See also: Jactitation Jactar Jactarse Jactancia
1. In the 17th century, lawyers began tossing around the word Jactitation, which can be traced back to the Latin verb jactare, meaning "to throw." Originally, Jactitation was used as a word for a false claim or assertion being publicly thrown about to the detriment of another person.
Jactitation, Jactare
2. Jactitating, Jactitation, jactation - If you toss and turn at night, you are jactitating; Jactitation or jactation is restless tossing or twitching. See also related terms for …
Jactitating, Jactitation, Jactation
3. Jactitation Deceitful boasting, a deceptive claim, or a continuing assertion prejudicial to the right of another. One form of Jactitation at Common Law is slander of title—defaming another person's title to real property
Jacti, Jactitation
4. Some jurisdictions provide a remedy when the injured party brings an action for Jactitation.
Jurisdictions, Jactitation
5. Jactitation 1. The extreme restlessness and tossing of delirium. 2.
6. Jactitation Sebastian Shaw (Marvel Comics)
7. Sentence Examples These include Jactitation, stuttering, refusal to eat, anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa
8. She had filed on June 26 a Jactitation of marriage suit against Khan and the case was pending with a family court in Sillanwali, Sargodha district
June, Jactitation
9. • (medicine) Jactitation is an archaic medical term (derived • In law, a false boast or claim, especially one that is intended to harm another • (pathology) extremely restless tossing and twitching usually by a person with a severe illness
10. Jactitation of tithes is the boasting by a man that he is entitled to certain tithes to which he has legally no title
11. Jactitation Deceitful boasting, a deceptive claim, or a continuing assertion prejudicial to the right of another
12. One form of Jactitation at Common Law is slander of title—defaming another person's title to real property
13. Some jurisdictions provide a remedy when the injured party brings an action for Jactitation.
Jurisdictions, Jactitation
14. In medicine, Jactitation (sometimes jactation) is a restless tossing in bed, seen in severe fevers and certain mental disorders; or more generally a tossing to and fro or jerking and twitching of the body
Jactitation, Jactation, Jerking
15. Definition of Jactitation in the dictionary
16. What does Jactitation mean? Information and translations of Jactitation in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
17. Jactitation queasiness , restlessness , uneasiness - inability to rest or relax or be still pathology - the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases
18. Herman experienced a Jactitation in his loins and while in the strictest medical sense of the word this should have been an involuntary …
19. Jactitation - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
20. Ultimate version of Jactitation
21. Jactitation (countable and uncountable, plural Jactitations) Bragging or boasting, especially in a false manner to another's detriment
Jactitation, Jactitations
22. Synonym: Jactitation jactatio capitis nocturna A form of sleep disturbance characterized by nocturnal head-banging.
Jactitation, Jactatio
23. Jactitation or Jactitation of marriage is an archaic cause of action in English and in Irish law
24. Jactitation deuten waiting state macaco napad korenit potvrdit Copy Values legazemberez belated, eleventh hour set fuel-gas systems dark-backed imperial pigeon alternativa as an excuse; for a shift
25. One form of Jactitation at common law is slander of title—defaming another person's title to real property
26. Some jurisdictions provide a remedy when the injured party brings an action for Jactitation.
Jurisdictions, Jactitation
27. Translation for 'Jactitation' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations.
28. In such a case, in order to prevent the common reputation of their marriage that might ensue, the procedure is by suit of Jactitation of marriage, in which the petitioner alleges that the respondent boasts that he or she is
29. Jactitation of Marriage in Pakistan
30. What is Jactitation of marriage in Pakistan The expression “Jactitation of Marriage” is defined in the Wilson’s Anglo-Muhammadan Law
31. Jactitation: argument fallacieux (Droit), inquiétude, agitation, intranquillité, nervosité, argument fallacieux (justice), balancement violent: Translations: 1 – 1 / 1
Jactitation, Justice
32. Jactitation definition: speaking of yourself in superlatives synonyms: brag, vaporing, rhodomontade, crowing, speech act, boast, self-assertion, rodomontade
33. Hypernyms ("Jactitation" is a kind of): queasiness; restlessness; uneasiness (inability to rest or relax or be still) Domain category: pathology (the branch of medical science that studies the causes and nature and effects of diseases) Derivation: jactitate (move or stir about violently)
Jactitation, Jactitate
34. Jactitation definition: the act of boasting Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
35. Jactitation 20 is a valid Scrabble Word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) Jactitation 20 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Jactitation 24 is a valid word in WWF
36. Definitions for the word, Jactitation (n.) A frequent tossing or moving of the body; restlessness, as in delirium.
37. Translation for 'Jactitation' in the free English-Italian dictionary and many other Italian translations.
38. This entry about Jactitation of Marriage has been published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC BY 3.0) licence, which permits unrestricted use and reproduction, provided the author or authors of the Jactitation of Marriage entry and the Encyclopedia of Law are in each case credited as the source of the Jactitation of
39. Sentence with the word Jactitation
40. On the twentieth, wild delirium, On the twentieth, wild delirium, Jactitation, passed no urine; small drinks were retained
41. Kannada words for Jactitation include ಸ್ಪಂದನ, ಕಂಪನ and ಸುಳ್ಳು ಮದುವೆ
42. Jactitation Advertisement If you are haunted by late-night television commercials about "restless leg syndrome," you might find it handy to have the use of the word
43. Jactitation or Jactitation of marriage is an archaic cause of action in English and in Irish law
44. Jactitation in a sentence - Use "Jactitation" in a sentence 1
45. This hypnagogic Jactitation often occurs in the legs, and may occasion a short explanatory dream about stumbling or missing the bottom stair
46. Jactitation is an English language word that is well described on this page with all the important details i.e Jactitation meaning, Jactitation word synonyms, and its similar words
47. Jactitation meaning in Urdu is اچھلنا and Jactitation word meaning in roman can write as Uchhalna.
48. In such a case, in order to prevent the common reputation of their marriage that might ensue, the procedure is by suit of Jactitation of marriage, in which the petitioner alleges
JACTITATION [ˌjaktəˈtāSH(ə)n]
Originally, jactitation was used as a word for a false claim or assertion being publicly thrown about to the detriment of another person. Run-of-the-mill slander and false claims of being married to someone were two common types of jactitation brought to court.
Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Medical, Wikipedia. Deceitful boasting, a deceptive claim, or a continuing assertion prejudicial to the right of another. One form of jactitation at Common Law is slander of title—defaming another person's title to real property.
Jactitation Deceitful boasting, a deceptive claim, or a continuing assertion prejudicial to the right of another. One form of jactitation at Common Law is slander of title—defaming another person's title to real property. Some jurisdictions provide a remedy when the injured party brings an action for jactitation.
Run-of-the-mill slander and false claims of being married to someone were two common types of jactitation brought to court. Before long, jactitation had jumped over to the medical profession, where it continues to serve as a word for restless, jerky, or twitchy body movements.