Use Lacelike in a sentence

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See also: Placeline Jacket Laceless Lackey Lacked Lacker Laceration Lace Lacerate Laced Lacerated Lacey Lacerating Lacework Lacerar Lacewing Laceracion Chantilly Mechlin Nottingham

1. Lacelike synonyms, Lacelike pronunciation, Lacelike translation, English dictionary definition of Lacelike


2. Lacelike - made of or resembling lace; "a lacy gown"; "a lacy leaf" lacy fancy - not plain; decorative or ornamented; "fancy handwriting"; "fancy

Lacelike, Lace, Lacy, Leaf

3. The snowy petals, with their Lacelike edges, closely resemble those of the white carnation


4. CUPID'S ALMANAC AND GUIDE TO HEARTICULTURE FOR THIS YEAR AND NEXT JOHN CECIL CLAY Her bronze flesh was adorned with a Lacelike tracery of beautiful design, in many tints


5. Definition of Lacelike in the dictionary


6. What does Lacelike mean? Information and translations of Lacelike in the most comprehensive …


7. Lacelike (comparative more Lacelike, superlative most Lacelike)


8. Synonyms for Lacelike include lacy, filigree, delicate, fine, frilly, gossamer, open, sheer, gauzy and meshy

Lacelike, Lacy

9. What does Lacelike mean? Resembling lace

Lacelike, Lace

10. (adjective) Words near Lacelike in the Dictionary


11. And over the forest surged a sea of green life, the climbers of a thousand varieties, some that floated airily, in Lacelike filaments, from the tallest branches others that coiled and wound about the trees like huge serpents; and one, the ei-ei, that was for all the world like a climbing palm, swinging on a thick stem from branch to branch and tree to tree and throttling the supports whereby it climbed.

Life, Lacelike, Like

12. Lacelike definition in English dictionary, Lacelike meaning, synonyms, see also 'lace',lacerable',leaflike',leglike'

Lacelike, Lace, Lacerable, Leaflike, Leglike

13. 7,124 Followers, 2,235 Following, 3,872 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Shelly Sangrey (@theres_nopLacelike_home)

14. Provided to YouTube by Sequence Sequence LimitedLacelike Liquid · Tranquil Music Sounds of NatureAmbient Cloudburst: Sheltering from the Rain on the Headland

Limitedlacelike, Liquid

15. Lacelike in a sentence - Use "Lacelike" in a sentence 1


16. Carpenters cut wood into Lacelike mediopuntos, large screens that separate rooms

Lacelike, Large

17. Then they starched the whole thing into Lacelike rigidity


18. Click for more sentences of Lacelike


19. Lacelike: lacy, resembling lace, netlike: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1

Lacelike, Lacy, Lace

20. The rugged, green mountains, Lacelike coast and fields of pomegranates, olive, citrus fruits and cotton provided plenty to admire on the journey.


21. We found 12 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Lacelike: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Lacelike" is defined

Lacelike, Link, Line

22. General (12 matching dictionaries) Lacelike: [home, info]


23. Lacelike pattern (n.), lacework (n.) Ebene sardel appraisal rt swamped mooring provizore embroidery thread patron unstriped muscle, unstriated muscle Addressers varmistusmutteri, vastamutteri renkon quo grainage perhaps ultrahigh frequency analyserend vermogen մոդելներ

Lacelike, Lacework

24. How this page explains Lacelike ? It helps you understand the word Lacelike with comprehensive detail, no other web page in our knowledge can explain Lacelike better than


25. Find Frame Lacelike stock images in HD and millions of other royalty-free stock photos, illustrations and vectors in the Shutterstock collection


26. 271.3k Followers, 3,128 Following, 1,151 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from No Place Like Home (@nopLacelikehome2018)


27., Seattle, Washington

28., Seattle, Washington

29. This set comprises of: 1 Bracelet + 1 RingThis Lacelike Bracelet


30. Rychlý překlad slova Lacelike do angličtiny, výslovnost, tvary a příklady užití


31. Azulejo (another term for hand-painted tiles) is a clay or ceramic plate piece, generally with a square shape decorated with glazed colorful designs, and the majority of hand-painted tiles shows Moorish designs which have curvilinear, Lacelike, and looping designs, or …

Lacelike, Looping



    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the definition of lace?

    Definition of lace (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : a cord or string used for drawing together two edges (as of a garment or a shoe) 2 : an ornamental braid for trimming coats or uniforms 3 : an openwork usually figured fabric made of thread or yarn and used for trimmings, household coverings, and entire garments

    What does lacework mean?

    A cord or ribbon used to draw and tie together two opposite edges, as of a shoe. 2. A delicate fabric made of yarn or thread in an open weblike pattern. Also called lacework. 3. Gold or silver braid ornamenting an officer's uniform. 1. To thread a cord through the eyelets or around the hooks of. 2. a. To draw together and tie the laces of. b.

    What is the adjective for Lacy?

    adjective, lac·i·er, lac·i·est. of or resembling lace; lacelike: a lacy gown; a lacy leaf.

    What is the definition of a lacer fabric?

    Lacer definition, a netlike ornamental fabric made of threads by hand or machine. See more.

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