilateral) refers to the surgical removal of the lamina of a vertebral body
Laminectomy, Lamina
22. In Laminectomy, the surgeon makes several tiny incisions to access the region
23. Laminectomy for spinal stenosis often provides full or some relief from symptoms
24. If you had Laminectomy and spinal fusion, the spinal column above and below the fusion are more likely to have problems in the future.
Laminectomy, Likely
25. After a minor (decompressive) Laminectomy, you can usually able do desk work and light housekeeping within a few days to a …
Laminectomy, Light
26. A Laminectomy is a surgical procedure in which the surgeon removes a portion of the bony arch, or lamina, on the dorsal surface of a vertebra, which is one of …
Laminectomy, Lamina
27. What is Lumbar Laminectomy? Lumbar = having to do with the spine in the lower back Laminectomy = removal of the lamina (a section of bone that forms the “roof” over the spinal canal)
Lumbar, Laminectomy, Lower, Lamina
28. A lumbar Laminectomy describes the removal of the lamina, a part of the spine that forms a bony “roof” over the spinal canal.
Lumbar, Laminectomy, Lamina
29. Laminectomy is designed to stop pressure on your spinal cord or on the spinal nerves in your neck or back
30. Laminectomy may also be done to remove bone spurs in your spine
31. Laminectomy is generally used only when more-conservative treatments — such as medication, physical therapy or injections have failed to relieve symptoms.
32. A Laminectomy is a surgical procedure in which space is created by removing the back part of a vertebra that covers the spinal canal, known as the “lamina”
Laminectomy, Lamina
33. Lumbar Laminectomy A lumbar Laminectomy involves the removal of the back portion of a vertebra in your lower back to create more room within the spinal canal
Lumbar, Laminectomy, Lower
34. Laminectomy is the most common surgical approach to relieve spinal cord compression caused by solid tumor
35. Laminectomy involves removal of the bony arch, or lamina, of a vertebra
Laminectomy, Lamina
36. The advantage of Laminectomy is …
37. Laminectomy is a surgery that relieves pressure on your spinal cord and nerves
38. A Laminectomy is a surgical incision into the backbone to obtain access to the spinal cord
39. One of the most common reasons for Laminectomy is a prolapsed or herniated intervertebral disc
40. Laminectomy is a type of surgery in which a surgeon removes part or all of the vertebral bone (lamina) to relieve compression of the spinal cord or the nerve roots that may be caused by injury, herniated disk, spinal stenosis (narrowing of the canal), or tumors.
Laminectomy, Lamina
41. Laminectomy [lam″ĭ-nek´to-me] surgical excision of the lamina of a vertebral arch, usually done to relieve the symptoms of a herniated disk by disk excision
Laminectomy, Lam, Lamina
42. A lumbar Laminectomy is a surgical procedure performed by a spine surgeon to relieve pressure on a spinal nerve in the low back
Lumbar, Laminectomy, Low
43. Another term for a Laminectomy is spinal decompression meaning it removes tissue that is compressing a nerve
44. Laminectomy can be done with minimally invasive technology — your surgeon will make a small incision and operate with the help of a special surgical microscope
45. Lumbar Laminectomy Physical Therapy Prescription The intent of this protocol is to provide guidelines for rehab
Lumbar, Laminectomy
46. Overview and Indications A lumbar Laminectomy is performed for patients with symptomatic, painful lumbar spinal stenosis occurring at multiple (three vertebrae) levels of the spine
Lumbar, Laminectomy, Levels
47. A Laminectomy reduces the pressure on your spinal nerves, thereby decreasing any irritation or inflammation
48. For this reason, Laminectomy is often referred to as spinal decompression
49. A Laminectomy may be performed on the cervical spine (you neck) or the lumbar spine (your low back), depending on where your spinal problem is.
Laminectomy, Lumbar, Low
50. So, Laminectomy means to remove or partially remove the lamina, which may also include removal of a portion of the facet joint as well as enlarged, thickened ligaments
Laminectomy, Lamina, Ligaments
51. A Laminectomy is usually done under general anaesthetic and takes between one and three hours
52. A Laminectomy is one of the most common back surgeries.During a Laminectomy, our neurosurgeon will remove the rear portion of one or more vertebrae, known as the lamina
Laminectomy, Lamina
53. A Laminectomy is a surgical procedure to relieve "pinched nerves." The procedure removes bone from the spinal vertebrae to take the pressure off the affected nerves
54. This article will examine what happens when the Laminectomy procedure is not as successful as the doctor and patient hoped for and examines the resulting Post-Laminectomy syndrome and what treatments can be offered for it.
55. If it is, a decompressive lumbar Laminectomy may help restore your activity level and reduce your symptoms
Lumbar, Laminectomy, Level
56. What is post-Laminectomy syndrome? Post-Laminectomy syndrome (PLS), sometimes known as “failed back syndrome,” is a condition …
57. Thoracic Laminectomy is a procedure performed by spine surgeons to decompress the spinal cord of the thoracic spine
58. Laminectomy surgery can help relieve pressure on the spinal cord caused by spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal)
59. A Laminectomy removes the lamina and thereby opens up space in the spinal canal, relieving pressure on the nerves
Laminectomy, Lamina
60. What does a Laminectomy treat? A Laminectomy can treat certain types of back pain
61. A laminotomy or Laminectomy is a procedure that can provide relief from the symptoms of spinal stenosis, or narrowing of the spinal canal and its vertebral openings
Laminotomy, Laminectomy
62. What Is a Lumbar Laminectomy? A lumbar Laminectomy is a surgical procedure to remove a small portion of a vertebra, or back bone in the lower back (lumbar).Lumbar Laminectomy is usually done to take pressure off the spinal cord or a spinal nerve
Lumbar, Laminectomy, Lower
63. Laminectomy: This is a common procedure that removes part of the lamina, the bony “roof” of the spinal canal
Laminectomy, Lamina
64. A Laminectomy may also be done as an adjunct to another procedure, the discectomy, that involves the removal of an intervertebral disc
65. Since a greater portion of the vertebra is removed during a Laminectomy, the surgery is often followed by a spinal fusion in order to …
Laminectomy: A surgical procedure in which the posterior arch of a vertebra is removed. Laminectomy is done to relieve pressure on the spinal cord or on the nerve roots that emerge from the spinal canal. The procedure may be used to treat a slipped or herniated disc or to treat spinal stenosis. Tired of Psoriasis?
Laminectomy Definition. A laminectomy is a procedure involving surgical removal of the bony arch of the vertebrae (lamina) which covers the nerve and allows for exploration of the disc and foramina, often used in the treatment of spinal stenosis.
A laminectomy is a surgical procedure to decrease pain for sufferers of lumbar spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is a complaint that generally afflicts older people. The pain is caused by degenerative changes that result in the facet joints becoming enlarged and placing pressure on nerves.
It can be safely said that laminectomy is quite a safe procedure and is not dangerous in any way when compared to some of the other surgical procedures that are done to other organ systems of the body. The risks that laminectomy procedure entails are quite minimal and do not last for long.