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See also: Jagged Jagadamba Jaggedly Jaggedness Gaged Jagaban Jaga Jagaloon Jagannatha Jaguar

1. What does the word Jagaed mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word Jagaed in our free online dictionary!


2. Jagaed is NOT a valid word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) Jagaed 15 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Jagaed is NOT a valid word in WWF


3. Definitions for the word, Jagaed


4. This page is a list of all the words that can be made from the letters in Jagaed, or by rearranging the word Jagaed


5. The u/Jagaed community on Reddit


6. Jagaed jagaing jagas: jager jagers jagg jaggaries jaggary jagged (current term) jaggeder jaggedest jaggedly jaggedness: jaggednesses jaggedy jagger jaggerbush jaggeries jaggers jaggery jaggery palm jaggheries jagghery: Literary usage of Jagged

Jagaed, Jagaing, Jagas, Jager, Jagers, Jagg, Jaggaries, Jaggary, Jagged, Jaggeder, Jaggedest, Jaggedly, Jaggedness, Jaggednesses, Jaggedy, Jagger, Jaggerbush, Jaggeries, Jaggers, Jaggery, Jaggheries, Jagghery

7. Matching words include Jagaed, jagers, jagged, jagger, jaghir, jagirs, jagoff, jagras and jaguar

Jagaed, Jagers, Jagged, Jagger, Jaghir, Jagirs, Jagoff, Jagras, Jaguar

8. To guard, watch > JAGAS, JAGAING, Jagaed

Jagas, Jagaing, Jagaed

9. Which jutted pieces of Jagaed granite

Jutted, Jagaed

10. There is only one six-letter word containing 2A, D, E, G and J: Jagaed


11. And n-pentvl derivatives-) The spectrum becomes more Jagaed (due to greater 2' vXalues) with an …


12. Paguyuban Kesenian Kie Sapoe Jagaed


13. Both pieces are large and Jagaed and did a great deal of damage


14. My Land lady always tries to Orubebe me because am a Nigeria but its not easy for me to Jagaed because am a guy


15. In alphabetical order, they are: bagged dagged eagled fagged gagged hagged Jagaed jagged lagged magged nagged ragged sagged tagged vagged vagued wagged zagged.

Jagaed, Jagged

16. Are edae blurring and Jagaed artifacts, 5


17. The varlet, knlKht or roustabout Who couldn't read a line Rolled Knurled and Jagaed language out In manner superfine


18. How many syllables has Jagaed? 2 syllables; More information


19. The word "Jagaed" backwards: deagaj; Anagrams of "Jagaed": 0 (Not exist) Definition of "Jagaed" Words that rhyme with Jagaed


20. Synonyms for "Jagaed" Acrostic of "Jagaed"



JAGAED [ˈjaɡəd]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does jagged means?

adj. 1. Marked by irregular projections and indentations on the edge or surface: the jagged edge of the broken window. 2. Having a rough or harsh quality: "not a stutter exactly but a jagged sound, as if the words were being broken off from some other, stronger current of words deep inside" (Anne Tyler).

Is jagged an adjective?

• JAGGED (adjective) The adjective JAGGED has 2 senses: 1. having a sharply uneven surface or outline 2. having an irregularly notched or toothed margin as though gnawed Familiarity information: JAGGED used as an adjective is rare.

What does Jagg mean?

What Does Name "Jagg" Mean. You are honest, benevolent, brilliant and often inventive, full of high inspirations. You are courageous, honest, determined, original and creative. You are a leader, especially for a cause. Sometimes you do not care to finish what you start, and may leave details to others.

What does jaggered mean?

verb (used with object), jagged, jag·ging. to cut or slash, especially in points or pendants along the edge; form notches, teeth, or ragged points in.

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