Definition of jollity 1 : the quality or state of being jolly : merriment 2 British : a festive gathering Synonyms Example Sentences Learn More about jollity
Which is the best definition of the word jovial?
noun the state or quality of being jovial; merriment; jollity.
When does the Muppets use the word jollity?
— Scott Cantrell, Dallas News, 21 May 2021 In these scenes, and many like them, there is a dependable comic rhythm of jollity paired with sudden violence, and the inherent docility of the Muppets’ bodies allows viewers to observe this theatre of aggressive impulses from an amused distance. — Naomi Fry, The New Yorker, 17 Apr. 2021
Who was the best character in the movie jollity?
— New York Times, 3 Feb. 2021 Sorkin overplays the grave jollity inside the courthouse, but as beautifully played by Baron Cohen in easily the film’s best performance, Abbie is the one character whose showboating clearly fronts a deeper concern.