See also: Lambic Iambic Limbic Lamictal Lambing Lambaste Lamb Lambda Lambasted Lambent Lambasting Lambency Lamborghini Paschal The Ewe Passover
1. Lambic and saison are two styles of Belgian ale
2. They characteristically have a soft body, are hazy, golden to amber in color, and highly carbonated (though some Lambics are rather still)
3. Lambic definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation
4. 54 rows · Lambic - Fruit Often known as Cassis, Framboise, Kriek, or Peche, a fruit Lambic takes on …
5. 54 rows · Lambic - Traditional A spontaneously fermented and unblended ale that is indigenous to the …
6. Belgian Lambic beers are left in open vats where wild yeast and bacterias are allowed to take up residence
Lambic, Left
7. The traditional Lambic grain bill is uniquely comprised of 40 percent raw wheat.
8. Lambic Beers - Here you can find an overview of all our lambiek beers
Lambic, Lambiek
9. Lambic also contains hops to deliver a natural bitterness and tart aftertaste
10. Still, you cannot get enough of Lambic cidery taste brought by the orange peel, priming sugar, pilsner mat cheeriest, and raspberries
11. We further appreciate the natural blend of yeast and bacteria in Lambic.
12. Lambic, or spontaneously fermented beers, are the beers of this region and are among the world’s rarest: they are the only beers fermented via wild, airborne yeast - no yeast is added by the brewers
13. Lambics come only from the Senne River valley, near Brussels - a region about 15 by 75 miles in size.
14. Set in a refurbished colonial home in the heart of Port Louis, Mauritius' capital, Lambic is a nice restaurant where you can match your meal to your beer
Louis, Lambic
15. Lambic is the all-encompassing term for the style
16. Many Lambics are actually gueuzes, which is a blend of three different ages of Lambic
Lambics, Lambic
17. Fruit: a Lambic with raspberry (framboise), peach (pêche), blackcurrant (cassis), grape (druif) and strawberry (aardbei), along with cherry (Kriek – see below) are the most common
18. Naturally occurring sugars and yeast in fruit provide secondary fermentation and examples tend to be more carbonated than standard Lambic.
19. Lambic wort is produced from pale malted barley and locally sourced unmalted wheat
Lambic, Locally
20. Lambic beer styles Spontaneously brewed, Lambic ale has evolved into different flavors and styles, including fruit Lambic and Gueuze
21. The naturally sweet and mildly sour flavor of fruits like cherry, raspberries and apricots balances the sour Lambic.
Like, Lambic
22. The Anachronisms of Traditional Lambic
23. Lambic is defined by Belgian law and further protected by a European Union ordinance established in 1992 and by an appellation contrôlée from the European Beer Consumers Union
Lambic, Law
24. Belgian law defines Lambic as spontaneously fermented ales made up of a grist of at least 30% unmalted wheat.
Law, Lambic, Least
25. Lambic Lambic is a sour wheat beer style brewed in and around Brussels
26. By world standards, Lambic brewing is rare and the volume brewed is small
27. At their best, Lambic beers are among the most interesting, complex drinks ever created.
28. Putting The Fruit in Fruit Lambic
29. Whether you’re brewing a straight Lambic-style or Fruit Lambic-style, up to the fermentation everything is the same
30. It’s during the fermentation that straight Lambic can become fruit Lambic
31. Blend of Lambics aged on average 16 to 18 months and of Muscat grapes
32. This is a detailed, insightful look into most, if not all, aspects of Lambic brewing/tradition
Look, Lambic
33. Lambic (Classic Beer Style Series Book 3) - Kindle edition by Guinard, Jean
34. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Lambic (Classic Beer Style Series Book 3).
Like, Lambic
35. Temp; Wyeast - Belgian Lambic Blend 3278: 26: Wyeast: Ale: 0.12: Med: 75%: 63°F
36. ‘Without question, Lambic is the worlds most unusual and some say best beer.’ ‘Now we have Ales, with their bitters, pale ales, porters, stouts, barley wines, trappist, Lambic, and alt.’ ‘This is a notoriously sweet Lambic, and although some sourness is present to balance the flavour, many find it to be cloyingly sweet.’
37. Lambic: Belgium's Unique Treasure 07/13/2012
38. By Martin Lodahl (Brewing Techniques) Lambic: Belgium’s Unique Treasure
Lodahl, Lambic
39. But is it really beer?” The first taste of a Lambic is almost always a surprise — sometimes even shocking — especially to those whose concept of beer is defined by North American industrial lagers.
Lambic, Lagers
40. If Lambic is, as it is sometimes called, the true Champagne of beers (sorry, Miller High Life), then gueuze, which combines 1-, 2- and 3-year-old vintages, is …
Lambic, Life
41. Lindemans Cassis Lambic is a fruit Lambic that pours a dark reddish brown with a light to moderate pink head
Lindemans, Lambic, Light
42. History Founded by Nestor Limbourg (1905-1984) in Anderlecht, a Lambic blender that produced Gueuze and Kriek
Limbourg, Lambic
43. Lambic beers are a little bit like blue cheese, or maybe more like fish sauce
Lambic, Little, Like
44. A Lambic with fruit, not just a fruit beer
45. A low to moderately sour/acidic character blends with aromas described as barnyard, earthy, goaty, hay, horsey, and horse blanket (and thus should be recognizable as a Lambic)
Low, Lambic
46. Lambic Restaurant, Lounge & Beer Shop, Port Louis, Mauritius
Lambic, Lounge, Louis
47. Lambic isn’t something you’ll come across as casually as a Pale Ale or a Stout.It’s a very specific, kinda weird, and pretty cool category of beer style that has some fairly ancient history.
Lambic, Ll
48. In Belgium, Lambic is so revered that the High Council for Traditional Lambic Beers was established in 1997 to protect its nomenclature and production techniques
49. Lambic definition: a type of Belgian beer brewed with raw wheat and wild yeast in wooden casks , and Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
50. Lambic beers are made by using the wild fermentation of natural yeasts found in the area
51. This raspberry framboise is a young Lambic fruit beer enriched with pure raspberry juice
52. Somewhere between sparkling wine and beer, Lindemans Framboise Lambic has a powerful raspberry aroma with a …
Lindemans, Lambic
53. ‘Without question, Lambic is the worlds most unusual and some say best beer.’ ‘Now we have Ales, with their bitters, pale ales, porters, stouts, barley wines, trappist, Lambic, and alt.’ ‘This is a notoriously sweet Lambic, and although some sourness is present to balance the flavour, many find it to be cloyingly sweet.’
54. Moeder Lambic Original, Brussels: See 792 unbiased reviews of Moeder Lambic Original, rated 4.5 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #71 of 3,823 restaurants in Brussels.
LAMBIC [ˈlambik, ˈlambik]
A lambic is a sour and dry Belgian beer, fermented spontaneously with airborne yeast said to be native to Brussels; the presence of cherries predates the almost universal use of hops as a flavoring in beer. A traditional kriek made from a lambic base beer is sour and dry as well.
Lambic ('lɒmbiːk or 'læmbɪk) is a type of beer brewed in the Pajottenland region of Belgium southwest of Brussels and in Brussels itself since the 13th century. Types of lambic beers include gueuze, kriek lambic and framboise. Lambic differs from most other beers in that it is fermented through exposure to wild yeasts and bacteria native to the Zenne valley, as opposed to exposure to ...
Iambic pentameter (/aɪˌæmbɪk pɛnˈtæmɪtər/) is a type of metric line used in traditional English poetry and verse drama. The term describes the rhythm, or meter, established by the words in that line; rhythm is measured in small groups of syllables called "feet".