See also: Labyrinthectomy Labyrinth Labyrinthine Labyrinthitis Labyrinthian
1. A Labyrinthectomy is a surgical procedure that is performed to treat vertigo if you have very little hearing in the affected ear. This is a last resort option when it is determined that a hearing aid will not be effective in helping you hear more clearly.
Labyrinthectomy, Little, Last
2. The partial Labyrinthectomy approach is an extension of the retrolabyrinthine approach that provides additional ventral exposure while preserving hearing in the operated ear. The principle of the partial Labyrinthectomy approach involves removal of only a portion of the vestibular labyrinth, thereby attempting to conserve hearing.
Labyrinthectomy, Labyrinth
3. A Labyrinthectomy, the removal of the membranous labyrinth, is an irreversible procedure that is often successful in eliminating the dizziness associated with Meniere's disease. Because you …
Labyrinthectomy, Labyrinth
4. Labyrinthectomy Risks and Complications Your condition may be helped by an operation to remove the lining of the inner ear
Labyrinthectomy, Lining
5. Labyrinthectomy This procedure is performed in patients with Meniere’s disease, who suffer from unremitting vertigo attacks and who have “unaidable hearing” in the affected ear. This means that the hearing in the ear is too poor to benefit much from a hearing aid, due to a lack of speech recognition.
Labyrinthectomy, Lack
6. Labyrinthectomy The most common reason for performing a Labyrinthectomy is to treat Meniere’s disease that has not responded to other treatments. Additionally, other forms of inner ear damage may be treated with a Labyrinthectomy
7. Labyrinthectomy, either transcanal or transmastoid, is advocated as a successful surgical modality for uncompensated unilateral vestibular dysfunction in cases of nonserviceable hearing. The most common indication for Labyrinthectomy is unilateral Meniere’s Disease.
8. A Labyrinthectomy is a surgical procedure which destroys both the hearing and vestibular functions of the inner ear. It is performed either by drilling out the bone and removing all of the labyrinth (known as an osseous Labyrinthectomy), or by opening up the inner ear and destroying some of …
Labyrinthectomy, Labyrinth
9. Labyrinthectomy is the surgical removal of the labyrinth of the inner ear, which is made up of the vestibule, semicircular canals, and cochlea
Labyrinthectomy, Labyrinth
10. I had a Labyrinthectomy in 12/16
11. Labyrinthectomy is a surgical procedure for the management of poorly compensated unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction in the presence of a non-serviceable hearing ear
12. A Labyrinthectomy is a procedure used to decrease the function of the labyrinth of the inner ear
Labyrinthectomy, Labyrinth
13. Conservative medical management, followed by intratympanic steroid injections and chemical Labyrinthectomy are all options for early treatment of Meniere's disease
14. 4 Surgical Labyrinthectomy, endolymphatic sac decompression, and vestibular neurectomy may be offered for patients who fail to benefit from more conservative measures.
15. Either my Labyrinthectomy failed (I believe there was a 2% chance or so) OR I've gone bilateral which I think would be worse since I could lose hearing in my good ear (TERRIFYING!!!) To top it all off I HAD an appointment for a follow up after my surgery scheduled for next week but I had to cancel since I just got a new job and wont have health
Labyrinthectomy, Lose
16. After Labyrinthectomy, complete hearing loss is expected
Labyrinthectomy, Loss
17. A chemical Labyrinthectomy is also known as transtympanic or intratympanic treatment or gentamicin infusion
18. Medical definition of Labyrinthectomy: surgical removal of the labyrinth of the ear.
Labyrinthectomy, Labyrinth
19. Labyrinthectomy A transmastoid surgical procedure that removes remaining inner ear balance function from the diseased ear causing vertigo and disequilibrium.
20. Labyrinthectomy (lab-er-inth-ek-tŏmi) n
Labyrinthectomy, Lab
21. Source for information on Labyrinthectomy: A Dictionary of Nursing dictionary.
22. Labyrinthectomy is an effective surgical procedure for the management of poorly compensated unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction in the presence of a nonserviceable hearing
23. Ten years after Labyrinthectomy, 38 patients responded to a questionnaire
24. Vertigo control in cases of Ménière disease and deafness can be achieved by Labyrinthectomy before or as a single-stage procedure during cochlear implantation
25. The aim was to describe a case in which a Labyrinthectomy was performed after cochlear implantation
26. A Labyrinthectomy is a surgical procedure which destroys both the hearing and vestibular functions of the inner ear
27. It is performed either by drilling out the bone and removing all of the labyrinth (known as an osseous Labyrinthectomy), or by opening up the inner ear and destroying some of …
Labyrinth, Labyrinthectomy
28. Risks and complications of Labyrinthectomy include infection, imbalance, hearing loss, headache, numbness, vomiting and nausea, facial nerve injury, CSF leak, and altered taste.
Labyrinthectomy, Loss, Leak
29. 69905 - CPT® Code in category: Labyrinthectomy
30. A Labyrinthectomy is a destructive procedure used for Ménière's disease
31. CT-guided Labyrinthectomy can be applied to patients who are suffering from disabling vertigo such as unilateral Meniere's disease with severe hearing loss or destroyed hearing
Labyrinthectomy, Loss
32. Learn how to say Labyrinthectomy with EmmaSaying free pronunciation tutorials.
Learn, Labyrinthectomy
33. Labyrinthectomy synonyms, Labyrinthectomy pronunciation, Labyrinthectomy translation, English dictionary definition of Labyrinthectomy
34. Labyrinthectomy Tori Lewis Fibonacci Web Studio 2020-08-26T13:25:28-07:00
Labyrinthectomy, Lewis
35. Patients: Charts of 22 patients undergoing Labyrinthectomy and CI in the same ear for intractable vertigo and hearing loss with both preoperatory and postoperatory documentation available, were reviewed
Labyrinthectomy, Loss
36. Objective: To examine the impact of surgical Labyrinthectomy on quality of life of Ménière's disease patients
Labyrinthectomy, Life
37. Patients: All patients with Ménière's disease who underwent surgical Labyrinthectomy …
38. Labyrinthectomy definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation
39. Symptoms - post Labyrinthectomy Discussion in 'Your Living Room' started by joebiosolid, May 17, 2020
Labyrinthectomy, Living
40. The Labyrinthectomy was performed with a diamond burr
41. Follow-up Post-Labyrinthectomy surgery
42. Simultaneous Labyrinthectomy with cochlear implantation (for bilateral Meniere's disease) Tenotomy of the stapedius and tensor tympani muscles; Triple semi-circular canal plugging
43. Benefits of pre-Labyrinthectomy intratympanic gentamicin: contralateral vestibular responses.
44. Labyrinthectomy pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more Which is the right way to say the number Achtzig in German? ahk-sikh
45. Labyrinthectomy with cochlear implantation
46. Numerous reports indicate that the cochlea remains responsive to electrical stimulation following Labyrinthectomy.
47. Labyrinthectomy – 95% effective
48. The partial Labyrinthectomy petrous apicectomy approach is a relatively new approach to this region and is a variant of the presigmoid petrosal approach
49. This study aims to demonstrate the technique and the microsurgical anatomy of the partial Labyrinthectomy petrous apicectomy approach and to provide a quantitative study of its exposure to
Overview 1 Background. Labyrinthectomy is an effective surgical procedure for the management of poorly compensated unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction in the presence of a nonserviceable hearing ear. ... 2 Indications. ... 3 Contraindications. ... 4 Relevant Anatomy. ...
A labyrinthectomy, the removal of the membranous labyrinth, is an irreversible procedure that is often successful in eliminating the dizziness associated with Meniere's disease. Because you asked about ... Meniere's disease
Labyrinthectomy is an effective surgical procedure for the management of poorly compensated unilateral peripheral vestibular dysfunction in the presence of a nonserviceable hearing ear. [ 1, 2] Relief from vertigo is achieved at the expense of the residual hearing in the ear to be operated.
Labyrinthectomy is contraindicated when the affected ear is the only hearing ear. In patients with serviceable hearing, chemical labyrinthectomy or vestibular nerve sectioning should be considered.