See also: Jest Jester Jesty Jested Jestan Jestered Jestering Jestful Jesting Jestfully Jestingly
1. › Jestingjest [ˈjestiNG] › Synod [ˈsinəd] › Refractoriness [rəˈfrakˌtôrēnəs] › Imperfect [imˈpərfəkt] › Scrollto [skrōl] 2.
Jestingjest, Jesting
2. › Jestingjest [ˈjestiNG] › Synod [ˈsinəd] › Refractoriness [rəˈfrakˌtôrēnəs] › Imperfect [imˈpərfəkt] › Scrollto [skrōl] 2.
Jestingjest, Jesting
3. (via Jestingjest) 6:06 pm • 27 February 2013 • 369 notes
Jesting.] [1913 Webster] 1. To take part in a merrymaking; -- especially, to act in a mask or interlude. [Obs.] --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To make merriment by words or actions; to joke; to make light of anything.
Antonyms for jesting include serious, solemn, earnest, grave, sincere, unfunny, humourless, humorless, thoughtful and introspective. Find more opposite words at ...
The definition of a jest is a joke or teasing remark. An example of jest is what a comedian does. Jest is defined as to joke or tease.