See also: Jawline Jawless
JAWLINED [ˈjôˌlīn]
jawline (noun) · jawlines (plural noun) · jaw-line (noun) · jaw-lines (plural noun)
5 Exercises to Define Your Jawline and Tone Your Face Tongue twister. You might feel frustrated about the extra fat hanging off your chin, however, this exercise is designed to target those muscles. Making vowel sounds. This exercise specifically targets the muscles around your mouth and the sides of your lips. ... Neck curl-up. ... Collarbone back up. ... Lip pull. ...
Dermal Fillers- Injectable fillers placed along the mandible can create a more defined chin and jawline contour. This option is ideal for patients that are almost at their goal appearance but desire a slight increase in definition. Botox ® - Injectable neurotoxins like Botox ® and Dysport fight wrinkles by relaxing muscles.
A defined jawline is when your skin is tight around and underneath your jaw and neck. It doesn't mean you have a square or manly face. Women with very slim faces can have defined jawlines.
Exercises to Help Define the Jawline