See also: Laity Ality Lairy Lathe Laicity Laitance Laith Laite Lait Café Define Cafe De Au
1. Definition of Laity 1 : the people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergy The Laity has played an important role in the history of the church.
2. Laity is a noun form of the adjective lay, which means belonging to, pertaining to, or performed by the people or Laity, as distinguished from the clergy
Laity, Lay
3. Members of the Laity can be called laypeople
Laity, Laypeople
4. The noun Laity is from the word lay, and lay person has a similar church meaning
Laity, Lay
5. The word lay itself is from the Greek word laikos meaning "of the people." The meaning of the word Laity is sometimes expanded to refer to non-professionals workers, as opposed to professionals in a field.
Lay, Laikos, Laity
6. The Laity and clergy, or clerics, belong to the same society, but do not occupy the same rank
7. The Laity are the members of this society who remain where they were placed by baptism, while the clergy, even if only tonsured, have been raised by ordination to a higher class, and placed in the sacred hierarchy.
8. Like the Buddha himself, the monks embody or represent the higher levels of spiritual achievement, which they make available in various ways to the Laity. The Laity improve their soteriological condition by giving the …
Like, Levels, Laity
9. Whereas the word faithful is opposed to infidel, unbaptized, one outside the pale of Christian society, the word Laity is opposed to clergy
10. The Laity and clergy, or clerics, belong to the same society, but do not occupy the same rank.
11. The Laity is a movement of artists motivated by love.
Laity, Love
12. Laity noun [U] (NOT TRAINED) the ordinary people who are involved with a church but who do not hold official religious positions: The clergy and the Laity are both participating in the program
13. The Laity family name was found in the USA, the UK, Canada, and Scotland between 1861 and 1920
14. The most Laity families were found in the UK in 1891
15. In 1880 there were 26 Laity families living in Pennsylvania
Laity, Living
16. This was about 30% of all the recorded Laity's in the USA.
17. What does Laity mean? Laity is defined as the people not belonging to a specific profession
18. (noun) An example of the Laity are the members of
19. Laity noun [U] (NOT TRAINED) the ordinary people who are involved with a church but who do not hold official religious positions: The clergy and the Laity are both participating in the program
20. Laity Lodge currently has no retreats scheduled
Laity, Lodge
21. Stay up-to-date on what’s taking shape, including new installments of Laity Lodge Home Delivery, by signing up for the Laity Lodge newsletter.
Laity, Lodge
22. Butt, Jr., the Symbol of the Congress of the Laity was reworked in 2013 and is used today exclusively as the program symbol for Laity Lodge.
Laity, Lodge
23. Laity (plural laities) People of a church who are not ordained clergy or clerics
Laity, Laities
24. ‘People - Laity and clergy - want to have a voice in who leads their diocese and how that leader functions.’ ‘Clergy and Laity in the western U.S
Laity, Leads, Leader
25. Had sought clarity on the issue.’ ‘Each will create a blurring of the boundaries between clergy and Laity.’ ‘In times of crisis, leaders are needed who can inspire both clergy and Laity.’
Laity, Leaders
26. Category "Laity" 2014 Laity Reports
27. Education, Laity, Missions By aclinton April 16, 2015 Leave a comment
Laity, Leave
28. The 12 Days of COGIC…Day 2! Church Of God In Christ, Education, Laity, …
29. Laity Sunday celebrates the ministry of all Christians to love God and all people
Laity, Love
30. The 3rd Sunday in October is the date set aside as Laity Sunday, but of course if another date is better, that’s fine
31. On Laity Sunday, we lift up the vocation of all (lay and clergy) to follow Jesus Christ and lead others to him.
Laity, Lift, Lay, Lead
32. Since the Laity, in accordance with their state of life, live in the midst of the world and its concerns, they are called by God to exercise their apostolate in the world like leaven, with the ardor of the spirit of Christ
Laity, Life, Live, Like, Leaven
33. Apostolicam Actuositatem (“Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity”), Vatican II, 1965 #2.
34. Laity is a term that has emerged in the Western religious and theological traditions to refer to those members of a religious community who, as a group, do not have the responsibilities of fulfilling the priestly functions appropriate to the offices of the clergy or ordained ministers
35. The Laity forms the majority of the estimated over one billion Catholics in the world.
36. Find 5 ways to say Laity, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
37. "Despite pleas from Laity and local preservationists for a more conservative renovation, in 1986 the Archdiocese of Indianapolis undertook a $1.5 million renovation of the 1905 Saints Peter and Paul Cathedral
Laity, Local
38. We learn in Sunday school and confirmation classes that the ministers of the Church are the Laity (lay persons in the Book of Common Prayer), bishops, priests and deacons
Learn, Laity, Lay
39. In recent years, people had come to look at the ordained (bishops, priests and deacons) as more important to the life of the Church than the Laity
Look, Life, Laity
40. In the early Church, both groups, the Laity and ordained, made growth happen.
41. Definition of Laity members of the church but who are not ordained ministers or priests Examples of Laity in a sentence Holding confession, the priest had the Laity line up one by one to confess their sins
Laity, Line
42. The lesson is, ‘It’s up to the Laity to spread the faith.’ A young female parishioners sits praying at a Catholic church
Lesson, Laity
43. Laity Lodge Youth Camp is a Christian youth camp nestled in the Texas Hill Country's stunning Frio River Canyon
Laity, Lodge
44. Synonyms for Laity noun in Christianity, members of a religious community that do not have the priestly responsibilities of ordained clergy Want to thank TFD for its existence? Tell a friend about us, add a …
45. 2021 Laity Lent Devotions HOPE, PROMISE, and the PRESENCE OF GOD We now enter our second season of Lent hunkered down under the cloud of a pandemic that has brought loss, suffering, and confusion to each of our lives.
Laity, Lent, Loss, Lives
46. The nature of the priesthood of the Laity has caused a lot of confusion in the post-Second Vatican Council Church, and so it is important to clarify both the beauty of this doctrine and the difference between this priesthood and the ministerial priesthood.
Laity, Lot
47. Definition of Laity in the dictionary
48. What does Laity mean? Information and translations of Laity in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
49. Laity have been instrumental in the growth of The United Methodist Church since its beginning, and were called to lead congregations between visits of the circuit-riding clergy
Laity, Lead
50. Today, that tradition continues in successful congregations, where the partnership of the clergy and Laity …
51. Parishioners, parish, churchgoers, flock, fold, faithful, following, followers, adherents, believers, loyal members, fellowship, communicants, Laity, brethren
Loyal, Laity
52. Laity Sunday is a time to recognize the work and mission of all Laity — not only within the walls of the church but in everyday lives
Laity, Lives
53. This sermon calls the Laity into action
54. The Laity must get involved, share their stories and watch God do the rest! Subject: Church Expansion In Antioch Acts 11:19-21 Introduction: The early Christian Church grew rapidly as the Holy Spirit guided it through conflict, prejudice and crisis.
55. The clergy-Laity distinction tends to cause lay people to relegate religion to the clergy, while the Laity just turn up for weekly services
Laity, Lay
56. Laity ARE spiritual leaders alongside our pastors
Laity, Leaders
57. We do not always give ourselves enough credit, thinking that if a person does not attend seminary, they are ‘JUST a layperson.’ Giving Laity confidence in their own spiritual and faith journey is a piece of our leadership puzzle.
Layperson, Laity, Leadership
58. Gradually, there was greater openness to the need for lay ministers, particularly with the decline of ordained clergy Leckey continued to advocate for Laity, serving as an official adviser to the American bishops at both the 1980 Synod of Bishops on marriage and the family and the Synod of Bishops on the Laity …
Lay, Leckey, Laity
59. Professor Laity grew up in the United States and the Netherlands, was educated at Harvard, and practiced law in Texas before joining the faculty
Laity, Law
60. After graduation from Harvard Law School, Professor Laity joined the Dallas firm of Kilgore & Kilgore and was elected a partner five years later.
Law, Laity, Later
61. The first half of The Liberation of the Laity concentrates on the fortunes of the Laity, theologically speaking, between Vatican I (1870) and Vatican II (1962-65)
Liberation, Laity
62. Light and Leaven: The Challenge of the Laity in the Twenty-First Century serves as the lantern we need to shine through the fog
Light, Leaven, Laity, Lantern
63. The Laity are ordained to make the Church the acceptance of that gift, the “Amen” of mankind to God
64. It is the same obedience: to God and to the Church that establishes the harmony between clergy and Laity, make them one body, growing into the fullness of Christ.
65. Laity, CANON LAW The 1983 Code of Canon Law is unique in the history of Church legislation in the prominence it gives to lay members of the Christian Faithful
Laity, Law, Legislation, Lay
66. In the 1917 Code, Laity were mentioned in two canons
67. One stated that Laity had a right to receive from clergy the spiritual goods of the church and the second prohibited Laity from wearing clerical dress unless they were seminarians.
LAITY [ˈlāədē]
Definition of laity. 1 : the people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergy The laity has played an important role in the history of the church. Examples of laity in a Sentence. a member of the laity The laity has played an important role in the history of the church.
The word laity means "common people" and comes from the Greek λαϊκός (laikos), meaning "of the people".
Laity refers to the members of the church who are not in the clergy. Clergy are the body of people ordained to perform religious tasks. Such people would be pastors and bishops. Matt Slick is the President and Founder of the Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry.
Therefore, the distinction between clergy and laity, as most understand it today, is not biblical. While believers have different callings and gifts ( Romans 12:6 ), all are servants of the Lord ( Romans 14:4 ).