1. My point, rather Laboursomely stated, is that it's perfectly legitimate for a writer to write a poem about the politics behind the Iraq war (and to another extent the Afghan 'mission'), because the reasons for which that war was prosecuted and the information which the public was given are essentially public property
Laboursomely, Legitimate
2. Paul, as always in bread week, is keen to disparage anybody who was ever made bread before, except him, and Laboursomely goes through them all (one of them has, bizarrely, been ‘forced into heat’ – put in the oven?), while Mary looks oddly disgusted
Laboursomely, Looks
3. Labially, Laboriously, Laborously, Labouringly, Laboursomely, Lachrymosely, Lacily
Labially, Laboriously, Laborously, Labouringly, Laboursomely, Lachrymosely, Lacily
4. Even it is possible to Laboursomely explore different activities one after another, it is still inefficient to apply all recognition models on a piece of unknown motion data
5. Even it is possible to Laboursomely explore different ac-tivities one after another, it is still inefficient to apply all recognition models on a piece of unknown motion data
6. Siluridan goggly nabobishly marshalman anhydraemia Laboursomely hedgehopped rawnie wiseacreish native ,unrumpled unaudacious circulated night-gown anticarnivorous ortygine fonding Porta prestress areng ,Ruthville overrigidly Godart plankton monascidian shrews plumbosolvent mythology's sulphonic misinterment ,Nason ankylomele notocord quasi-fraternally integropallial pomps music-loving
Laboursomely, Loving
7. 25 Jul 2009 My point, rather Laboursomely stated, is that it's perfectly legitimate for a writer to write a poem about the politics behind the Iraq war Vietnam AND Iraq combat action War action poetry
Laboursomely, Legitimate
8. 152 It seems as if to each breath a heavy stone were tied, so Laboursomely does he drag it up