See also: Jains Janissary Gainsay Jainism Jails Jansen Janssen Jansenism Jansenist Janis Janissaries Janes Jaina Jins Jinsei Janessa Joins Jain
1. Jains equate absolute bliss with absolute knowledge
2. JAINA is the largest organization of Jains outside India and conducts its various programs and
Jaina, Jains
3. Followers of Jainism are called Jains, and there are about 4 million worldwide
Jainism, Jains
4. Jains believe that Jainism is an eternal dharma with the tirthankaras guiding every cycle of the Jain cosmology
Jains, Jainism, Jain
5. For Jains, vegetarianism is mandatory
6. The Jains developed their own legendary history, the Deeds of the 63 Illustrious Men, which Western scholars call the Universal History
7. Jains believe that to attain enlightenment and ultimately liberation from all karmic bonding, one must practice the ethical principles not only in thought, but also in words (speech) and action
8. Jains do not believe in god but rather use the Tirthankaras as guides for their daily lives
9. Jains synonyms, Jains pronunciation, Jains translation, English dictionary definition of Jains
10. Jains often distinguish between two kinds of sacred places: where someone reached final liberation – siddha-kṣetra; where any remarkable event took place – atiśaya-kṣetra
11. The Jains hold that Nemi is the cousin of the Hindu god Kṛṣna
12. The tale of his renunciation and jilting of his fiancée Princess Rājīmati are famous among the Jains
Jilting, Jains
13. Since Jains believe strongly in the principle of nonviolence toward all living beings, their diet is vegetarian
14. Unlike many vegetarians, however, Jains expand their definition of "living beings" to include bacteria and other microorganisms.
15. Young Jains of America, links Young Jain Professionals Young Jains, UK EMail-lists: Jainlist, Jainfriends, YJA, JainTeens, Jain_Pictures, Jain History, JainNet, ShrimadRajchandra more
Jains, Jain, Jainlist, Jainfriends, Jainteens, Jainnet
16. Jains have deep compassion for all forms of life
17. Strict Jains take the vow (called anastamita or anthau) of not eating after sunset
18. Strict Jains do not consume food which has been stored overnight, as it possesses a higher concentration of micro-organisms (for example, bacteria yeast etc) as compared to food prepared and consumed the same day.
19. The Dakshin Bharat Jain Sabha is a religious and social service organization of the Jains of South India
Jain, Jains
20. The association is credited with being one of the first Jain associations to start reform movements among the Jains in modern India.
Jain, Jains
21. Jainism is a religion founded in ancient India.Jains trace their history through twenty-four tirthankara and revere Rishabhanatha as the first tirthankara (in the present time-cycle)
Jainism, Jains
22. For Jains in particular, a central tenet of their faith was a renunciation of violence in all its forms and a concern for all forms of life
23. Jains are proud of the fact their atomistic theory corresponds so well with Western scientific atomism
24. Jains form less than one percent of the Indian population
25. For centuries, Jains are famous as community of traders and merchants
26. Dundas looks at Jainism in its social and doctrinal context, explaining its history, sects, scriptures and ritual, and describing how the Jains have, over 2500 years, defined themselves as a unique religious community.
Jainism, Jains
27. Sri Ram Garden By Jains is a project by Jain Constructions located in Suchitra Circle Hyderabad.::::It is build on an area of 3 Acre encompassing 210 units across 2 towers.::::Sri Ram Garden By Jains comprises of 3BHK and 4BHK Flat.::::3BHK Flat has a range of area from 1910 Sqft to 2350 Sqft having 1, 2 and 3 balcony and 3 bathroom
Jains, Jain
28. Today there are some six million Jains worldwide, and they represent less than 2% of India's population
29. Jains do not believe in a supreme being
30. Jains are vegetarians, and because of their reverence for plant life, strict Jains eat only what they believe is required for sustenance.
31. The Jains, a small religious group believing in an immortal soul, are indigenous to India, and affirm many of the ideas of their Hindu counterparts, but are critical of other Hindu doctrines
32. Jains do not have a traditional place for "God" or "Gods", but do for the omniscient Fordmakers
33. Dundas work in portraying the Jains will have lasting value.
34. There are between 5 and 10 million Jains in the world, mostly in western and southern parts of India
35. Despite the fact that they make up less than 1% of India’s population, Jains have long had considerable influence on the religious, social, political and economic life of that country.
JAINS [jān]
The name Jain means Ancient Indian Religion and is of Indian origin. Jain is name that's been used by parents who are considering unisex or non-gendered baby names--baby names that can be used for any gender. People who like the name Jain also like: Indra, Liam, Ajay, Matrim, Rajan, Javed, Jaser.
Yes of course there is a very complex procedure to become a Jain and it is this:
Well, being a jain, is just like being of any other community. Every community has some uniqueness for which it finds a distinct place in the society. Likewise, whenever one hears of somebody being a Jain. A few things, to the broad extend, strike one's mind. He must be well educated. (Jains have literacy rate 95% in comparison to national average 73%)
Jain is an act of Ninjaing, or taking something or thing. It can also be used as a noun where person calls some one a jain.