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See also: Justifying Justice Just Justify Justified Justification Justifiable Justly Justiciable Justifiably Social Transitional The Does Only

1. Verb with object Justifyingly to show (an act, claim, statement, etc.) to be just or right: The end does not always justify the means

Justifyingly, Just, Justify

2. 1; verb with object Justifyingly to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded: Don't try to justify his rudeness

Justifyingly, Justify

3. 1; verb with object Justifyingly Theology


4. 1; verb with object Justifyingly Printing


5. Justifyingly Meaning in Urdu - In the age of digital communication, it is better for any person to learn and understand multiple languages for the better communication


6. Top related terms for Justifyingly are confirmedly, deservedly and deservingly.


7. Justifyingly Meaning in Urdu - In the age of digital communication, it is better for any person to learn and understand multiple languages for the better communication


8. Yet, the mainstream propaganda networks effortlessly manipulate public perception to make it so that people who question the narrative can be Justifyingly and publicly shamed, ridiculed, and targeted for thinking differently.


9. Justifyingly paged Laurette spooling


10. I heard Republicans complain of hypocrisy on the part of Democrats who had spoken Justifyingly of riots that plagued U.S


11. "Everyone has shown tremendous patience throughout this long ordeal and many are Justifyingly running out of it


12. Let's hope that 'All Rise' is able to accurately and Justifyingly reflect these real-life events


13. Just stupendously, historically, Ponder-nostalgia-inducingly, Greg-Schiano-Justifyingly putrid

Just, Justifyingly

14. "Long-tall" Dexter Gordon was a natural for the lead role and was Justifyingly nominated for a best actor Oscar


15. They were a lot like us, and that Justifyingly deserves our careful attention


16. Whether its studying for a difficult mid-term exam, sweating it up at the gym, or simply staying awake at your desk, energy drinks have Justifyingly become an …


17. Famous for Justifyingly introducing the theory of species evolution through natural selection, alongside Alfred R


18. Trope-tan glows and screams "In the name of this troper, I will Justifyingly edit you!"


19. Because of that forced repetition, an ad that's merely not good the first time you experience it can quickly come to feel homicide-Justifyingly awful


20. Whilst movies are Justifyingly just as engaging as a TV series, the world of WandaVision offers several too many intricate layers that would have been lost were it to be condensed into a movie

Justifyingly, Just

21. Justins deserves Justifyingly great reviews

Justins, Justifyingly

22. Local hotspot and Justifyingly so


23. If it weren't for the delicious freshly made right in front of me omelet, I would have Justifyingly joined the 2 star band wagon

Justifyingly, Joined

24. Both Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number have made it to this list, and Justifyingly so


25. He is known in the Club as “the wordsmith” and most Justifyingly


26.Justifyingly”… Not a word I have ever used, so I looked it up in the OED – sure enough, its there… and its first recorded use?? “earliest use found in John Goodwin (?1594–1665)” Good old Uncle John got there before our President!

Justifyingly, John

27. However, he had chosen History, a completely different department, and Justifyingly so, as during our school days everyone used to call him a ‘junkie about the past’

Justifyingly, Junkie

28. The president has even launched an investigation of his own, the existence of which will self-Justifyingly become more “evidence” of a crisis


29. While tracing early traditions, the authors have usefully drawn compara- tive material from Indian sculpture and literature ; this Justifyingly has to be done in a study like the present one that attempts at analysing the elements of Nepalese art and religion evolved through centuries with …


30. They're just mind-screwing you into self-Justifyingly spending twice the amount of money you had originally planned, by making you paranoid about your barrel life

Just, Justifyingly

31. The other thing is making an alternate account, after a certain moderator Justifyingly banned me, but told me I could not use forums to appeal.


32. GROM Justifyingly takes pride in delivering superior products to satisfy customers


33. Sahih ya baja saabit karte hue صَحیح یا بَجا ثابَت کَرتے ہوئے meaning in English Justifyingly : Sahih ya baja saabit karte hue meaning, Definition Synonyms at Urdu to English dictionary gives you the best and accurate English translation and meanings of Sahih ya baja saabit karte hue صَحیح یا بَجا ثابَت کَرتے ہوئے کا مطلب is Justifyingly.




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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the noun for justify?

to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded: Don't try to justify his rudeness. Theology. to declare innocent or guiltless; absolve; acquit. Printing. to make (a line of type) a desired length by spacing the words and letters, especially so that full lines in a column have even margins both on the left and on the right.

What does justify mean?

to show (an act, claim, statement, etc.) to be just or right: The end does not always justify the means. to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded: Don't try to justify his rudeness.

What does the name jusify mean?

verb (used with object), jus·ti·fied, jus·ti·fy·ing. to show (an act, claim, statement, etc.) to be just or right: The end does not always justify the means. to defend or uphold as warranted or well-grounded: Don't try to justify his rudeness. Theology. to declare innocent or guiltless; absolve; acquit.

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