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See also: Invasively Invasive Evasively Invasiveness Invaluable Invade Invalidate Invader Invariably Invariability Invasion Inva Invaded Invalido Invalids Invasin Invane Invanz Invalidated Invariable Invariant

1. Invasively synonyms, Invasively pronunciation, Invasively translation, English dictionary definition of Invasively


2. ‘Many kidney conditions can now be treated less Invasively by a percutaneous approach through the loin, retrograde approaches through the urethra, bladder, and ureter, or laparoscopy.’ ‘Although not definitive, recent studies have shown that early initiation of lipid-lowering therapy is safe and effective in both medically and Invasively

Invasively, Initiation, Is, In

3. Definition of Invasively in the dictionary

Invasively, In

4. What does Invasively mean? Information and translations of Invasively in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Invasively, Information, In

5. What does Invasively mean? In an invasive manner

Invasively, In, Invasive

6. Measuring pressure Invasively, by penetrating the arterial wall to take the measurement, is much less common and usually restricted to a hospital setting

Invasively, Is

7. Know Labs is changing how we can analyze and monitor molecules non-Invasively

Is, Invasively

8. ‘Many kidney conditions can now be treated less Invasively by a percutaneous approach through the loin, retrograde approaches through the urethra, bladder, and ureter, or laparoscopy.’ ‘Although not definitive, recent studies have shown that early initiation of lipid-lowering therapy is safe and effective in both medically and Invasively

Invasively, Initiation, Is, In

9. Synonyms for Invasively include bellicosely, hostilely, martially, offensively, aggressively, combatively, belligerently, antagonistically, violently and

Invasively, Include

10. But in traditional Muslim societies, the need to search women meticulously -- "Invasively," as Bloom puts it -- is sure to create popular anger.Women of Al Qaeda

In, Invasively, It, Is

11. Ghislaine Maxwell claims she is woken every 15 minutes with a flashlight and "excessively and Invasively searched" in jail awaiting trial on Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking charges.

Is, Invasively, In

12. High mortality for Invasively ventilated patients has been seen in studies from China (49%), Lombardy, Italy (53%), and Germany (55%)

Invasively, In, Italy

13. The Invasively measured ICP is shown in the generally lower traces, while the non-Invasively inferred ICP is shown in the generally upper traces

Invasively, Icp, Is, In, Inferred

14. Active humidification to patients who are Invasively ven-tilated, it is suggested that the device provide a humidity level between 33 mg H 2 O/L and 44 mg H 2 O/L and gas temperature between 34°C and 41°C with a RH of 100% to prevent the drying out of secretions in the artificial airway.10-15 Although modern active humidifiers are capa-

Invasively, It, Is, In

15. _____ That life-sustaining procedures, except nutrition and hydration, be withheld or withdrawn so that food and water can be administered Invasively


16. 15 Invasively ventilated COVID-19 patients with HSV-1 reactivation in TS or BAL were further analyzed

Invasively, In

17. Diagnosing Skin Cancer Non-Invasively: Veriskin, Inc

Invasively, Inc

18. Additionally, the option of ventilating a patient Invasively gives the caregiver greater flexibility in the approach to treatment

Invasively, In

19. Synonyms for Invasively in Free Thesaurus

Invasively, In

20. What are synonyms for Invasively?


21. Inhaled isoflurane via the anaesthetic conserving device versus propofol for sedation of Invasively ventilated patients in intensive care units in Germany and Slovenia: an open-label, phase 3, randomised controlled, non-inferiority trial Lancet Respir Med

Inhaled, Isoflurane, Invasively, In, Intensive, Inferiority

22. Regarding Article, "Clinical Profile and 30-Day Mortality of Invasively Managed Patients with Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome During the COVID-19 Outbreak" Int Heart J

Invasively, Int

23. Although dynamic susceptibility-weighted contrast-enhanced (DSC) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to determine relative cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in normal and pathologic brain tissue, it requires injection of a contrast agent for imaging.5 Arterial spin labeling (ASL) is one of MRI modalities capable to nonInvasively assess the cerebral perfusion by labeling arterial blood with

Imaging, In, It, Injection, Is

24. To conduct this meta-analysis to evaluate the effects and safety of nebulized versus Invasively delivered PS in the treatment of NRDS

Invasively, In

25. Methods: We searched PubMed et al databases from inception date to May 15, 2020 for RCTs that compared nebulized vs Invasively delivered PS

Inception, Invasively

26. You can use the .attach command if the debugger is already debugging one or more processes Invasively

If, Is, Invasively

27. Non-Invasively monitor animal physiology in real time! Maintaining and reporting ideal animal physiological parameters is not only critical to ensuring your animals’ health while under anesthesia, but can have a large impact on your data

Invasively, In, Ideal, Is, Impact

28. Treatment of Invasively Ventilated Adults With Early Activity and Mobilisation (TEAM(III)) The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators

Invasively, Iii, Is, Investigators

29. In patients with COVID-19 who were Invasively ventilated during the first month of the outbreak in the Netherlands, lung-protective ventilation with low tidal volume and low driving pressure was broadly applied and prone positioning was often used

In, Invasively

30. Blow flies may be the answer to monitoring the environment non-Invasively


31. Pulmonary herpes simplex-1 (HSV-1) reactivation in Invasively ventilated patients is a known phenomenon

In, Invasively, Is

32. Therefore, we evaluated our cohort of Invasively


33. Cerebrovascular super-resolution 4D Flow MRI – using deep learning to non-Invasively quantify velocity, flow, and relative pressure


34. NON-Invasively DYE CHARACTERISTICS: Color and Form: 750 nm, Peak Emission: 780 nm Ideal IVIS Spectrum Filter Sets: Ex 745 nm/Em 800 nm Alternatively you can also use the spectral unmixing filter sets using imaging wizard program in the Living Image® software.

Invasively, Ideal, Ivis, Imaging, In, Image

35. A magnetic resonance imaging modality for non-Invasively distinguishing progression of liver fibrosis by visualizing hepatic platelet-derived growth factor receptor-beta expression in mice

Imaging, Invasively, In

36. Non-Invasively measured brain activity is related to progression-free survival in glioma patients, suggesting its potential as a marker of glioma progression

Invasively, Is, In, Its

37. After 48 h (range 42–54) of study sedation, if the patient was still Invasively ventilated and in need of sedation, treatment was continued according to standard of care, at the discretion of the treating physician

If, Invasively, In

38. Among Invasively ventilated COVID-19 ARDS patients admitted to our ICUs in the study period, all the first 42 discharged home were contacted after a median follow-up of 61 (51-71) days after ICU discharge (Figure 1): 39 accepted to reply (adherence rate 93%: one patient was abroad; one had a psychiatric illness; and one was confirmed alive by

Invasively, Icus, In, Icu, Illness

39. Our aim is to identify current airway care practices for Invasively ventilated patients in

Is, Identify, Invasively, In

40. Invasively collected specimens, but no systematic review has hitherto estimated the overall performance of these tests


41. Axon Therapy Offers Maximum Versatility by Delivering NeuraLace's Proprietary Treatment Non-Invasively to Peripheral Nerves


42. Measuring soil moisture content non-Invasively at intermediate spatial scale using cosmic-ray neutrons

Invasively, Intermediate

43. Here, we discuss the translational potential of analyzing patient-derived ONPs non-Invasively isolated through NADH FLIM to reveal AD-related oxidative stress

Invasively, Isolated


INVASIVELY [invasively]

  1. adverb form of invasive

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