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See also: Jarate Gyrate Jurate Jater Jara Jarabe

1. Jarate, the "Jar-based Karate", is an unlockable secondary weapon for the Sniper.It is a standard mason jar filled with urine that is capped with a screw-on lid

Jarate, Jar

2. Jarate is the last Sniper unlockable from the popular online videogame "Team Fortress 2"


3. Jarate in Community Dictionary Jarate, and/or art of flinging containers of urine at your opponents, is going to cause “psychological harm, blindness, embarrassment, nightmares (to you whilst the star!), self-loathing, difficult spots and intense human body odor."this can be an unlockable move/weapon for Sniper in the game Team Fortress 2.


4. The Jarate is an unlockable item exclusive to the Sniper class


5. Jarate takes the form of a closed jar of what appears to be the Sniper's urine

Jarate, Jar

6. Also, when the Jarate is thrown and broken, the urine will be able to short out the cloaking devices of Spies


7. How to say Jarate in English? Pronunciation of Jarate with 1 audio pronunciation, 3 translations and more for Jarate.


8. Jarate, "the jar-based karate", is a secondary weapon for the Sniper in Team Fortress 2

Jarate, Jar

9. Jarate takes the form of a jar containing urine being thrown at enemies and splashing upon impact

Jarate, Jar

10. The Emerald Jarate is a cosmetic item for the Medic.It is an attachment for the Medic's Medi Gun and Quick-Fix backpack that adds a pair of flasks full of glowing, neon-green liquid on the bottom half, and another small flask on top of the tank on the left hand side


11. Jarate is a thrown jar that splashes upon impact

Jarate, Jar

12. Jumping in water will wash off Jarate

Jumping, Jarate

13. Jarate is also able to short out Spies’ cloaking devices


14. When used on teammates, Jarate will extinguish any fire effects


15. * Jarate is neither affiliated with, nor a substitute for


16. A video demonstrating the Jarate. Any damage deal mini-crits to affected enemies.Recharge time: 20 sEffect du

Jarate, Jarateeffect

17. Corrupt Jarate and Bushwaka +Custom Particles


18. Jarate DeWayne Condit, 23, of Asher, passed away on Tuesday, February 6


19. Like today's Jarate reveal, turning a former April Fool's gag into foul-smelling reality


20. The Insult That Made a "Jarate Master" Out of Sniper May 20, 2009


21. Jarate + Bushwacka lets you take down heavier targets up close! Not to mention how Jarate helps your team! SMG + Kukri/Shiv helps you in general battles, and the SMG can finish off weakened enemies! Personally, I like the J + B combo, lets you take down even Soldiers and Heavies, as long as you have the element of surprise.


22. The videos have been used by Valve to help improve the technology for the game, specifically improving the facial animations, as well as a source of new gameplay elements, such as the Heavy's "Sandvich" or the Sniper's "Jarate"


23. Kinkmeme fill: "Jarate with Sniper/Anyone else (preferably an OCDomfgcleanlinessisgodliness Medic)." Not everyone shares Sniper's enthusiasm for jar-based weaponry

Jarate, Jar

24. Jarate Spy is a YLW Spy freak conceptualized by Simplenoise8


25. 1 Appearance 2 Personality and Behaviour 3 Powers and Abilities 4 Faults and Weaknesses Jarate Spy's appearance is that of a YLW Spy that is permanently coated with Jarate


26. Jarate Spy is not evil, but is very cocky and sarcastic


27. A Jarate Sniper must carry Jarate


28. Behavior [edit edit source] Jarate Snipers toss their jars into large crowds

Jarate, Jars

29. Jarate, or "Jar-based Karate", is a liquid that allows you to deal mini-crits to enemies it's splashed on

Jarate, Jar

30. Doc Jarate used to be a beta-style RED Medic who, along with a Soldier, was responsible for the forceful creation of Weaselcake whose help they needed in order to win the war against BLU


31. When the enraged Weaselcake confronted the duo, he killed the Soldier and Jarate-tised the Medic


32. Jarate!!! The Jarate is an Item that can be Equipped to towers


33. It makes them throw Jarate, and Has the Radius of a Bomb Tower


34. The Jarate pops bloons once before splashing, All bloons splashed will take x1.5 Damage from towers, reveals Camo Bloons and Phasing Bloons, but Remove any Status Effects inflicted by Towers.


35. Jarate Traitor and Detective weapon for TTT


36. Blu Spy was shocked not just by the Jarate, but by catching Sniper in the act of making it

Just, Jarate

37. Jarate is a jar full of urine that covers enemies in its area, dealing mini-crits

Jarate, Jar

38. Capper-Sun Jarate Reskin A Skin Mod for Team Fortress 2 Team Fortress 2 / Skins / Sniper / Jarate


39. Orange flavor! Replaces the Jarate model with a pack of delicious Capper-Sun Juice Drink! Files

Jarate, Juice

40. Please know we are eternally grateful for Jarate ’s service and his ultimate sacrifice


41. To honor Officer Condit, Point 27 sent 27 Thin Blue Line Dog Tag Necklaces, engraved with “Blessed are the Peacemakers for they will be called children of God” Matthew 5:9, to the Chief, Asher Police Department, for Jarate ’s partner and fellow officers.


42. Jarate+bushwacka is one of sniper's best methods of taking someone down in your face


43. Jarate Master is a regular Sniper robot armed with Jarate and Kukri


44. This robot is likely based off the unused Jarate Master


45. The pee stream is a TF2 sprite from a thrown Jarate (yes, thats where my name comes from) bottle, meaning that you have to have Team Fortress 2 installed and mounted in Gmod


46. Jarate replied to Theater_94's topic in …


47. Jarate and Mad Milk seem to be the same, and neither distance nor height thrown from seem to matter


48. Listen to Mr. Jarate SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.


49. Stream Tracks and Playlists from Mr. Jarate on your desktop or mobile device.


50. Find a Grave, database and images ( accessed ), memorial page for Jarate Dewayne Condit (7 Mar 1994–6 Feb 2018), Find a Grave Memorial no


51. Gold mirror charms with Jarate designs


52. The other is Jarate with mint and a lemon! Designs are reflected on the back side of each, just VERY slightly different

Jarate, Just

53. Lots of Jarate spamming may cause server lag! Be aware! Combine with [TF2] Jarate Teammates for extra laughs! See Also: [TF2] Have Some Ballz! ToDo: Add max Jarate cvar to set an upper cap of how much Jarate can be given




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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Jarate Jarate?

Jarate Jarate is the last Sniper unlockable from the popular online videogame "Team Fortress 2". Described as "Karate in a jar", it is literally a glass jar of human urine, ready to be chucked at an unsuspecting enemy. Pronounced like karate, jarate is piss in a mason jar, usually found in the outback of Australia.

Why is it called Jarate in Team Fortress 2?

That piss is called jarate because swearing in an M for MATURE 17+ game is very un-child-friendly. Get the Jarate neck gaiter and mug. Jarate, meaning "karate in a jar", is a unlock-able secondary weapon for the Sniper in Team Fortress 2. It is literally a mason jar filled with urine that is capped with a screw-on lid.

What is a Jarate sniper?

The Jarate is an unlockable item exclusive to the Sniper class. It will replace the Secondary weapon slot. Jarate takes the form of a closed jar of what appears to be the Sniper's urine.

What do you do with Jarate in Fortnite?

It will replace the Secondary weapon slot. Jarate takes the form of a closed jar of what appears to be the Sniper's urine. When used on enemies, they will take mini-crit damage from regular damage for a 8 seconds. Also, when the Jarate is thrown and broken, the urine will be able to short out the cloaking devices of Spies.

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