See also: Jag Jago Jargon Jagged Jager Jagermeister Jango Jacob Jacobin Jacobite Jacobean Jacobian
1. The Field Guide to Chicago Jagoffs, a delightful piece of satire that explores the brutes and cretins of Chicago past and present, releasing tomorrow
2. A thoughtful debate about Jagoffs
3. Yinz Jagoffs T-Shirt Design - Black Shirt with Gold Print PartyUgly
4. The Jagoffs. Jarred (guitar) left the band at the end of April
Jagoffs, Jarred
5. Yinz Play Football Like Jagoffs - Women's V-Neck (Black) 25.00
6. Pittsburgh 412 Jagoffs Yinzers Steel City Funny Retro T-Shirt
7. Yinz Jagoffs Funny Pittsburgh Saying T-Shirt
8. " No Jagoffs in the newsroom, none in the pape r and none online, please
9. According to the Jagoffs who edit Wikipedia, “jagoff” is “an American English derogatory slang term from Pittsburgh English meaning a person who is stupid or inept.” That jagoff Michael Keaton—a
Jagoffs, Jagoff
10. 412 Against Yinz Jagoffs Funny Pittsburgh Gifts
11. He Knows If Yinz Been Jagoffs Funny Pittsburgh T-Shirt
12. Yinz Are Jagoffs Funny Pittsburgh Gifts
13. Pittsburgh Yinz Jagoffs Funny Stiller Football
14. @mcuban thank you for bringing the term #Jagoffs to the main stream media! We attempted to get it into @MerriamWebster a few years ago lol — YaJagoff (dot) com (@YaJagoff) July 31, 2016.
Jagoffs, July
15. Team home page for Jagoffs, participating in Fall 19 Sunday Coed Soccer @ Riverview Field and Brentwood Park
16. The Jagoffs walk by the Bellevue brewery daily and finally get to grab a growler and graze on some famous apps while talking Bellevue, beer and burgers with co-owners Grant and Lisa, actor DonMike
17. Shop Yinz Run Like Jagoffs pittsburgh t-shirts designed by DJ_Balogh as well as other pittsburgh merchandise at TeePublic.
18. The Jagoffs did not have to railroad Brianna from the Rivers of Steel OR Tom from the Duquesne Incline to talk about their unique jobs at the Western PA Model Railroad Museum
Jagoffs, Jobs
19. Bell And Brown Dumb And Dumber Jagoffs Hoodie and Sweater by DominaTees
20. Surrounded By Jagoffs vinyl car decal
21. It made me think, these really are stories about bathroom Jagoffs
22. Usually, I am a really nice person, so it’s hard for me to identify Jagoffs …
23. These little Jagoffs caused me so much pain
24. Review: '28 Hotel Rooms' Doesn't Get Beyond Just A Couple Of Jagoffs Having An Affair
Just, Jagoffs
25. I’ll also have a rant at the end about Jagoffs! Episode 52.1 Saison DuPont/Beer’d Al
26. While we consider ourselves one of the smallest and non-consequential minnows in sea of much larger Jagoffs, we do illustrate what could be considered uncomfortable facts for Non-Essentials
27. Only small-minded Jagoffs interview someone then jump on Twitter to trash-talk after the fact
Jagoffs, Jump
JAGOFFS [ˈjaɡˌôf]
A jagoff is a jerk, idiot, or really any kind of irritating or unlikeable person, not unlike douchebag. It's closely associated with the city of Pittsburgh, ya jagoff.
What does jag off mean? A jagoff is a jerk, idiot, or really any kind of irritating or unlikeable person, not unlike douchebag. It's closely associated with the city of Pittsburgh, ya jagoff.
Another theory, though, connects jag to another term for “poke,” which can be an annoying action. It’s recorded as early as 1931 for “someone who steals petty items” and in 1938 for an “idiot” more generally.
Where does jagoff come from? Jagoff appears to come from jack-off, a term for a contemptible person, originally someone seen as masturbating ( jacking off) excessively and being very self-absorbed. Another theory, though, connects jag to another term for “poke,” which can be an annoying action.