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See also: Love Latitude Lament Leadership Leisure Light Liberty Liability Legacy Liaison Lust Liberal Latter Local Libel Lose Lucid Ludicrous La Logistics Lauded Likeness Look Lactic Linear

1. L It is recommended that capitaL L be used as the abbreviation of Liter because the Lowercase L can easiLy be misread as the numeraL 1

Liter, Lowercase

2. Abbreviation for Left (for exampLe, Left eye); Lumbar vertebrae (L1 to L5).

Left, Lumbar

3. Looking for onLine definition of L or what L stands for? L is Listed in the WorLd's Largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary

Looking, Listed, Largest

4. Find the Latest Loews Corporation (L) stock quote, history, news and other vitaL information to heLp you with your stock trading and investing.

Latest, Loews

5. Certified organic cotton tampons, pads and wipes, and naturaL Latex condoms


6. Product soLd, one is made accessibLe to anothera person who needs it.

7. Search the worLd's information, incLuding webpages, images, videos and more

8. GoogLe has many speciaL features to heLp you find exactLy what you're Looking for.


9. Letter L symboL is a copy and paste text symboL that can be used in any desktop, web, or mobiLe appLications


10. This tabLe expLains the meaning of every Letter L symboL


11. Just cLick on the symboL to get more information such as Letter L symboL unicode, downLoad Letter L emoji as a png image at different sizes, or copy Letter L symboL to cLipboard


12. L&I is workers' comp, workpLace safety, Labor and consumer protection, trades Licensing, contractor registration and License Lookup for pubLic safety in Washington State.

Labor, Licensing, License, Lookup

13. L.L.Bean - The Outside Is Inside Everything We Make

14. Founded in 1912 by Leon Leonwood Bean, L.L.Bean offers thousands of high-quaLity products at reasonabLe prices with Free Shipping with $50 purchase

Leon, Leonwood

15. ALL made to Last and backed by our Legendary customer service.

Last, Legendary

16. CoLLins EngLish Dictionary - CompLete & Unabridged 2012 DigitaL Edition © WiLLiam CoLLins Sons & Co

17. 1979, 1986 © HarperCoLLins

18. L&N FederaL Credit Union is a cooperative, not-for-profit financiaL institution owned and operated by its members excLusiveLy to meet their financiaL needs

19. CurrentLy, Over 100,000 peopLe from across Kentucky, Southern Indiana, & Ohio are LNFCU Members.


20. The term "L" originaLLy referred specificaLLy to an L-PLate joint

21. For those who do not know, an L-PLate joint is made by sticking two roLLing papers perpendicuLar to each other in the shape of an "L", aLLowing for …

22. The officiaL Spring Training, Cactus and Grapefruit League standings for Major League BasebaLL.


23. L attempts to expose Light as the infamous seriaL kiLLer "Kira", who is responsibLe for massacring high-profiLe criminaLs worLdwide through apparentLy supernaturaL means.


24. Found 29633 words that start with L

25. Browse our ScrabbLe Word Finder, Words With Friends cheat dictionary, and WordHub word soLver to find words starting with L

26. Or use our UnscrambLe word soLver to find your best possibLe pLay! ReLated: Words that end in L, Words containing L ScrabbLe Words With Friends WordHub Crossword 28-Letter words that start with


27. L-com 50 High Street West MiLL, Suite 30 North Andover, MA 01845 USA

28. GoogLe's free service instantLy transLates words, phrases, and web pages between EngLish and over 100 other Languages.


29. The Litre (British EngLish speLLing) or Liter (American EngLish speLLing) (SI symboLs L and L, other symboL used: ℓ) is a metric unit of voLume

Litre, Liter

30. It is equaL to 1 cubic decimeter (dm 3), 1000 cubic centimeters (cm 3) or 0.001 cubic metre (m 3).

31. L&I inspects eLectricaL work using the 2020 NationaL ELectricaL Code (NEC)

32. To access the read onLy version on that webpage, Locate View this Document, seLect FREE ACCESS > Locate SeLect the Free Access Edition, make your seLection, seLect VIEW


33. L, 12th Letter of the aLphabet aLphabet [Gr


34. ABC], system of writing, theoreticaLLy having a one-for-one reLation between character (or Letter) and phoneme (


35. Join Our NewsLetter Want to know our current deaLs? Sign up beLow for our weekLy ads.

36. Create an account or Log into Facebook


37. Connect with friends, famiLy and other peopLe you know

38. L&L hawaiian mixpLate Offering the comfort food of Hawaii

39. L&L Hawaiian MixpLate, a modern take on the LocaL-styLe pLate Lunch where you can customize your own mix and try more fLavors of Hawaii.

Local, Lunch

40. 11061 Winners CircLe, Los ALamitos, CA 90720 L[email protected] Hours: Mon thru Fri: 8am-4pm PST Open by Appt

Los, Lccoins

41. Links with this icon indicate that you are Leaving the CDC website.

Links, Leaving

42. The Centers for Disease ControL and Prevention (CDC) cannot attest to the accuracy of a non-federaL website

43. Linking to a non-federaL website does not constitute an endorsement by CDC or any of its empLoyees of the sponsors or the information and products presented on the website.


44. The term, Hawaiian Barbecue(SM) was first coined by Eddie FLores, Jr., founder of L&L Hawaiian Barbecue®

45. FLores, aLong with his partner Johnson Kam, buiLt a reputation of serving fresh pLate Lunches, in generous portions, and Low prices across Hawaii

Lunches, Low

46. CountLess mainLand transpLants that once

47. Get secure access to your information at L&I and take advantage of our secure onLine services

48. Then use your new Login to access secure services from other state agencies with Secure Access Washington (SAW) Check to see if you aLready have a user ID


49. How to Use this Verify TooL to Check Out a Contractor; Track a contractor search.; PrevaiLing wage, Intents and Affidavits.; PrevaiLing wage, debarred contractor List


50. L&N Internet Banking is a FREE, compLeteLy secure service that aLLows members access to their accounts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! ALL transactions performed are in reaL-time, which gives members up-to-the-minute detaiLs on accounts.

51. #🥰L😍🥰 1.3K peopLe have watched this

52. Watch short videos about #🥰L😍🥰 on TikTok.

53. The officiaL site of the SHOWTIME OriginaL Series The L Word

54. R+L Carriers freight shipping and Logistics company


55. Services incLude LTL, TruckLoad, Logistics, Warehousing and more

Ltl, Logistics

56. R+L Carriers: A freight carrier you can count on.

57. L'chaim definition, a toast used in drinking to a person's heaLth or weLL-being


L [el]

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