Use Judgement in a sentence

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See also: Judgement Judgemental Judgment Judgementally Judgmentalism Value Moral Sound Good Default Clinical Professional Summary Judgmental Judging Judged Judges Judgy A Jackson Can't

1. In American English, Judgement is generally considered a misspelling of judgment for all uses of the word, notwithstanding individual preferences

Judgement, Judgment

2. In British popular usage, judgment was traditionally the preferred form, but Judgement has gained ground over the last couple of centuries and is now nearly as common as judgment.

Judgment, Judgement

3. Judgement is a British spelling of the word usually spelled in North America as "judgment," without the "e." If you're going to sit in Judgement of proper spelling, make sure you're sitting on the eastern side of the Atlantic

Judgement, Judgment

4. The spellings Judgement and judgment

Judgement, Judgment

5. Judgement or judgment—which spelling is the correct one? All judges should base their decisions on sound evidence

Judgement, Judgment, Judges

6. Let’s examine some facts! Both judgment and Judgement appear in print

Judgment, Judgement

7. Let’s start with some old and new examples of Judgement


8. In 1797, author Samuel Johnson used Judgement to define other terms in his English dictionary

Johnson, Judgement

9. A judgment or Judgement can be the formation of an opinion, the mental ability to perceive or discern, or a legal determination from a court of law.

Judgment, Judgement

10. Judgement Day Judgements Written Condemnation Of The Wicked Judgement

Judgement, Judgements

11. Praise the Lord! People Involved In Judgement Exodus 18:13


12. Judgement is the form sanctioned in the Revised Version of the Bible, & the OED prefers the older & more reasonable spelling


13. Judgement is therefore here recommended… –Fowler p


14. ‘Judge Ibbotson reserved Judgement on the case to consider the evidence.’ ‘South African observers praised ‘the tranquillity and the peacefulness’ of the weekend voting, but reserved judgment on whether the process had been free and fair.’

Judge, Judgement, Judgment

15. In law, a judgment, also spelled Judgement, is a decision of a court regarding the rights and liabilities of parties in a legal action or proceeding

Judgment, Judgement

16. Judgement is the accepted spelling in British English


17. A Judgement in Stone (Vintage Crime/Black Lizard) by Ruth Rendell 4.0 out of 5 stars 243


18. Judgement about something He refused to make a Judgement about the situation


19. Judgement on something Who am I to pass Judgement on her behaviour? (= to criticize it) It will probably take some time for history to give its final Judgement on his legacy


20. In somebody's Judgement It was, in her Judgement, the wrong thing to do.


21. Judgement of light isnt factoring in spell power from sheath of light at all in live or in the 3.1 ptr


22. I have no idea if this is intended behavior, but with retribution's large amounts of AP compared to holy's spell power, and due to the fact that the Judgement


23. In law, a summary judgment (also judgment as a matter of law or summary disposition) is a judgment (also, Judgement) entered by a court for one party and against another party summarily, i.e., without a full trial.Summary judgments may be issued on the merits of an entire case, or on discrete issues in that case

Judgment, Judgement, Judgments

24. "IGNITE THE SIN MACHINE! SUFFERING MUST BE MADE!" ~~~Justice, The High Prosecutor Judgement is the final demon encountered in Helltaker, also serving as the final boss fight for the game

Justice, Judgement

25. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Encounter 4 Trivia 5 Gallery Judgement differs drastically compared to the other demons, lacking the typical gloves, red …


26. If Judgement is showing up reversed when asking about a house or a property it can indicate that the place is haunted


27. Judgement tarot card reversed as Personality types Judgement tarot card reversed as personality types can indicate someone operating on a negative vibration.


28. UPRIGHT: Judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution REVERSED: Self-doubt, inner critic, ignoring the call Judgement Description


29. The Judgement card shows naked men, women, and children rising from their graves, arms outspread and looking up into the sky.


30. Judgement reversed can also indicate malicious gossip or false accusations so if you have heard nasty rumours about your partner, make sure you get the facts before you rush to Judgement


31. The Judgement Tarot card reversed can also indicate issues caused by failure to learn from the past.


32. Judgement is the final antagonist of Helltaker.Judgement is the female demon that the titular Helltaker encounters on the final stage to obtain his demon harem


33. Having the moniker of The High Prosecutor, Judgement herself is a demon who tried to punish those who attempted to cause a ruckus in Hell such as the Helltaker himself, and she is shown to be a rather sadistic and sadomasochistic demon



JUDGEMENT [ˈjəjmənt]

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