See also: Score Scordatura Scoured Scored Jacob Jacobin Jacobite Jacobean Jacobian Scope Jacob's Jacobinism Json Jacobina
1. Coords can be an Array with coordinate values ([x, y, z]) or a Jscoord instance
2. Coords.addSet (new Jscoord ([ 100, 100, 100 ]).getSet (coords) Find a Set by coordinates.
3. The Jscoord script also contains a function to allow the calculation of the surface distance between two points of latitude/longitude
4. Jscoord provides some basic mutation methods
5. Jscoord is a simple coordinate and map system for JS
Jscoord, Js
6. Translations of this package with the same functionality are available for JavaScript (see Jscoord) and PHP (see PHPcoord)
Javascript, Jscoord
7. Jscoord mea gov in: Rakesh Upadhyay: Dir [Coord] 23014754: 23794349: dircord mea gov in: Inder Jit Sagar: US [Parliament] 23016244: 23011483: usparl mea gov in: Rajesh Kumar Sharma: US [Education] 49015412: 49015413: osdedu mea gov in: Ms
Jscoord, Jit
8. Jscoord[email protected] Shri Vivek Virmani PO(G), Ex Officio- COO,DIO
9. The coordinate converter is based on Jscoord V1.1.1
10. Jscoord-ddp[at][dot]in: 10: Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities: Shri Kishore Baburao DDG: Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan) 5th Floor, Pt Deen Dayal Antyodaya Bhawan CGO Complex, New Delhi: 01124364395 ddg-depwd[at]gov[dot]in: 11: Department of Ex Servicemen Welfare: Shri Pudi Hari Prasad
11. Jscoord[email protected]: Joint Secretary (AE & Coord.) +91 11 23070927, 23387648 ( Off.) Shri Maneesh Garg ( IAS, HP..1996 ) [email protected]: Joint Secretary (SE-II) +91 11 23386232 ( …
Jscoord, Joint
12. Jscoord: cs2cs tool: Convert from lat long to easting northing Geo::Coordinates::OSGB: Jcoord: Jscoord: cs2cs tool: Work with old maps / data in Cassini Projection Convert between Cassini and its base elipsoid cassini-coord.js
Jscoord, Jcoord, Js
13. 240 107A-D Jscoord[email protected] SMT
14. Looking for the same thing but with JavaScript or PHP? Translations of this package with the same functionality are available for JavaScript (see Jscoord) …
Javascript, Jscoord
15. Jscoord-ddp(at)nic(dot)in: D/o Defence Production: 14
16. There's also a javascript version called Jscoord
Javascript, Jscoord
17. Copy the Jscoord library, extracting the files into the same directory as your other Javascript files
Jscoord, Javascript
18. Jscoord[email protected] 9971336835 52 Labour & Employment PremRanjan Singh [email protected] 81730999 90 R.K
19. Solution 3: PHPcoord, Jscoord, Jcoord ( php, javaScript & java ) This is a PHP library written by a chap called Jonathan Stott
Jscoord, Jcoord, Javascript, Java, Jonathan
20. There's also a javascript version called Jscoord
Javascript, Jscoord
21. The coordinate converter is based on Jscoord V1.1.1
22. Jcoord (Java) Jscoord (JavaScript) PHPcoord (PHP) (javascript includes Radio Ham conversions) WGS84 Lat/Long <=> Irish Grid References
Jcoord, Java, Jscoord, Javascript
23. Solution 3: PHPcoord, Jscoord, Jcoord ( php, javaScript & java ) This is a PHP library written by a chap called Jonathan Stott
Jscoord, Jcoord, Javascript, Java, Jonathan
24. Call_Jscoord Annex 1 – Job Profile and Criteria – Jscoord Annex 2 – Application Form Jscoord General information on the processing of personal data
Jscoord, Job
25. For more limited code (Java, JS, or PHP) try Jscoord »
Java, Js, Jscoord
26. Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence, Government of India, Room Number 135-A, South Block, New Delhi- 110011, Telephone Number: 011-23011553 Jscoord …
27. These may be sent to Dr Amit Sahai, Joint Secretary, Department of Defence Production, Ministry of Defence,Email: <Jscoord[email protected]>
Joint, Jscoord
28. Jscoord[email protected] 9971336835 52 Labour & Employment PremRanjan Singh [email protected] 81730999 90 R.K
29. Jscoord(at)mea(dot)gov(dot)in: South Block Room No.79: 293
30. PARL & COORD DIVISION: ANIL KUMAR RAI JOINT SECRETARY: Jscoord(at)mea(dot)gov(dot)in: South Block Room No.79: 294
Joint, Jscoord
31. I've been using this library to do my conversions: Jscoord – Fran Verona Feb 21 '11 at 13:36
32. (Contact: 011 23012987 & Email: e) The Nodal Officer appointed by the State Government will ensure the collection of the data of all stranded individuals recorded by Indian Missions abroad and who are desirous to return to Himachal Pradesh in close coordination with the Nodal
33. The coordinate converter is based on Jscoord V1.1.1
34. The coordinate converter is based on Jscoord V1.1.1
35. We used OGC protocols like WMS (for maps visualization), WFS (for data extract) or CSW (for resource searches) using web technologies: CodeIgniter framework (+ dom2PDF plugin) for server side, and JQuery (+ JQueryUI, JQuery EaseyUI or Jscoord plugins) for client side.
Jquery, Jqueryui, Jscoord