See also: Jaundice Jaunty Jaundiced Jauntily Jaune Jaunts Jaundra Jaunted Jaunter Jaunting Jauntiest Jauntiness
1 : yellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by the deposition of bile pigments. 2 : a disease or abnormal condition characterized by jaundice.
It was used to treat a wide range of conditions including jaundice, menstrual pain, anemia, and bad breath. — John Debary, Bon Appétit, 23 Apr. 2021 Only about 55% of patients show symptoms of jaundice, according to Borazanci.
So a man with the jaundice sees everything yellow, and one with red bile on his tongue tastes everything bitter. If it is looked upon by one who has the yellow jaundice, the bird straightway dies, but the sick person becomes well instantly. One of the most prominent symptoms of jaundice is the depression which accompanies that malady.
1 : yellowish pigmentation of the skin, tissues, and body fluids caused by the deposition of bile pigments.