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1. The milky caps, mushrooms in the genera Lactarius and Lactifluus, make up a large group of mycorrhizal mushrooms that exude a "latex," or milk, when injured

Lactarius, Lactifluus, Large, Latex

2. Lactarius Volemus is found in warm temperate regions and as well as some subtropical and tropical regions


3. The delicious Lactarius is also referred to as the saffron milkcap and is one of the best known members of the large milkcap genus Lactarius in the order Russulales

Lactarius, Large

4. Lactarius are a type of mushroom found while foraging mushroom clusters on The Islands That Once Were Turtles within the Arc region of the Wushanko Isles


5. Over the last decade or so Belgian mycologist Jorinde Nuytinck and collaborators have published a series of papers (2005, 2006, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c) investigating the area of the genus Lactarius to which Lactarius deliciosus belongs: section Deliciosi.

Last, Lactarius

6. Lactarius akahatsu QP Lactarius akahatsu is a member of Lactarius sect


7. In particular, the distribution of Lactarius species in South Korea is …


8. Lactarius (Christian Hendrik Persoon, 1797) din încrengătura Basidiomycota, în ordinul Russulales și familia Russulaceae cu global aproximativ 450 de specii (Europa: peste 130), denumit în popor râșcov sau lăptucă, este un gen de ciuperci.


9. Lactarius are a type of mushroom found while foraging mushroom clusters on The Islands That Once Were Turtles within the Arc region of the Wushanko Isles


10. I still call them Lactarius (old habits die hard)


11. Lactarius pallidiolivaceus - olive-grey with a very tough stem and scanty milk that stains tissues dark


12. For instance, sesquiterpenoids such as velleral (13) and isovelleral (14) are present in a variety of Russula species and milk caps such as Lactarius vellereus and are responsible for their pungent taste


13. Definition of Lactarius : a large genus of white-spored agarics (family Agaricaceae) that exude a white or colored milky juice when cut or broken and that include an edible species (L

Lactarius, Large

14. Some Lactarius are delicious edible mushrooms, but many are poisonous


15. Lactarius piperatus, as you might guess by its name, is very peppery in its flavor, almost to the point of being bitter


16. Lactarius synonyms, Lactarius pronunciation, Lactarius translation, English dictionary definition of Lactarius


17. Lactarius - large genus of agarics that have white spore and contain a white or milky juice when cut or broken; includes both edible and poisonous

Lactarius, Large

18. Also known as the blue Lactarius, indigo Lactarius, or the indigo milk cap, the Lactarius indigo is part of the fungus kingdom’s Russulaceae family


19. Lactarius subg.Russularia is a large group of milkcaps occurring almost worldwide and dominant in many ecosystems

Lactarius, Large

20. Six conifer symbionts are described as new to science: Lactarius atrii, L


21. Template:Taxobox Lactarius fuliginosus, commonly known as the sooty milkcap, is a species of fungus in the family Russulaceae


22. > A few pages of diagrams or illustrations of the anatomy and features of Lactarius mushrooms would be highly desirable


23. > The glossary is very poor, using standard dictionary definitions, rather than pertinent, contextual, (i.e., as applied to Lactarius mushrooms) definitions


24. Lactarius indigo is a distinctive species of Lactarius sect


25. Lactarius m A taxonomic genus within the family Russulaceae – the milk-cap mushrooms.


26. Lactarius volemus, also know as Luscious Lactarius, is a very fleshy, matte orange agaric that has a thin, cracking skin on its cap and a thick, velvety pale orange stem

Lactarius, Luscious

27. Lactarius carbonicola is a rare, similar east coast species, perhaps in the Russularia, perhaps not


28. Lactarius salmonicolor Heim & Leclair, 1953

Lactarius, Leclair

29. This species, like all the Lactarius with red milk, in some zones is quite sought after for culinary purposes and this has created several local or dialectal names

Like, Lactarius, Local

30. Lactarius torminosus, commonly known as the woolly milkcap or the bearded milkcap, is a large agaric fungus

Lactarius, Large

31. Lactarius clarkeae i s a spectacular find on the floor of Australian eucalypt woodland


32. Lactarius trivialis, also known as the Slimy Lead Lactarius, is an agaric that has a large fleshy cap that is often spotted or fainty concentrically zoned and pale gills and stem

Lactarius, Lead, Large

33. ウズハツ(Lactarius violascens (Otto:Fr.)Fr.) ハツタケ節(Sect


34. Lactarius Lactarius : Source: NODC Taxonomic Code, database (version 8.0) Acquired: 1996 : Notes: Reference for: Lactarius Lactarius : Publication(s): Author(s)/Editor(s): Shiino, Sueo M


35. This mushroom (Lactarius deliciosus) is highly recommended by different authors.It belongs to the Lactars or milk-bearing group

Lactarius, Lactars

36. Lactarius fragilis is found in Northeastern America


37. Grows up to 4cm in diameter, and up to 6cm tall like Lactarius camphoratus

Like, Lactarius

38. Lactarius rubidus is an attractive mushroom colored burnt orange and frequently seen growing on rotting conifer wood.


39. Lactarius collected from Sikkim, a Himalayan state in India


40. Lactarius brunneoaurantiacus sp


41. Lactarius is one of the most prominent genera of mushroom-forming fungi in the world


42. In the present study, complete mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) from six Lactarius species were sequenced and assembled


43. Nuytinck 2007-001 Lactarius aff


44. Lignyotus WTU 00-223-16 Lactarius lilacinus Lactarius liliputianus

Lignyotus, Lactarius, Lilacinus, Liliputianus

45. Lactarius indigo, commonly known as the indigo milk cap, the indigo (or blue) Lactarius, or the blue milk mushroom, is a species of agaric fungus in the family Russulaceae


46. Mülller Dias é o nome por trás do projeto Lactarius, Nascido em Santos teve seu primeiro contato com as festas trance em 2016, mas, foi no ano de 2018 que decidiu dar inicio ao

Lller, Lactarius

47. Mülller Dias é o nome por trás do projeto Lactarius, Nascido em Santos teve seu primeiro contato com as festas trance em 2016, mas, foi no ano de 2018 que decidiu dar inicio ao

Lller, Lactarius

48. Lactarius deliciosus’ inconspicuous cap


49. For me, however, Lactarius deliciosus satisfies much of what I seek in a mushroom


50. Lactarius circellatus (Elias Magnus Fries, 1838) este o specie de ciuperci necomestibile din încrengătura Basidiomycota în familia Russulaceae și de genul Lactarius


51. Lactarius deliciosus, commonly known as the saffron milk cap and red pine mushroom, is one of the best known members of the large milk-cap genus Lactarius in the order Russulales

Lactarius, Large

52. A fresco in the Roman town of Herculaneum appears to depict Lactarius


53. Lactarius indigo does not cause disease and is non-poisonous [13]


54. Lactarius indigo is known for its edibility and is ranked in Mexico as one of the top three mushrooms using the Edible Mushrooms Cultural Significant Index [13]



LACTARIUS [ˌlakˈterēəs]

lactarius (noun) · lactariuses (plural noun)

  • a large woodland mushroom with a concave cap, the flesh exuding a white or colored milky fluid when cut.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the characteristics of Lactarius?

Some species have angiocarpous, i.e., closed fruitbodies. Microscopically, Lactarius species have elliptical, rarely globoid spores with amyloid ornamentation in the form of more or less prominent warts or spines, connected by ridges, like other members of the Russulaceae family.

How many species of Lactarius are there in the world?

It is a large genus with over 500 known species, mainly distributed in the Northern hemisphere. Recently, the genus Lactifluus has been separated from Lactarius based on molecular phylogenetic evidence. The genus Lactarius was described by Christian Hendrik Persoon in 1797 with L. piperatus as the original type species.

How did the Lactarius deliciosus get its name?

Legend has it that when naming the mushroom, Carl Linnaeus had in fact mistaken it with Lactarius sanguifluus, giving it the epithet "delicious". High consumption of Lactarius deliciosus could cause the urine to discolor to orange/red.

What is systematics within Lactarius?

Systematics within Lactarius is a subject of ongoing research. Three subgenera are currently accepted and supported by molecular phylogenetics: Piperites: Northern temperate region, three species in tropical Africa. Russularia: Northern temperate region and tropical Asia.