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See also: Jennies Jonas Ginnies Janissaries Jannies Innate Jinns Kinnies Jimmies Jinni Jingoism Innisfree Jingoistic Innisfail Jinn

1. Although to some extent, if one did believe that the jinns and Jinnias did exist, then they story isn’t so much of a whimsical one anymore

Jinns, Jinnias

2. The female jinn, the Jinnias or jiniri, are even more mysterious, even subtler and harder to grasp, being shadow-women made of fireless smoke

Jinn, Jinnias, Jiniri

3. The female jinn, the Jinnias or jiniri, are even more mysterious, even subtler and harder to grasp, being shadow-women made of fireless smoke

Jinn, Jinnias, Jiniri

4. Before leading them into battle she tries to persuade Zumurrud to abandon his dastardly scheme by inviting her fellow Jinnias to subject him to a 'sex boycott'


5. D’ordinaire jinns et Jinnias sont incapables de sentiments mais Dunia faisait exception à la règle et tomba amoureuse du philosophe avec qui elle eut un grand nombre d’enfants

Jinns, Jinnias

6. The female jinn, the Jinnias or jiniri, are even more mysterious, even subtler and harder to grasp, being shadow-women made of fireless smoke

Jinn, Jinnias, Jiniri

7. Il existe des Jinnias sauvages et des Jinnias aimantes mais il se pourrait bien que ces deux sortes différentes de Jinnias ne soient en fait qu’une seule et même espèce, qu’un esprit


8. He trades public humiliation and despair for a fiery love affair with Dunia, princess of the Jinnias, or fairies, and they sire many children.


9. Jinnias that reflected in course luncheon, and S charming compliment service of amber, crystal, Marie and emerald glass [which held the sweet meati iahes


10. The story, on the whole, follows the intermingling of our world and the world of the jinns and Jinnias

Jinns, Jinnias

11. The female jinn, the Jinnias or jiniri, are even more mysterious, even subtler and harder to grasp, being shadow-women made of fireless smoke

Jinn, Jinnias, Jiniri

12. Jinniasを解説文に含む見出し語の英和和英辞典の検索結果です。出典:『Wiktionary』 (2015/09/04 18:01 UTC 版)名詞Jinniasplural of jinnia

Jinnias, Jinniasplural, Jinnia

13. This year’s Thasos I will remember for the African heat in June, and a completely unusual book about jinn and Jinnias by Salman Rushdie

June, Jinn, Jinnias

14. Pris au cœur d’une querelle qui l’oppose à un autre philosophe, Ibn Rushd engendre alors avec une Jinnias, sorte de génie de la lampe femelle, la lignée des Duniazat


15. Il existe des Jinnias sauvages et des Jinnias aimantes mais il se pourrait bien que ces deux sortes différentes de Jinnias ne soient en fait qu’une seule et même espèce, qu’un esprit


16. Os jinn do sexo feminino, as Jinnias ou jiniri, são ainda mais mis-teriosos, ainda mais subtis e difíceis de apreender, sendo como são mulheres -sombra feitas de fumo sem fogo

Jinn, Jinnias, Jiniri

17. Dès lors, jinns et Jinnias rejetèrent Dunia, qui comprit qu'elle devait enfin achever la guerre

Jinns, Jinnias


JINNIAS [ˈzinēə]

  • › How to care for zinnias
  • › How to say zinnia
  • › How tall do zinnias grow
  • › How do you pronounce zinnias
  • › How to prune zinnias

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of word "Zinnia"?

Zinnia Origin and Meaning. The name Zinnia is a girl's name of German, Latin origin meaning "Zinn's flower".

What do Zinnias symbolize?

Named after an eighteenth German botanist called Johann Gottfried Zinn, it appears in Roald Dahl's Matilda as the young protagonist's mother. In the language of flowers, Zinnias symbolize remembrance.

What do Zinnias mean?

Definition of zinnia. : any of a genus (Zinnia) of tropical American composite herbs and low shrubs that have showy flower heads with long-lasting ray flowers.

What are the benefits of Zinnias?

What Are the Benefits of Zinnias?

  • Benefits of Zinnias. Nectar-rich zinnias are wonderful pollinators and will attract bees during their growing season, from May until October.
  • Caring and Reseeding of Zinnias. ...
  • Growing Zinnias in Pots. ...

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